Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 36 - The Last Fight!

"Mr. Gray, I'm happy to see you are doing well" Thranduil said while riding his elk moving toward them.

"Mithrandir.." Thranduil also found Gandalf beside Gray and greeted him with some respect.

Gandalf is a very known wizard, he is also the certain owner of the fire ring one of the three elven kings rings, how can Thranduil not know him.

"Why are you here Thranduil?" Gray looked at Thranduil and asked. Since he promised to send him the gems he wants, Thranduil shouldn't come here by himself like this.

"I heard from Legolas that you were hurt to save him... You have my thanks Mr. Gray" Thranduil looked at Gray with thankful eyes. But then his eyes changed.

"We found that a big army of orcs is moving toward the mountain. I came here to aid you in this war. Also to get back what belongs to me" Thranduil said his real purpose to Gray.

The orc army was much bigger than the original movie because of Gray. Azog wasn't able to hide all his traces like the original by walking underground. So the elves were able to find their traces.

The mountain can be said to be the center of many things. Its strategic location is very important. If the orcs occupy the mountain. This will be a very bad thing for all of the middle earth. That's also one of the reasons why Thranduil came here. The Mirkwood is very close to the mountain. If the orcs managed to occupy the mountain. He will be the first one to fall probably.

"You don't have to thank me, Legolas is my partner. This is what I should do" Gray smiled and said his thoughts.

After hearing Gray's answer. Thranduil looked at Tauriel who was standing behind Gray.

Even though she has changed somehow. Thranduil was still able to recognize her. But what made him feel weird that she's not a normal Silvan Elf like before. But a high elf.

After thinking about Gray's miracle transformation. Thranduil realized that her change may be because of Gray.

Tauriel also looked at Thranduil with embarrassment. Thranduil is her old king. She left the forest against his words, which means that she betrayed him. So she's not sure how to face him.

Seeing Tauriel embarrassment. Gray put his hand on her shoulder and smiled toward Thranduil.

"Thranduil let me introduce you. She is the high elf Tauriel, my companion" Since Tauriel joined his team, Gray won't let her or Legolas face any embarrassment. After all, they are his future family .

"Well... Mr. Gray, you really got yourself a good companion" Thranduil can see what Gray was trying to do. So he didn't say anything more and moved toward the tent that his soldiers already built for him.

"Thanks" Tauriel looked at Gray with a grateful look, she was really nervous.

"Don't thank me, you're my companion, you don't have to fear anyone on the future" Gray said his real thought, With his ability sooner or later, he and his companions will become stronger.

Hearing Gray's words both Tauriel and Legolas were surprised. But more grateful, during the last couple of days Gray showed them many surprises. So they started to believe what he says.

Thranduil brought a couple of carts full of food with him. Apparently for the starving people from the lake town. Thranduil nature is very good in fact. In the movie, even though he was ready to fight with the dwarves and kill them. But when the orcs attacked, he still joined and fought with them. If it wasn't for the gems that Thráin refused to return. He wouldn't give the dwarves a cold shoulder when the dragon attacked the mountain.

After that Gandalf with Gray, Bard, and Thranduil talked about the coming war.

"Gandalf did you met Thorin's father?" Gray suddenly thought of something and asked Gandalf.

"Yes..." Gandalf felt weird about Gray's question. He really has met Thráin. Even though he wondered how Gray knows, he didn't ask. Gray has many weird secrets. As long as Gray wasn't an evil person that enough for him.

Hearing Gandalf's answer. Gray directly took Gandalf back to the mountain. And went were Thorin stays. The king's hall.

It this moment Thorin was sitting on his Throne looking around with empty eyes. What Gray told him before kept repeating on him mind, again and again, so he's struggling right now. struggling with himself.

When Gandalf saw Thorin his eyes were somehow disappointed. He always found Thorin as the wisest one of his family. But to think he will reduce to this look.

Gray didn't speak much with him and grabbed his hand and Gandalf's hand. Gray already told Gandalf that he has a way to help Thorin to awake from his greed. So he didn't say anything about Gray's action.

And Thorin tried to remove Gray's hand but soon he calmed down. On his mind suddenly a new memory appeared. Memories of his father talking with Gandalf.

Seeing those memories, Thorin's eyes moistened. His father's miserable face and the last words he said to Gandalf directly entered his heart.

His father actually was treated like this all this time. And his last words; "Tell Thorin that I love him". Really broked his heart.

"The orcs army are heading toward the mountain, The elf and the human outside need your help so we can fight with them. Thorin, it's not time to keep thinking about your treasure. You have more important things to guard" Gray removed his hand and said to Thorin.

To tell the truth Gray wanted to copy his own memories when watching the movie before. But he always felt wrong. His memory doesn't give a real feeling. Only a real memory like Gandalf's memories can give a good impact on Thorin.

After this Gray left with Gandalf. leaving Thorin struggling with his thoughts. But this time Thorin's eyes started to change. Gray said that the orc army is coming.

"Azog..." Azog was the one who took his father. Thorin at this moment wants revenge. He also started to realize how cheap and sad he was acting Those days.

After many thoughts, Thorin's emotion calmed down and his eyes became as strong as before. He directly took the crown from his head and throw away while heading out of the room.

Gray and Gandalf returned to the city. And was talking with Thranduil about the plan of the next war.

To tell the truth Gray doesn't have any plan. He's planning to charge directly with Legolas and Tauriel. With their power right now he doesn't think the orcs army will be a threat to them.

"Report. The dwarves inside the mountain are coming toward us" Suddenly an elf warrior came from outside and reported to Thranduil.

"What?" Thranduil was surprised by what he heard. Legolas already told him that Thorin is falling to his greed. So he didn't think Thorin will leave his mountain any time soon.

Hearing the elf warrior report. A smile appeared on Gray face. He knows that his plan worked. With Thorin joining, things will be easier.

Gray with everyone in the room went out to meet Thorin and his companion.

"So you finally back to your mind" Gray looked at Thorin with a smile. The happiest one at this moment wasn't Gray. But the dwarves behind Thorin. these days they saw how Thorin was changing but couldn't say anything. After all, Thorin is the king. Finally, he went back normal, so they were very happy at this time.

After greeting Gray and the others. Thorin looked at Thranduil and said; "I'll return what belongs to you after the war"

When they were caught before. Thranduil offered to help him and let him go in exchange with the gems. But Thorin's hatred for elves didn't allow him to accept.

But he doesn't have the same hatred anymore.

After that everything went smooth, The humans who cant fight entered the mountain. And Thorin also let elves move around the mountain to get ready for the next war.

With this everything settled and all they had to do is to wait for Iron mountain dwarves to come. Thorin already sent a message to his cousin Dáin to came here and help him guard the mountain.

Early on the next day Dáin finally reached the mountain. When he saw the elves all over the mountain he got very angry apparently thought that the elves occupy the mountain form Thorin. But soon Thorin came out and greeted him.

After explaining everything to him. Dáin directly accepts joining on this war. Even though he doesn't like the fact that he will fight with the elves side by side. But he also doesn't want the orcs to occupy the mountain.

The warriors of the elves and the dwarves directly took their positions. And all they have to do is waiting.

Gray with Tauriel and Legolas stood together in front of the army. Looking at the direction that the orc will come from. Gray coped for both Legolas and Tauriel [Block] skill and the mutant genes.

The reason why he didn't copy the mutant genes for them before. Because he wanted to give them what suits them the best. But now he doesn't have much choice. The war will start and rising there strength what he has to do. Gray doesn't want to lose his hard found companions.

Legolas was wearing the golden armor. The armor Gray picked for him before. And Tauriel was wearing the mithril shirt he gave her. In this way everything was ready.

"TOCK TOKC TASK" Suddenly the earth around the mountain starts shaking. And a weird cry of a beast can be heard coming from the underground.

"AGHAAAAAA" From the sky another sharp scream appeared. And a group of large, winged creatures without feathers, appeared from the sky led by a person wearing a crown of iron and black robe. His face can't be seen as if a shadow was wearing the robe, not a person.

The Witch-king of Angmar, the leader of the Nazgûl.

Seeing this every one tensed, they know that the war about to begin.

"Tauriel... That guy up there cant be killed by man. I'll leave him to you" Gray looked at Angmar and suddenly he smiles and said.

"Can't be killed by a man???"....

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