Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 38 - Return To The Real World

Its been a week since the war.

The orcs were chased by the elves and dwarves and most of them were killed.

Thranduil ordered his soldiers to destroy Dol Guldur once and for all, and also removed the spider source beside his kingdom.

Gandalf with Bilbo already left heading back to The Shire; Bilbo's home. Apparently Gandalf was interested in that place.

And Thorin was officially crowned as the King under the mountain. And Gray with his party became very will known heroes around the middle earth.


At this moment. Gray was sitting on a cliff looking at the mountain not far away from him.

From the pattern on his hand, he can see that soon he will return to the real world. It should be at any minute today.

"Are we leaving today?" Legolas was standing beside Gray with Tauriel. Gray told them that they will leave today. But till now Gray didn't move just sitting there looking at the mountain.

"Yes we will leave soon, just wait" Gray answered him while thinking.

In the last world, he stayed for one month. But in this world, he stayed much longer than before. Gray had some guesses on his heart.

Maybe with the end of the plot in every world, he will come back. But this also didn't make sense from him. If he entered a world were the plot time is so long like hundreds or thousands of years. Will he stay inside for such a long time? if that happened, the crown will suck him to death!

"Mehh." The more he thought of it the more he couldn't figure it out. Anyway sooner or later he will know. Just hope that his thoughts weren't right.

"Mr. Gray" Thorin came to Gray, apparently have something to say.

"Thorin" Gray looked at Thorin with a smile. Its been a month since the last war. Thorin did not disappoint him and acted like a proper king. The old city was rebuilt and Bard became master of the city. Thorin shared the gold inside the mountain with everyone. And the relationship between him and elves was much better than before.

"Are you sure that you won't take your share from gold?" Thorin came to Gray's side and asked again. Thorin wanted to give Gray a part of the gold Gray. But Gray refused. After all, he has no use for gold.

"I told you before, I cant move all this gold with me, it will only be a restriction for me" Gray said.

"Then...." Thorin suddenly took a silver necklace from his pocket and give it to Gray.

"This is..." Looking at the necklace on his hand Gray was surprised. This necklace looks so clean and beautiful. But what surprised him was the stone in the middle of the necklace.

"This is the only thing I can give to you as thanks for all that you did for us" Thorin knows what Gray wants to say. So he insisted that Gray took it.

"Don't you need it as a king?" Gray asked Thorin strangely.

"I'm now the king, Naturally I can change such rules." Thorin looked at Gray and said with a strong smile on his face.

After some chat, Thorin said goodbye to Gray and his party for the last time and left.

"Mehh" Gray looked at Thorin back then looked at the Arkenstone that were put inside the necklace and sighed. To think Thorin will give him the dwarves treasure as thanks.

The more Gray looked at the stone the more he felt the beauty of this stone.

No wonder Thorin gave it a very exaggerated description before; "t was a globe with a thousand facets; it shone like silver in the firelight, like water in the sun, like snow under the stars, like rain upon the Moon!" This description completely fits this stone. Gray even wondered if there is another magical use of this stone. But after some check he found nothing. It's just a useless beautiful stone.

"So beautiful..!" From his side, Tauriel sound came. She was looking at the necklace with glowing eyes.

Looking at Tauriel's reaction. Gray directly threw the necklace to her. Gray is not planning to put it anyway, besides he can see that she likes it.

It's not that Gray doesn't respect the gift that Thorin gave to him. But he can't really use it, besides Taureil and Legolas is his companion so there is no problem giving it to her.

Gray already cleaned the curses and the problems on the rings he got from the Nazgul and gave two rings to Legolas and Tauriel. His ring completed the transformation, and the way of controlling other rings also changed somehow.

Gray can decide what kind of thought the other rings will give their holders. For example, he gave the ring's idea called {no betrayel}. This idea won't brainwash their mind or make them more loyal to him. But simply planting the idea that will let them never betrayal him in the future. they can leave his side or have an opposite opinion from himself, this idea won't control their will or their minds and made them like servents for him only following his orders.

Gray doesn't like the idea of forcing others against their will. What he wants is companions, not puppets. But he also doesn't want to be betrayed someday. That why he set this idea inside the rings.

Gray also found that he can put ideas on other things not only the rings.

This week, his ring completed its transformation completely and its look has completely changed. The original ring was gold with a some runes on it. But the new ring is Shiny black. with a weird pattern and an empty slot in the middle. Weirdly after the ring completed its transformation it didn't give him any new ability as he thought. Just strengthened the basics abilities.


As he was thinking about the ring changes. Gray felt his hand started to heat up. Looking at the complete pattern on his hand Gray directly caught Tauriel and Legolas' hands.

Before any of them reacts the vortex appeared from the void and sucked the three of them away. Leaving this world completely and only legends about the white-haired elf and his companions were left.





In a green forest, the sun sparkling on the green leaves, from time to time you can hear the sound of animals from inside.

In this quite forest suddenly blue vortex appeared in the mid-air and three people appeared from it.

"Success" Gray looked at the dizzy Tauril and Legolas and smiled happily. He wasn't sure if they will cross with him or not. But since the vortex takes him with everything on his body. He guessed that they will come with him if they were in touch. And as he expected he was able to take them with him.

"Where are we?" Tauriel shocked her head and looked around, trying to figure where are they.

Legolas also looked around wondering how they appeared here.

Gray looked at them and started to explain to them. He copied for them everything about this world and the fact that they left their original world already. And he also told them about his ability to cross between worlds.

After hearing Gray's explanation and the new memories inside their heads. Both Tauriel and Legolas were speechless.

From the memories, they can see how messed up this world is. But what made them speechless more is actually Gray's ability. To be able to copy others' abilities and move between worlds. No wonder he was able to raise their strength so fast like this. This is simply a god ability!!

Legolas and Tauriel felt that it was the best choice they made to follow Gray.

"Well, that's all that you need to know. Now our only plan is to keep getting stronger, stronger till no enemy can stop us" Gray told them everything since he was planning to take them with him in the future he naturally will tell them about his ability. But he didn't tell them that the world they used to live and will cross on the future was actually a movie in this world.

Gray crossed for the second time and experienced many things, so he doesn't think that the world he crosses is a fake world. But a completely real world, he doesn't know why those worlds actually exist and recorded as movies made by others in the real world. Even though he made some guesses, nothing is real for now. Maybe when he reaches a certain level in the future he will know the answer.

After that Gray's party started moving toward the cave he left Mary's squad the last time. Along the way, Legolas and Tauriel asked many questions. And Gray answered them one by one.

Soon Gray reached the cave where he and Mary's squad hid in before he crosses the world. Looking at this cave Gray remembered how weak he was. But he's not the same anymore.

After checking, Gray didn't find anything inside.

Seeing this, He didn't stay and wanted to go back to the base. Since Mary and the other is not here. They should have already left the forest and went somewhere else. Maybe he will find them inside the base.

Along the way, Gray wore a silver mask on his face and also let both Leogals and Tauriel wore masks that they prepared before.

He doesn't think others will recognize Legolas or Tauriel. Even though they have almost the same face as the actors who played their roles in the movies. But in reality, they are much more perfect then they are in the movie, just like an upgraded vision. And it's been more than three years since the apocalypse started. So not many people will be able to recognize their faces.

And After Tauriel became a high elf, her look changed and became much more beautiful than before.

And this is also the main reason why they wore masks. Their outstanding look may not be a good thing in this world. especially Tauriel. As a woman, she may be targeted by others.

Gray doesn't want such unnecessary troubles. Even if he's much stronger than before. He knows that his strength still very weak in this world.


After walking for half an hour, Gray's party went all the way toward the Glory base. Along the way, They met many evolved beasts that tried to attack them. And without exception, all of them were cut to halves.

Soon Gray was able to see the Glory base. But as soon as his eyes saw the base. His face under the mask suddenly changed!!.

"How can this.....!!!"

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