Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 40 - Crown Third Awakening!

After an hour. Gray flew all the way toward the city where he met Mary squad before.

On the highest building in the city, Gray floated down.

"Tauriel can you heal her?" As soon as he entered the building. Gray asked Tauriel.

Mary's wound is getting worst as time passes. So she needs fast treatment.

"Yes I can, I only need some time," Tauriel said with a confidant.

For Tauriel's words, Gray doesn't have any doubt. She was able to remove the dragon blood from his body before. So it's normal for Tauriel to heal Mary.

After that Tauriel took Mary and entered an empty room inside the building.

While Gray and Legolas started clearing all the zombies inside the building.

After half an hour Gray and Legolas killed all the zombies around. The zombies around weren't that strong only couples of second-order zombies. Those zombies are so weak for the current Gray and Legolas.


"How is she?" After clearing all the zombies around, Gray and Legolas went back to the top floor and asked Tauriel whos was standing outside of the room.

"She's okay, I used some herbs I was carrying with me. She only needs some rest and will wake up soon" Tauriel talked about Mary's situation.

"Well...." Gray heard her words and felt a little better. Mary is the only one in this world who can be called a friend in the real world. If it wasn't for her, Ogi and Allen's care. Gray doesn't think he would be alive by now.


Gray was resting in the hall. While checking the equipment he took from the base. Inside the space bags, He found many materials, which is enough for them to spend for some time. After that, he took the crystal detector. Gray pointed the detector at himself, to know how many crystal pointe he reached.

He's already a third-order awakener, So he should have reached more than 100 pointe.

After the light appeared from the detector and scanned his body, a number appeared on the detector.

198 C.P(Crystal points).

Looking at this number, Gray knows how much stronger he got in the middle earth. When he crossed before. He only had 10 C.P. Now he has almost 200 C.P, which means he's twenty times stronger.

The C.P doesn't represent everything. For example, the sword skill or the ring abilities won't be counted by the detector. So Gray's strength right now can fight with any second-order awakened. As long as that awakener doesn't have any weird ability.

"Still weak," Such word appears on his heart. His strength is really weak compared to the other awakeners in this world. From the memories he saw before, Gray can see how weak he is right now. If he met awakener like that Angel. Gray won't have the chance to even run away.

Thinking of this Gray thought about the base.

After seeing the base destroyed Gray found himself not really angry, only some emptiness inside his heart. In this world, that base was always his home. After one year from the apocalypse, his father became a third-order awakener and built that base. So Gray always thought of the base as his thing and was looking forward to the day he will get the base back.

But now? The base was destroyed. The only thing he wanted to own in this world has gone. So he's not sure what he would do from now on...

"Gray.." Suddenly Tauriel came and sit in front of him.

"Are you okay?. Since we left that ruined base and you weren't acting right. If there's something bothers you, you can tell me, we are your companions after all" Taruiel was able to see that Gray wasn't acting right since he saw the base. Even though she wasn't able to see his face under the mask. But form his voice tone she knows that he's not in a good mood.

Looking at Tauriel in front of him, Gray didn't know what to say. He's not clear about his thought right now, should he be happy because Mary is still alive or sad about the destroyed base. The emptiness inside his heart made him wonder.

Normally, he should be angry about the base and even start thinking about revenge. But Gray found that he doesn't have such feelings. No anger no sadness. Just nothing...

People after the apocalypse gathering inside the bases only to survive, not many people will have feelings with others. So Gray found himself actually doesn't have much attachment to the base. Only because his father built it, he wanted to own the base.

After some thoughts, Gray smiled towards Tauriel and said; "It's okay, I just realized something I didn't realize before".

From Tauriel's question, Gray woke up.

Yes. Even if he lost the base, he still has Tauriel and Legolas with him. People he really can care about.

Base? He could build another one, not simply a base, But a kingdom if he wants in the future.

His strength is weak? He only crossed two times and already became much stronger than before. As long as he didn't meet a strong awakener or zombie higher than third order. Gray has confidence that he will become stronger than them sooner or later.

As his thought became clearer, The crown on his head started to shine. Looking at the crown, Gray knows that the third evolution of the crown came.

"AGHAAAA!" But unlike the first and second one. Gray felt great pain coming from his body and mind. As if something forcibly removed from his body. And the crown is really taking something from his body. The first time the crown awakened it took only 10GB of his life span while he's on coma so he didn't feel it. And the second time the crown awakened while he's evolving from human to high elf, so he didn't feel this pain. But now the crown is taking 1000GB of his life span. So the pain he taking right now was big.

"Gray!, what happens" Tauriel saw Gray screamed from pain like this, was scared, and directly came to his side, trying to help him. She looked at the crown and wanted to touch it, so she can remove it. She can see that after the crown shined, Gray started to feel pain.

"Don't... Touch it... It will... end soon" Gray who was in pain. Controlled himself and said. Even though the crown is taking so much life energy from him. He's a high elf right now. So he can bear such pain. After all, the crown is only taking 1000Gb and he has more than 10million GB(10PB).

"But...." Seeing Gray looking at her while saying this with a pained voice. Tauriel was unwillingly and stepped back. Just watching him suffering from pain.

"What happens?" Legolas came down from the roof and asked Tauriel while looking at Gray. He heard Gray cry from the outside so he was worried.

Tauriel explained to him, so he also stood beside her waiting.

After ten minutes of torture. Finally, the crown ended its evolution.

"Finally ended" As the crown evolution ended. Gray exhaled a deep breath and said.

"Gray! are you okay?!" Tauriel was so worried about Gray. So she came to his side trying to see if there is something wrong.

"Don't worry, I'm okay..." Gray said with a smile at his face. Gray was in a good mood right now. The message about the new skill the crown gave him already appeared on his mind.

Looking at Gray smiling toward her. Tauriel's blushed a little and stepped back.

After that, Gray explained to them about the crown. After hearing Gray's explanation. Both Tauriel and Legolas were stunned, to think such a brutal crown actually exist. Take away the life of its host in exchange with ability. Such an artifact they don't want.

"Well, since your here, Let me show you something" Gray took the crystal detector and explained to them.

After scanning both of them, Legolas C.P was only 87, while Tauriel reached 80. It's not good, but not bad. They are elves. Elves have much more energy than humans inside their bodies. Besides Gray trained them in the last week before leaving the middle earth. Maybe because of his memories that he copied for them or because of the magnet field between them. Both Legolas and Tauriel developed their ability so fast.

After telling them about the C.P. Gray gave them two Space bags that were originally for Ogi and Allen.



"TRAK" While talking. Mary came out of her room.

"Mary, your awake..." Gray said while looked at Mary who was staring at them with doubt.

"This voice... You are Gray?" Looking at Gray's completely different person. Mery said with doubt. It's been only one day since she saw Gray. How can a person change so much in one day?

"Yes it's me," Gray said this and waved his hand showing his ability to let her confirm his identity.

"So it's not a dream. Zed is really dead" After confirming Gray identity Mary whispered those words. She heard Gray telling her that Zed is dead before she lost consciousness.

Then she looked at Legolas and Tauriel.

"They are my new companions.." Gray introduced both Legolas and Tauriel to Mary.

After that Gray explained to her about the base destruction. After hearing Gray's words Mary was silent for a while.

"Should we go to Hero base?" After some silence, Mary wanted to go back to Hero base. Originally she was a survivor from that base, but because she lost her way before, she met Gray and went to Glory base. If it wasn't for Zed on the Glory base Mary would have long returned to Hero base.

"Hero base..." Gray thought about this before. But he doesn't want to attract attention. Glory base is s strong base. Gray knows that many strong people are staying there. With his current power level, going there will be so dangerous.

After thinking for a while. Gray made a decision, he will go there but not now. After returning from the third world. He will go to the Hero base.


(Author: ಠ_ಠ What an annoying chapter.... I won't fix it any more!)

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