Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 42 - Death Queen!

"Are you ready" Gray was floating in the air and said to the three people behind him.

"Yes," Tauriel behind Gray clinched the swords on her hand and said. While Legolas and Mary behind her kept silent but their eyes were serious.

Seeing that everything was ready. Gray at the city under him.

Its been five days since the tree accident. Before three days Gray decided to leave the city where they were standing and move slowly toward the Hero base, Anyway staying there was useless for him. And the tree is not there anymore. So his plan is to cross the third world along the way and when he came back he will continue his away towards Hero base. But he found this city today.

This city is one of the biggest cities around. Z City. He can remember how beautiful this city was. But now all he can see is a dark city full of walking dead.

The reason why Gray wanted to enter this city because the zombies around this city are acting weird. After some observation, Gray found that the zombies around the city are moving in circles As if guarding the city. Zombies are dead creatures left with animal instinct only. That's why he was worried. Those zombies shouldn't act like this alone, maybe there is something or someone is controlling those zombies. So Gray wants to check the city. If there's really something or someone controlling those zombies. Gray will try to destroy it as soon as possible. And if he failed, then he will run away. And think of another way.

Zombie's evolution is faster than human evolution, But because of the lack of wisdom, they can't fight alone against normal awakeners at the same level.

If someone able to control and lead the zombies. Gray can see how bad the situation will be. Not for him only but for all who survived till now.

Slowly Gray and his party floated in a dark alley and started sneaking around the city.

After some search, they found the zombies actions really weird. most of them were staying in groups standing in front of all passages leading to the main city center. Seeing this Gray knows that they cant reach the city center like this.

"You stay here I'll go check the city center by myself and come back soon" Gray's ring allows him to become invisible so he's planning to sneak alone to see what happening.

"No, it's dangerous to go alone" But Tauriel directly refused to allow Gray to go alone. Even Legolas and Mary nodded their heads.

"I don't know what I will meet there. if I met something dangerous I can run away by myself. Don't forget I can become invisible" Gray can see that they are worried about him, but what he said also true. If they met a strong enemy there, it will be dangerous. By himself, it will be easier to run away.

Seeing Gray putting it in this way. Tauriel was annoyed and didn't talk anymore. Just watching Gray leaving alone.

"Don't be angry, what Gray said is true, we are still weak if there's a fifth-order zombie or higher, we won't have the chance to run away. He's doing the right thing" Mary came to Tauriel's side and said this trying to calm her.

"Weak...." Hearing her words. Tauriel only whispered this word not knowing what she was thinking.


Gray floated slowly while he's an invisible state. Soon he reached the center of the city.

Looking at the big space filled with zombies in front of the main city house. There were countless zombies standing there. Only standing without sound just watching the huge broken dark gate of the main city house.

Looking at that huge house. Gray knows what controls the zombie is inside.

"Should I enter.." Gray was hesitating to enter that hall. He doesn't know what he will find inside. After some thoughts, Gray decided to take a look. If something dangerous appeared he will run away directly.

Slowly Gray floated down toward the house gate but didn't stand in the ground and kept floating in a low altitude. If he walked to inside the zombies may hear his footsteps.

After entering the dark big house. He found himself in an empty big hall. Looking around Gray couldn't see any zombie inside.

"TRAK TRAK" While looking around. Suddenly a footsteps sound appeared in the hall. Hearing this sound Gray became more vigilant.

"You have finally appeared, My lovely king" A female sound suddenly appeared from behind him directly speaking into his ears.

"What!!" Gray directly related and waved his sword toward the sound source.

"TRINK" But his sword was actually caught by two dark purple fingernails. Seeing this. Gray directly let go of his sword and went back more than ten meters to make a distance between him and who caught his sword.

"It's not good to attack me in our first meeting like this my king," The person who caught his sword said while scratching on the sword body with his sharp fingernails.

Gray looked at the person in front of him with amaze. Very long black hair, Two purple-black beautiful eyes as if holding the evil of the world itself, smooth baby face, a purple mark under her eyes looks like tears. Long and beautiful body. Dressing a black robe.

"Are you shy my king. Don't keep hiding like this, I want to see your face" This extremely beautiful girl said this and suddenly appeared in front of Gray.

"So fast" These words appeared on his mind. Before he could even react the girl already removed the mask from his face.

Gray jumped back again. And his heart is more frightened. With her speed, if she wanted to kill him. Gray is sure that he won't be alive till now.

The girl held the mask on her hand and said with disappointment; "Why are you still hiding My king. Is it because of your hand? Should I cut it to be able to see you"

"You don't have to!" Gray was frightened even more by her words. What does her word mean? She can't see his body but she knows where he is. And she already knows that the ring on his hand actually the reason why he can become invisible. So he showed himself directly, or she might really cut his hand.

"So handsome! As expected from my king. Only a perfect creature like you can be worthy to stand beside me!" Gray looks after the transformation can be said to be the best between the best. So when she saw Gray look. She was more satisfied with Gray and said this.

"Your king?" Gray heard her saying this word before. But he couldn't understand. When he became her king? He's pretty sure that this should be his first time to see her.

"Yes! between all the creatures I have seen, I couldn't find any qualified person to be my king. But as soon as you entered this city. I was able to feel it. My king, you have something special within you. Something makes you qualified to be my king! something....." This girl said this and looked at Gray with somehow crazy eyes.

"You're not a human, are you" After hearing her word Gray thought some horrible idea. So he wanted to confirm.

"Is it matter? Your not human yourself... Well, you can think of me as an evolved zombie" The girl didn't care about this fact and said this as if it a normal thing.

"Zombie! shes really a zombie!" Gray couldn't believe what he heard!. The reason that the human survived until now was that the zombie doesn't have any wisdom. But know this girl in front of him is actually a zombie? Gray felt very cold on his heart. From her words, he can see that her wisdom is very high.

"Well... Let's not talk about this, my king. Since I finally found you, I won't let you leave my side anymore" The girl smiled happily and walked toward Gray.

Hearing her words Gray knows that he can't talk anymore and directly controlled the metals around the hall to attack her.

It's just that his reaction is very slow compared to this girl.

"Why are you trying to attack me?" The girl appeared in front of Gray with a sinister smile and put her hand on Gray's shoulder.

As soon as her hand touched Gray. Gray knelt on his legs and couldn't even use his power again.

"You..." Gray wanted to speak. But as soon as he saw her eyes, Gray couldn't speak anymore.

Her two eyes gave Gray pressure he never felt before.

"Your still so weak my king. But it's okay when I change you to my kind you will get stronger by in no time" The girl said this and put her hand on his face while looking at him from above.

Gray lowered his eyes and murmured something.

"Oh. How bad of me. I forget to introduce myself. I'm Chandra your future queen. what about you" Chandra said this with a happy smile on her face.

Gray lowered his eyes and murmured something.

Chandra wanted to ask what Gray was saying but suddenly she found something wrong.

"What is this?!!" She looked at her hand which slowly petrify and stepped back.

"You can do such a thing! As expected from my ...." Before Chandra completes her word her entire body turned into a stone.

"*Sighhhh*....." Gray took a deep breath and looked at Chandra who already turned into a stone.

Gray was so frightened just now if he didn't use the attribute he extracted from the stones before. He doesn't know what would have happened to him right now.

Yes, this was the last thing Gray could use. He merged the attribute he extracted from the stones before to her while she was holding his face. And like this, he managed to petrify her.

"ARGHHAAAA" AGHHAAHAA" The zombies outside suddenly became so active and started moving all directions. Apparently they are not under control anymore.

Hearing this. Gray stood up and floated out of the hall, but before he left he looked at Chandra again then left. Flying all the way back to where he left his party. After seeing Tauriel and the others Gray didn't explain much to them and took them to leave the city directly.


But what Gray didn't know that after he left the city. Some cracks appeared on Chandra's stone body. Then all her body started to return back to normal.

"My king is running away (^̮^) Let's catch him back" Chandra didn't care about the fact that Gray was able to petrify her, she even started to like Gray even more!. For her, the stronger Gray is the more she likes him.

Chandra slowly walked toward the outside then she looked at the direction Gray left and was ready to follow him.

"Queen. Please don't leave, the Dark God is calling for you" Suddenly a horned shadow appeared from the ground and said this while kneeling.

"I'm busy right now." Chandra didn't care about the shadow and wanted to leave.

"No. You can't ignore his ord....."Before the shadow completes his word. A monster's pressure locked him directly not letting him breathe.

"Are you giving me orders right now?" Chandra looked at him with very scary eyes. As if she will kill him if he said any more words. And the tip of her fingernail was already in front of the horned man's eyes.

"*Sight*. Well, I'll go" But after some silent Chandra calmed down and didn't attack the horned man Even though Chandra wants to follow Gray, she still listened to what the horned shadow said.

"I'll catch you sooner or later my cute king" After looking at the direction Gray run to. Chandra said with a smile on her face.

After saying this a dark gate appeared in the void. But before she enters the gate. she waved her hand on the air.

After that, she entered the gate and left the place completely.

The horned man didn't raise his head for a long time. After some time he raised his head and looked at the dead bodies in front of him with horror.

"That woman....." The horned man was so scared by the scene in front of him. He knows that she's so strong but to think she will kill all the zombies inside the city simply by waving her hand.

"As expected from the Death Queen... so strong!" The shadow said to himself then looked at the direction where Gray left. After some silence, he turned back and his body slowly sinks into the shadows.

"Her King? This is getting interesting" This was the last words he said before disappearing to the shadows completely.

And the city went completely silent.

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