Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 45 - Garp!

"I'm Monkey d. Luffy, the man who will become the pirate king, Be my partner!" Luffy looked at them with confidence and a grin on his face. As if he was saying what will really happen.

"..." Gray and his party looked at Luffy with dead fish eyes.

Follow Luffy? This will only waste his time. Gray right now only thinking about how to rise his power in this world. This world has many magical skills. And Gray is planning to get all what he can get. But before thinking about this Gray wants to test something.

"Luffy is it... If you want me to be your crew, then show me your power.... see that long pipe over there, bring it to me" Gray suddenly thought of something and said to Luffy with a sly on his face.

Legolas, Tauriel, and Mary looked at Luffy with a funny look they already know what Gray wants to do.

"HMMM, OKI!!" Luffy didn't know what Gray want to do. But since he said that he will become his crew, Luffy didn't care and brought the pipe.

"Here" Luffy held the pipe in his hand and wanted to give it to Gray.

But Gray didn't take it and raised his hand.

"Woohoo, What is happening!" Suddenly the pipe in Luffy's hand twisted around him as if he was holding a living snake, not an iron pipe.

Soon the pipe bounded Luffy and raised him on air.

"See. Your so weak to be my Captain..." Gray said this with a smile on his face and touched Luffy's head. As if trying to teach him.

But in fact, Gray was checking His C disk. Gray wants to know if the devil fruit can be copied or not. If he can then things will be much easier and this world will be his heaven. But if not... Gray already thought of another plan.

Inside Luffy's C disk. Gray didn't found any file related to Luffy's ability, which means that the devil fruit cant is copied. Gray was a little annoyed by this fact. But he also expected such a thing.

Devil fruits is a very special thing. When a devil fruit user died, the fruit ability will leave his body and appears randomly in another fruit. This shows that the fruit ability is not something owned by the user body. Like a weapon enter the body allow the body owner to use its ability. And after his death, the weapon will leave his owner dead body waiting for another owner.

After checking the C and D Disk. Gray tried to extract attributes from him. But what he got made his expressions dark.

[Idot attribute][selfless attribute][Big stomach attribute].... Gray directly returned those attributes to Luffy. Such an attribute he doesn't need.

Gray sighed and withdraw his hand.

"Hey! Let me go!" Luffy was struggling in the air trying to break free from the iron pipe that Gray bound him with.

"Well," Gray didn't care about Luffy anymore and removed the pipe away.

"Luffy don't make troubles!" Makino came out from the kitchen and saw Luffy who still trying to persuade Gray And his party to join him. Luffy is not the kind who will give up easily. So he will probably be a headache for Gray from now on.

"Well," Luffy saw the food in Makino's hands and calmed down then stretched his hands and caught his chair then pushed his body toward his chair.

"This..." Tauriel and the others were surprised when they saw Luffy's hand suddenly stretched his hand.

"Makino does he have any relationship with the navy hero Garp?" Gray looked at Makino and asked while pointing at Luffy.

"You know Grandpa?" Hearing His grandfather's name. A scared look appeared on Luffy's face.

"So he's your Grandfather... No wonder you both have the same name" Gray said this and acted as if he just realized.

"Yes, he is.. Garp will be here in two days. If you can stay in the village maybe you will see him," Makino said this happily. Garp is a hero in her mind. So she's happy when talking about their village hero.

"That's good, I really wanted to see him" Gray smiled and said this. Gray really wants to see Garp. With Garp's help, his plan will work faster. Besides Garp have many good skills Gray wants.

After that Makino showed Gray and the others where they can stay for two days. The village people were so friendly so Gray and his party were welcomed.



"So... What should we do next?" Mary, Tauriel, and Legolas were sitting around Gray on the house that Makino let then stay in. Because they helped in catching the thieves this house owner didn't ask them for money. And that was good news for Gray, after all, he doesn't have any money.

Gray looked at them and explain the world system for them.

"Pirate... Navy?... That kid called Luffy wants to become a pirate king while his grandfather is a hero navy?" After understanding the world, Tauriel felt funny about Luffy's idea. Normally he should be aiming to be like his grandfather a great navy, but he actually wants to be the opposite.

"Then ... are we going to join the Navy?" Legolas remembered Gray's conversation with Makino. Since Gray wants to see the Navy hero. Maybe he really plans to do this.

"No, we won't... Remember when Luffy suddenly stretched his hands?" Gray shook his head and asked them.

"Yes..."Tauriel and the others nodded their heads. They were really surprised when they saw Luffy before and wanted to ask Gray about it.

"There is a special fruit on this world called the Devil fruit. This is our main goal in this world. To get the most suitable fruits for us...." Gray explained the fruit types and abilities in great details and also told them about the Haki and other skill that exists.

After hearing Gray's explanation. Legolas and Mary's eyes shined Especially Tauriel. She's probably the most one who wants to get stronger faster. And what made them feel magical is the frit types!

Paramecia and Zoan Fruit types didn't surprise them much, after all the real world there is many awakeners who have similar abilities. But after hearing about the almost cheat Logia type, they were exited. If they were able to obtain such fruit, their strength will rise to unimaginable level for them.

Logia can create, control, or transform their bodies, partly or completely, into an elemental body that can nearly nullify enemy attacks, making them almost invincible.

"Where will we find those fruits?" Tauriel asked the most important question.

"I don't know... But we don't have to look for them. I have a plan. If my plan worked out then finding a suitable fruit won't be a problem" Devil fruit appears randomly around the world. Searching for fruit will only waste time. And even if he found one. He not sure if its ability will be useful for him or not. So Gray wasn't planning to search for it anyway. Now his goal to copy Haki and some good skills then find a certain person.



Two days passed Gray was sitting in the bar with Tauriel while Legolas and Mary were fighting(playing) with Luffy outside. In these two days, Luffy kept stalking them, trying to persuade them to join his ship that didn't even exist. Luffy is 16 years old right now, wich mean till he really goes out to the sea it will be one year later. But this didn't stop him from trying to persuade them.

"Sorry about Luffy... He's like this when he decides on something" Makino was sitting behind the bar and said to Gray with an apologetic face.

"It's okay..." Gray said with a funny look on his face. Even though Luffy was stalking them for two days repeating the same words. They weren't really annoyed. Luffy this guy knows how to win other hearts. So they decided to teach(abuse) him a little before they leave.

"Makino... Give some food!" Luffy with Mary and Legolas came from outside.

He sits down and asked for food with a starving look. Apparently lost again.

"Here.." Makino already prepared the food for him so she put it in front of him. Seeing the food Luffy opened his mouth and throw it in his mouth in one go.

"Thanks for the food!" Seeing Luffy eating his plate in one go, no one was surprised. They already got used to Luffy's abilities. So there's nothing to surprise.

"Gray Let fight again, I'll make my partner! " After having energy again, Luffy stood up and wanted to fight with Gray again.

Hearing Luffy's words Gray felt helpless. Because of his rubber body. Their attacks won't hurt him, so this guy always fearless.

Besides, they don't really want to hurt him, or Tauriel would have already cut him to pieces.

"Nasty Boy! are you still thinking about becoming pirate!!!" Suddenly an old but strong and energetic man voice came from the door.

Hearing the familiar voice Gray looked back and saw who he's waiting for.

"Grandpa!!" Luffy was so scared after seeing Garp. As if he saw a monster standing at the door.

"You will become a glorious navy, I won't let you also run away like Ace!" Garp suddenly disappeared and came to Luffy's side and gave him his fist of love!...

"THAT'S HURT!!!!!!!" Luffy held his head painfully. Apparently suffered a great deal of pain.

Gray's party looked at Garp with horror. Garp's speed just now was so fast even their eyes couldn't see how he appeared besides Luffy. And he actually managed to Luffy feel pain!.

"Mr. Garp, your here" Makino looked at Garp who has just appeared and greeted him with a smile.

Garp greeted her with a big smile, then he shifted his eyes toward Gray and his party.

He was surprised for a second, after all, they don't wear masks now.

"It's you who caught the thieves?" Even though he was surprised by their looks. He still asked with a strong smile.

"Yes. Nice to meet you, Mr. Garp" Gray stood up and was so polite while talking with Garp.

"HAHAHA, You guys look so unique, since you have justice want to join the navy?!" Garp smiled a big smile and suddenly invited them

"What! Damn old man. They are my partners. They won't join the navy!" Luffy who was in pain suddenly fired up and screamed toward Garp.

"Basterd kid, I said you will be navy!!" Garp and Luffy started fighting again...

Looking at them like fight. Gray and his party face turned black. They finally realize who's Luffy resembles.



(Author: Vote bug fixed... Vote or I'll kill Gray..... ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ)

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