Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 49 - Baccarat Join!

Gray stood on the ship while looking at the golden city that already far away.

"Success!!!" Even though there were some twists and turns, Gray got what he wants in the end.

Thinking about what he will do next, Gray smile excitedly.

Then Gray went at the full bags that Tauriel and Mary bought from the city and opened them to see what inside.

"... What" Gray held a fancy dress in his hand and looked at Tauriel with wrong eyes!.

"That's not yours!. This is what you asked for" Tauriel blushed a little and took all the bags then put them in her space pocket, leaving only a small bag.

Gray asked her and Mary to buy a compass and maps records everything can be recorded in the first and the second part(New World) of the Grand Line.

When he saw the bag at first he thought it was full of what he asked for. But she and Mary actually bought clothes for themselves and the little bag was all that they bought for him...

"...." Gray didn't say anything, just decided in his heart to let Legolas buy things the next time.

Gray held the compass(Log Pose) on his hand and looked at the three-needle inside. Due to the fact that some islands change or even completely hide their magnetic fields at random in the second half of the Grand Line(New world) Normal compass can't work here. To navigate safely through the New World, Everyone needs to have a Log Pose with three needles. Each needle records the magnetism of one of three different islands simultaneously, as opposed to the first half, which only records the magnetic waves of one island at a time. The stability of the needle reflects the stability of the island's magnetic field; if the needle is displaying erratic movement, it means that the island's magnetism is unstable.

After some testing, Gray finally decided which way they will go.

Gray directly controlled the ship and changed their way and flew fast toward the nearest island.


Gran Tesoro.

Gild was sitting in his room with an angry look on his face.

"DAMN!!" Gild was very annoyed right now. He has just closed the phone with the government agent.

He wanted the world government to help him to catch Gray and the others and bring back Baccarat. But they actually refused to help him saying that they are busy with other things.

To force them. He even doubled the Heavenly Tribute for the next three years.

(Heavenly Tribute: This is the source of the wealth of the World nobility(Celestial Dragons). Every year all the countries allied with the world government have to pay a huge amount of their wealth. If they didn't pay this Tribute, the government won't recognize them as allies)

"Sooner or late I'll make you all regret..." After saying this, he stood up and wanted to go back to see Doflamingo.

As for Doflamingo. At this moment he was looking at his crew with a blank look.

"So you're saying that they took our ship and fly away, Diamante." Doflamingo didn't show any emotions and said asked.

"Yes... we wanted to save the ship form their fight. But we didn't expect them to take our ship and run away" The brown-haired man Diamante stood in front Doflamingo and said with an annoyed face.

"How is their strength...?" Doflamingo didn't Scold them but asked about Gray's party strength.

"Very strong, three of them used conqueror's Haki. And very good at used other Kinds of Haki. And they also mastered some of the government six skills. And their leader's ability is weird. He can become invisible and make the ship fly. He even reversed Gild's beam attack." After reporting all this, Diamante felt weird. How can a person use many abilities like this? He really wonders what kind of fruit Gray ate.

But they didn't know that all that Gray used wasn't fruit ability at all.

".....Fufufufufufu, don't care about the ship, let Monet send us another one" Doflamingo said this win a smile. But in fact, he's in a bad mood right now.

"But they stole...." Diamante wanted to say something. But Doflamingo didn't let him continue and said.

"Send all this information to Vergo and put new wanted orders on their heads in the underworld. As for what they took... Let Monet send another pack"

Vergo! The right hand of Doflamingo, a spy he sent to the navy for more than 10 years already. By sending Gray party details to him especially the fact that the three of them are Conquerors Haki users. The navy will give a greater focus on. Conquerors Haki represents the potentials, if Gray's party wanted to stand against them his will be a very troublesome thing for the navy.

Doflamingo is not a nice person, Gray stole his things, he will naturally try to destroy them.


Navy Headquarters. Fleet Admiral office.

A tall muscular man with a long, braided goatee and a mustache. His cap covers his afro hair.

Sengoku the Buddha. The fleet admiral of the Marines.

At this moment he was looking at the papers recording all the information about Gray and his party. Not only the information he got from Gild and Doflamingo. Also their first appearance in Windmill Village and how they reached Gran Tesoro.

The navy intelligent is very strong. They naturally noticed Gray before.

But what made him feel a headache was that they couldn't find further information. No birth date. No former appearance. Nothing! As if they appeared on the world for the first time in windmill village. (He just guessed the truth....)

"DAMN GARP!!! Wake up, Look what troubles you have made!" Sengoku looked at Garp who was snoring in front of him and screamed.

"What? What's wrong!" Garp woke up and looked at Sengoku with wonder.

"Read this" Sengoku didn't speak. And threw the information he has.

Reading the paper on his hand. Garp's eyes brightened. He didn't think Gray will actually make such troubles. As for their strength, he already knows. So he didn't care.

"BWAHAHAHA To think they will do such a thing!." After reading all this. Garp laughed out loud.

"You still can laugh! The world government wants us to put a bounty on their head!" Seeing Garp laughing like this, Sengoku suddenly got angry.

"Well... They haven't done anything to harm them. Why will they do this?" Hearing Sengoku words. Garp stopped laughing and looked at Sengoku with questioning eyes.

"Gild offered to double the Heavenly Tribute for three years. Besides... Their identity is unknown to us and the world Government. So they probably want to remove them so that doesn't become a threat in the future" Sengoku thought for a moment and said this.

Normally the world government won't be so active like this, even if they have conquerors Haki. But their mysterious identity made them worried. And the weird means Gray showed added to this. So they want to remove him before he became really uncontrollable or join other pirate forces.

"I don't recommend you to do this, if you pushed them against us this will only be trouble for the navy" Garp has some idea about Gray and his party strength. Even though they only stayed in the ship for one month, he saw some of their strength while they hunting the pirates.

He knows that Gray and his party are not bad people. So he really doesn't want to see them became pirates because of this.

"It's the orders, I can't change it..." Even though Sengoku also doesn't want to do this. But he still has to do what the world government want.

After some thoughts, Sengoku summoned a soldier and gave him Gray and his party pictures recording the bounty that will be put on their heads.

Seeing this Garp wasn't in the mood to sleep anymore and went back to his office.



The next day. On the ship.

Gray was sitting in front of Baccarat who already woke up.

"So you kidnapped me to say this? You really think I'll join you?" Baccarat looked at Gray who was sitting in front of her with weird eyes.

When she woke up Gray invited her to eat and told her about his purpose from taking her with him. Even though she's scared of Gray. She also knows that he won't kill her. If he wants to kill her he would already have. But it looks like he wants her for her ability.

"Of course I know that you won't accept like this..." Gray smiled and said slowly while he stood up and walked to her side.

Seeing Gray walking to her. Baccarat was nervous. But when she saw Gray removing his gloves and want to touch her. Suddenly she became much more confident.

Gray put his hand on Baccarat shoulder then said; "This what makes me think you will join me"

Seeing Gray touched her. Baccarat wanted to steal his lucky, but before she could do this a new memory appeared on her mind.

"This... This is!" Seeing those memories Baccarat was stunned and a very surprised look appeared on her eyes.

What did Gray show here? In fact, not that much. He only showed her about the elf's immortality and the fact that he can change the others to elves. He didn't show her everything.

"Is this enough reason for you to follow me?" Gray went back to his seat and looked at her with a smile.

"What do you want?" Baccarat looked at Gray with doubt. And asked as if trying to confirm his real thoughts. If Gray really can give her immortality his objective shouldn't be so simple.

"What do I want? Didn't I say this before? I want you to follow me form now on. Really follow me as my companion... So what your choice will be?" Gray said this again, But this time he removed his smiling face and said with a serious face.

Looking at Gray's serious face. Baccarat felt dizzy for a second. But soon she made up her mind. Even though she doesn't know what he really wants, It's not a bad deal for her anyway.

"Do I have a choice? Mr. Gray, please take care of me from now on" Baccarat said this with a big beautiful smile on her face. Who is Baccarat? The luck fruit owner! She naturally won't be satisfied staying as a worker with Gild Tesoro. If it wasn't for Gild strength. She would have long left his ship. But the more she stayed there the more she knows that she cant leave easily. Even if she can control luck. Her luck will run out if she really wants to go against Gild. Gray actually helped her by kidnapping her.

Gold? Money? With her ability, she will be able to make so much money! So she's not really interested in this. But immortality is a different thing. immortality can be said to be the dream of every human being. If the memories that Gray showed her is true. She naturally want to join. Besides Gray made her interesting. Staying with him may be much better then Gild.

Hearing her words. Gray also broke a big smile on his face and took a ring from his pocket.

Gray, of course, won't trust her completely just like this. So he planted some ideas on the ring and gave it to her. He even put a shameless idea like {attachment} on it. Gray is not planning to let her leave his side. That's how important for him she is.

Looking at the ring on her hand. Baccarat smiled and put it on her finger. Since its a gift form Gray. She naturally won't refuse it.

Looking at her wearing the ring. Gray finally relaxed and smiled happily.

"Now its time to test something...." Gray said this and brought up a big box beside him.

"This is?" Baccarat looked at what inside the box. And said with a surprised face.

"Yes. This is our first test subject" Gray smiled and said.


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