Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 52 - Sengoku's Fear!

"Extraction," Gray asked Baccarat to fix his luck and wanted to extract the dark fruit power.

[Dark Source]

Looking at the new attribute that appeared Gray becomes excited.

"Gray! there's a group of people who's about to enter the island. And it looks like someone else is following them" Suddenly Legolas felt something and reported to Gray.

Because Legolas has the biggest Observation Haki range. He noticed the group of pirates who came to the island before everyone.

"Someone is coming here? Other follow... Can you see who are they?" Gray heard Legolas's words and asked while thinking of something.

"Let me try..." Legolas said this and soar in the air. then looked at the pirate's direction.

"Its a group of pirates followed by another pirates group looks like they will fight each other" After coming down. Legolas said what he could see.

"Two pirate groups...." Gray heard Legolas's words and thought for a moment. Then a sly smile appeared on his face.

"Let's go" Gray returned the fruit on his hand back to where he found it and wanted to leave.

"And the fruit?" Tauriel asked Gray with a weird face. She already knows that Gray was trying to get this fruit from the beginning. But now he wants to leave it like this. She couldn't understand, why.

"It's an empty fruit. I don't need to anymore. This fruit should soon find it's owner" Saying this. The sly smile on his face became more sly.

Hearing Gray saying such thing Tauriel and the other didn't say more. Even though they don't understand what Gray meant. They still believe what on him.


On the other side of the island.

Thatch already caught up with the pirates who were running away.

"Where do you think your running? Making trouble on father's territory, you really think that you can run away?" Thatch looked at the other pirate's captain and said while walking toward them.

"Damn... Everyone attack!!" The captain said this and attacked with everyone. But the difference in strength is so big. So they were cracked directly.

Seeing this. The pirate captain turned into a cheetah and run away. Leaving his crew to die behind him.

"You can't run away!" Thatch saw him run and directly followed him and left the others to clear the pirates.

"Damn damn damn!!! How can he follow me!" The pirate captain escaped at his fastest speed, but no matter how fast he is. Thatch always follows him and getting closer and closer.

Soon he stopped and looked at Thatch who was standing in front of him already.

"Hey. Cant we talk! I'll work for you! I'll give you all my...." He can't win against Thatch. So he wanted to beg for his life. But before he completes his words. Thatch already cut his head.

"Finally dead. Now I can go back" Thatch didn't care about him and was thinking of going back.

"This??" But before he walks away. He noticed a weird fruit lying not far away from him.


Gray stood on the ship while looking at the island behind him. On the original plot. Dark fruit should be found by Thatch, then Blackbeard(Marshall D. Teach) should kill Thatch and steal the fruit for him.

Speaking of Teach, this guy can really hide. For twenty-six years hiding on Whitebeard ship just to find the dark fruit. And finally found it. But on Thatch hands. So he didn't hesitate to kill Thatch for the fruit. That shows how much he desires this fruit.

So Gray left the fruit for him. Since this guy worked for twenty-six years for this fruit. Gray didn't want to destroy his hard work. At least gave him the curse of the fruit. (...)

Think of Teach's(Blackbeard) face after eating the powerless fruit and found that he can't use any power. Gray couldn't help but want to laugh.

When Legolas told him that someone entered the forest, Gray figured out that someone from them should find the fruit, and after some twist and turn it will finally fall to Teach's hands. That's why he left the fruit behind him. After all, he's been on the world for 7-8 months and the original plot should start soon. Blackbeard should find the dark fruit about this time.

And as Gray expected. Even though he doesn't know that Thatch himself who finds the fruit. But it's not much different from his thoughts. The dark fruit will soon fall to Blackbeard's hands.

Why not stop this so Thatch can survive?

Why should he do this? He doesn't really have any reason to do this.

In fact, he would love to see them fighting each other. This would be helpful for him when he wants to extract their abilities. Or copy their skills.

"Well, now we should go to the next target!" Gray didn't stop and let Baccarat help him lead the way to the next target. He won't merge the dark fruit ability for now. He wants to try something first. If it works then he won't break the rules of one fruit ability and will manage to get more then one fruit ability at the same time.

Why not merge the fruit now and extract it later?

Very simple! Because, he cant re-extract the attribute he merges. He notice this when he wanted to re-extract the fruit abilities when he merged them with the elven genes. But he couldn't do this. And after some experiments, he found that he cant extract the attributes he merges once If he could do such a thing. He would have extracted all the fruit abilities he wants and merges them with himself when he needs to use one of them.

The dark fruit might help him get other abilities? Gray is not sure about this and he doesn't want to take risks.

Blackbeard special body? When he watched the show before, there wasn't a full explanation about this. And Gray doesn't think he really has a more special gene than the high elf genes. Besides if there is something special about Blackbeard body he might not be able to copy it. And even if he can. This might make weird changes to his body. (teach height is 3.4 meters)

That why Gray decided to think of another way. After searching his memories many times and watched everything he saw about one piece before. Gray really thought of another way...



Half a month later.

Navy Headquarters. In a big meeting office.

Inside the room, A group of strong people is gathering here.

Three of them are taller than the others around them.

The three Navy Admirals!!! The strongest force of the navy!!!!

Borsalino! wearing a tallow suit with a scummy look on his face. Code name: Kizaru(Yellow-ape). The owner of the Pika Pika no Mi(Glint-Glint Fruit).

Kuzan! Black curly hair. wearing a blue suit, tanned skin. with a lazy look on his eyes. Code name: Aokiji(Blue Pheasant). The owner of Hie Hie no Mi(Ice-Ice Fruit).

Sakazuki! Balck hair, light-skinned, strong muscles, wearing a cap on his head with a square-shaped face. A serious and angry look on his face. Code name: Akainu(red dog) the owner of Magu Magu no Mi(Mag-Mag Fruit/Magma fruit).

All three Logia fruit abilities. And a very strong ability!

This time Sengoku was standing in front of them and talking about Teach!.

Just two days before he got new about the death of the commander of the 4th division of the Whitebeard Pirates Thatch!

The death of such a strong pirate is very good for the navy. But the one who actually killed him was also a pirate of the same ship.

A new name he didn't care about before Marshall D. Teach!.

This guy actually broke the only rule on whitebeard's ship and killed his fellow crew(brother). And after some investigation. The navy also learned that he killed him for a fruit.

Even though they don't know what was that fruit. Marshall D. Teach's name already got their attention. After all, he's the man who was able to kill Thatch a strong pirate. So his strength shouldn't be weak.

"As expected from pirates. They all should be killed for justice" Red dog said this and threw the paper on his hand.

"Ararara, twenty-six years as a crew... This guy is really loyal" Kuzan said lazily after reading all the information.

"Aoaoaa, This guy is so strong... Hiding his strength all this time... So scary" Borsalino this wretched man said with a wretched tone. No wonder they will call him Yellow monkey... (Nope, even monkey will feel insulted about this).

"Well. This is not the main reason I gathered you today" Sengoku said this and looked at Garp who was sleeping.

"DAMN GARP WAKE UP!" Sengoku screamed at Garp who was sleeping before he starts.

"What? Are my donats ready?" Garp woke up and looked around as if he expecting something.

Kuzan heard Garp's words and wanted to laugh and didn't feel anything wrong. But Sakazuki was annoyed by Garp.

Garp is the hero of the navy. He shouldn't act like this. Besides he doesn't like Garp to begin with.

As for Borsalino, he was sipping his tea not caring about what happening here.

Hearing Garp's answer Sengoku wanted to hit him.

After some screams, Sengoku refocused and his face becomes so solemn.

Feeling Sengoku change. Everyone in the room also became serious.

"You all probably know Gray and his partners who have appeared six months before" Saying this he showed a big picture for Gray and his partners.

"Before six months he and his crew invaded Gran Tesoro and kidnaped Baccarat from there. And somehow angered Joker" Sengoku didn't stop and continued what he was saying.

The fact that Doflamingo put a bounty on Gray's head wasn't a secret for them.

"Look at this" Then he showed another two pictures.

The first one was a picture of a beautiful red-haired, green-eyed girl. Baccarat before Gray kidnap her.

The second one was also a red-haired girl with a similar face. But much younger and beautiful than before, the eyes color became more silver than green, and sharp ears. Giving a youthful and fresh feeling. Baccarat after becoming a high-elf.

"Those two pictures are for the same person after Baccarat was kidnapped. She changed so much and was seen actively helping Gray and his crew as if she's one of them." Sengoku explained to everyone.

As soon as they saw the two pictures everyone notice the difference. And also notice her similarity with Gray and his party.

Especially the eyes and the sharp ears.

But they still couldn't understand why is Sengoku solemn like this. If it's about their change it can be explained as an effect of someone else ability. There are some fruits that can change the shapes of others. So it's not a very surprising thing.

"She's the same person as you can see. But from the news we have, she's not acting as a kidnapped person, but as their partner. And her look also magically changed and became very similar to them. So the world government decided to put a bounty on her since she can be considered a crew of Gray's ship but not a kidnapped person. Also, her ability is dangerous." Sengoku said here and stopped for a second.

Gild naturally knows about Baccarat news. And from this news and his understanding of her. He can see that she's not planning to come back, So he told the navy about her ability. Since she can't be used for him. He will try to kill her.

And the government naturally understand her dangerous ability so they decided to put a bounty on her head.

"But this is not the main reason we are talking about him right now..." As soon as he said this, he showed a new picture showing some pirates navy and even some world government spies pictures.

"All those people have met Gray in the last half month, and all of them are fruit ability users" then he pointed at a navy picture who was wears a veil across his mouth and another pirate picture then said.

"This is Shu. A newly promoted Marine captains, the owner of Sabi Sabi no Mi(Rust-Rust Fruit), He also one of those who met Gray, and managed to survive" Sengoku explained the origin of the navy then his eyes become very serious.

"Gray usually doesn't kill everyone he met especially if they were navy. But when he met a devil fruit user he always tries to kill them. From all the devil fruit users he met, only two have survived" Because Gray didn't hang a pirate flag nor deliberately killing the navy. Sengoku didn't order the strong navy to hunt Gray actively. But in the last half month, Gray action's were somehow weird. No matter who he met as long as he's a devil fruit user he will hunt him, even if its a navy.

"From all those devil fruit users there are only two survivors. One of them is Shu and the other is this lucky pirate who was supposed to fall to the sea and luckily he was bushed toward the island by the sea waves" Sengoku said this in one breath. Then he paused for a moment then continued.

"But we found a very weird phenomenon. Both of them couldn't use their ability anymore. But they will be weak if they touched the sea. From Shu's words. When Gray touched him on the battle he felt weak all over his body as if he touched the sea. And after this, he couldn't use his ability again"...

"Is it a new fruit ability that can seal or stop other abilities?" Kuzan thought for a second of what Sengoku said and then asked.

"That what I thought of it first. But after some search, we found that Gray is actively hunting those with fruit abilities. Besides from the information we have, he has many abilities. Invisible, fly, control thing, reverse attacks. This is just what we got, we still don't know if he has other abilities. So am worried that those abilities that disappeared were actually taken by him" Sengoku explained to them the real reason why they are worried.

"So.. you're saying that he can take other abilities??!" Borsalino didn't act like a monkey and said this with a serious face. Such a thing scared him who's always relies on his ability.

"Yes. The world government also started to worry. If Gray really has such ability we will have to get rid of him as fast as we can" Sengoku said.

Hearing his words. Everyone in the room kept silent. They finally understand the seriousness of this.

Even Garp who doesn't like this, couldn't say anything. If Gray has such power. The safety of the world may be threatened.

"So The world government wants.....


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