Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 69 - Golden Black Lightning

"Who said I'll lose?" From within the golden sphere on the air, Gray's voice appeared.

"Grey!" Upon hearing Gray's voice, Perona's mood became very happy and her heart calmed down.

As for Gild. A storm has been set up on his heart.

"Impossible. You shouldn't be able to live under my gold!" Gild lost his mind and took control of more and more gold making the gold sphere around Gray bigger and bigger.

"TJIG" But soon he saw a weird phenomenon.

Around the gold. a weird black electric like a snake appeared from inside the gold.

The gold became a liquid and at a fast speed, the golden sphere is getting smaller and smaller.

Soon the golden sphere was completely replaced by another and smaller dark smoke sphere.

"WOOOG * TJIG *" with another lightning flash. Like a water balloon. The dark sphere exploded and poured out endless darkness from inside, completely ignoring the golden rain around, and spreading across the area at a very fast speed.

"What's wrong with this dark smoke! Why is it ignoring my gold!" Gild looked at the smoke completely ignoring his gold and the golden rain, while spreading and consuming the gold around very quickly. This wasn't the case before. Gray's darkness shouldn't be so fast and powerful like this. At least it shouldn't ignore the gold suppressing effect like this!

"Damn. Gray! What have you done!" Gild shouted and looked at the source of all this. The man who's standing in the middle of all this darkness.

Gray took two steps forward, then stopped.

He did not look at Gild, but he stared at the sky above him.

His eyes were very calm, but if you looked inside you would see a flash of lightning moving within.

Gray raised his palm in front of him and stared it at blankly.

"TJIIIIG" WOOOG "from his body a great lightning energy mixed with another deep dark energy fusing together to form a group of six orbs of energy suspending on his hand.

This energy orb is not like the usual energy Gray uses.

Within the heart of these energies. A purple light glows. Black smoke is emanating on the surface and occasional flashes of black lightning appear around it.

"Go ..." Gray waved his hand and those energy orbs directly darted straight into the golden clouds in the sky.

They have spread out on different spots in the sky.

As soon as the orbs entered the clouds. A strange hollow sound appeared in the sky.

Then almost all the clouds in the sky started moving towards where the energy ball spread.

"What happens !! The clouds must not stop raining now" Gild was struggling with the gold he controlled around him to resist the strong darkness that is eating everything it touches. But suddenly he found the sky stopped raining after Gray cast that strange dark energy orbs.

However, that wasn't as surprising as what happened next.

"WOOG" The clouds that the orbs penetrated them suddenly turned into black clouds sucking all the clouds around. Even the cloud themselves became like a vortex.

Like black holes in the sky. All clouds are absorbed into six black swirls made of black clouds in the sky.

With ten seconds all the golden clouds that were raining disappeared clearing the sky completely leaving only white blue clean sky. Even the black swirls swallowed themselves and disappeared.

"Much better" Gray looked at the sky and felt much better. Finally, that damn Gold rain disappeared.

What did Gray do? Very simple. By eating Enel's shadow, he can use all his abilities including his fruit ability. So he and even his darkness gained the same nature of lightning.

Lightning is able to ignore Gild's Gold.

So his darkness was unstoppable right now.

Darkness and lightning together produced powerful energy.

Gray can feel how strong this energy is. By this energy, he even feels that he can destroy the space itself!

Even though Gray has Enel's power right now. But it's not his real power. If Enel's is dead. The shadow will also die with him. And Gray will lose this power.

So actually he's only borrowing Enel's power right now.

With Enel's power, Finally, his darkness acted as real darkness! With lightning nature, Darkness completely ignored the gold around.

In fact his darkness already much stronger than all the elements that should exist. And gold shouldn't surprise darkness.

Darkness should devour everything without being surpassed by anything else!

The reason his darkness wasn't able to resist or simply overcome Gild gold is Gray himself.

His source(ability) is like a machine to be controlled, and his physical strength is the power source for this machine. Gray didn't acquire this ability for long. Therefore, his control over his source hasn't reached the level that enables him to do many tasks at the same time. Especially under the rains like attacks of both Gild and Enel.

It was already very good. Besides his physical energy are not so high.

So under Enel and Gild crazy attacks. Gray's physical power was being consumed and his darkness started losing its power slowly, and like this, his darkness finally couldn't devour all the gold that is attacking him.

Overall, this told Gray to find a way to raise his physical strength. Or it is a waste of not being able to use his ability as he would like if he falls into a similar situation again.


"The island..." After clearing his thoughts Gray refocused on the island that already tuned into gold around him.

The situation is so bad already, even though he stopped the rain. But it's already late for the island.

"Let's end this..." Gray didn't want to fight anymore.

He doesn't feel that there is any meaning to play with Gild anymore.

What he has to do now is to fix everything.

So he raised his hand and an ominous black smoke emerged from his hand.

"Come here!" with Gray's words. Gild felt a great absorption power, pulling him towards Gray.

Yup. Gray is using the most basic ability right now. The unique ability of the dark source that allows him to absorb the fruit abilities inside the others.

He didnt use it before because Enel will help Gild if he did this, and the same for Gild.

But now only Gild is here. So there is no need to use any other abilities.

Gild naturally tried to resist and controlled the gold around him to attack Gray.

And his attack really managed to hit Gray, It's just...

"WJIIIG" His attack didnt do any damage to Gray's real body. Just made hols that repaired itself soon.

Seeing This Gild controlled the gold to hold himself.

"HM" Seeing Gild struggling. Gray hummed and eerie black lightning generated from the darkness around destroying the gold that is holding Gild.

"EGHAAAAA" As soon as the black lightning struck the gold. Gild felt Great pain moving to his body and wasn't able to control the gold anymore.

With this Gild wasn't able to resist Gray anymore and was sucked toward Gray's hand.

Gray directly caught Gild's head with his hand.

"You lost" After saying this.

"BOOM" Gray smashed Gild's head on the ground. And made a big noise around. But didn't kill him, only made him lose consciousness.

Seeing him unconscious. Gray didn't care about Gild anymore and seized his shadow like what he did to Enel before.

Then he changed his shadow to another pill and swallow it.

"GOM...GOM" "UGHH" Gray's heart started beating fast like what happened when he ate Enels's shadow. But this time he could feel some pain on his body.

So much energy entered his body previously. And now he's taking more than his limit.

"WOOG" Another deep heartbeat appeared and finally Gray's heart calmed down. Even though he felt some pain. But as the Ruler of the shadows. he can absorb more and more shadow if he really wants. He will only have to withdraw the doubled pain.

After calming down again. Gray slowly floated on the sky.

Perona looked at all this with empty eyes.

From the beginning when he came out of the gold ball till now Gray shocked her many times!

So she already numb from all these fast changes. Even if Gray did something awesome again, she doesn't think she will be surprised again.

Unfortunately for her, Gray managed to amaze her even more with his next actions.

When he reached the hight he thinks it's right.

Gray stopped and looked at the golden land under him.

His darkness is spreading around at a very fast speed. But this will take so much time. And his observation Haki showed him how bad this situation is.

So he wont waste more time.

Gray raised his both hand and the black lightning appeared again.




In the forest. Legolas is lying on a tree trunk where he's hiding while looking at his left leg that already turned into gold.

He already saw the clear sky, from this he can see that Gray already won the war.

But he wasn't happy at all, but a great worry on his eyes appeared.

"Looks like Gray won" Tauriel talked to herself and looked at Mary not far away from her with red eyes.

Not only her. Legolas and Baccarat are the same.

The water liquid was so fast and they weren't able to completely avoid it.

They had to protect Perona soulless body and avoid being exposed to the rain at the same time. But at that time an accident happened and the gold rain on the ground suddenly splashed on them.

Legolas and Baccarat avoided the gold spalshr.

But Tauriel wasn't so lucky.

It was already too late to dodge, but it that time Mary pushed her away and saved her.

But the price is... Mary turned into a golden statue.

"Huh?" Legolas suddenly found that the gold on trees around him is becoming liquid and moving down in one direction.

"Look! My hand became normal again!" Baccarat also found that the gold on her hand is leaving and her skin is restoring himself.

Seeing this everyone looked At Mary...


"WOOOOOF" Not only around them. The entire Skypiea has a similar situation. All the gold around is moving to Gray's side.

Tree, animal, even people turned back to their normals condition. And water liquid is separating from them moving toward Gray's location.

Gray in the sky. His hands are shining with Golden black lightning.

While under him on the ground. A huge black hole-like earth, emitting black smoke.

And around this smoke, The gold from all directions is spilling to this smoke and disappearing.

After five minutes. The last drop of gold liquid entered the darkness under Gray's control and disappeared completely.

The entire sky islands returned to normal.

And everything that was turned into gold returned to its natural state.

"Sigh" Gray sighed and came down while withdrawing his darkness.

"Mr. Gray...." Perona floated to Gray's side and whispered.

Gray's image changed so much after seeing his power just now. So she's talking with a respectful tone with him.

"Well... Let's go" Gray dragged both Enel and Gild then walked to where Legolas and the others should be.


Not Long after Gray saw Legolas and the others running toward him!

"Gray!" Tauriel run to Gray's side and looked all over him to see if there is something wrong.

But she found nothing, except his damaged armor. She only found that his skin becomes paler.

"I'm okay, don't worry about me" Gray looked at Tauriel and smiled gently then looked at Mary with worried eyes.

But seeing her okay, his heart completely calmed down.

He already knows about Mary. After all his observation Haki range change too much after gaining lightning ability.

"*sigh*" Baccarat. Help me find the last fish" Since Mary is alright. Then he will do the one last thing he should do while he has Enel's lightning power.

He's not on a hurry to extract Enel and Gild for now.

First, catch Tanaka then Extract all of them together!!!


(Author: I am dissatisfied with this chapter (-_-') Where did I get it wrong again! Hope you like it....)

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