Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 71 - The Vicissitudes Of Fate.

In the sky.

One ship floating down while a giant octopus similar to the air balloon is holding the ship moving down slowly.

Gray was sitting on the ship while looking at the scene in front of him.

It has to say that his feeling is really good right now.

This is the third world he crosses too. But everyone is more magical than the other.

He never had a chance to ride an air balloon in the real world before the apocalypse.

But now he's using octopus to fly them down. This is more magical than a simple air balloon!

"*sigh*" Gray looked at the back of his hand and sighed.

The pattern on his hand is about to complete. Which means he doesn't have much time.

He still has to find Legolas and Tauriel's abilities quickly.

"What are you thinking about?" Legolas came to Gray's side and asked.

Gray smiled at Legolas and told him.

"Well... That's not a problem! All we have to do is to be faster" Legolas smiled and answer positively.

And in fact, his words are right.

Since they don't have much time than he has to work faster.

After some thoughts, Gray smiled.

"Baccarat! Help me fix my luck" Gray took the compass and asked Baccarat to rise his luck.

Baccarat understood what Gray wants to do, so she raised his luck and run back to the ship room.

And as usual Gray let the compass lead their way.

the compass pointed to the left.

With this Gray looked to the left with a smile.

Seeing Gray smile Legolas and Tauriel also smiled and moved around the ship as if getting ready for something.

Only Perona looked at them and a bad feeling appeared on her heart.

"They will not....." Looking at Tauriel and Legolas stood around Gray. Perona suddenly thought of something.

"octopus-san! you can leave now!" Tauriel looked at the octopus on top of her and said.

"What!" Hearing Tauriel's words, Perona's face became pale, she finally understood what they want to do.

"TOOOG" As Tauriel word finished. The octopus really let go and flew away.

"UGAAAAAA" The ship directly falls down at a very fast speed and Perona screams from fear. While holding what she can hold around.

"Now! Move!" Gray smiled heartlessly and controlled the ship with Legolas and Tauriel to move In the direction the compass pointed to before.

"Hahahaha! This is awesome! (Elven Language)" Legolas finally couldn't help but laugh while controlling the ship and screamed while taking in the elven language.

Tauriel and Gray also smile happily.

"Than let's make it more fun! " From the ship, a woman's voice appeared.

With her words. From both sides of the ship, Gold started moving and shaping two wings on both sides of the ship.

While lightning energy is protecting the wings from the air fast impact.

And another bolt of golden lightning moved from inside the ship and stood with Gray and the others.

It's a beautiful slender tall woman, fair white skin. Long black hair, pointed ears. Black eyes with a touch of gold inside.

Wearing a blue shirt, and black jeans. Half of her hands and legs are covered with Gold armor. While a golden circle is floating behind her.

If you look closely at her back you will see two things. One is that the golden circle is not a complete real circle.

But a spear made of gold bent in circles.

And the second thing is that she actually has two small wings on her back.

Legolas on the side looked at the white wings on the woman's back with funny eyes.

"Those wings don't fit her character (Elven language)," Legolas said suddenly with a laughing smile.

"Yes... Maybe black wings will suit her better than white(Elven language)" Tauriel also smiled and said.

".... Have a problem with my wings? (Elven language)" Suddenly the woman looked at both of them with dangerous eyes. You can see some lightning is moving on her hand.

"Not really... They are suitable for you...." Legolas and Tauriel shook their head and said. They forgot that she also knows the elven language like them.

And then put a serious look on their faces and focused on the ship.

Seeing them acting like this the woman was a little annoyed and looked at Gray who didn't even look at her from the beginning.

As for Gray.

He only looked at the front not caring about Mary who's about to get mad again behind him.

"WOOOOOSH" One ship like an arrow moving at a very fast speed in the air leaving only white smoke behind.


Marine Headquarters. Fleet admiral office.

"Fleet admiral Sengoku! This is the information you asked us to gather!" One soldier stood in front of Sengoku and put some documents in front of him.

"Good, you can leave" Sengoku took the document and looked inside. While letting the soldier leave the office.

After half an hour, he already finished reading everything inside. Sengoku put down the document and his face was very ugly.

From the look on his face, you can see how bad his mood is.

What the document records?

Gray movement. Including the moment he merged the dark shadow souse on himself.

When the weird phenomenon appeared around the world Sengoku and the world government searched for all the information they could found.

And finally, they found something.

When the phenomenon appeared. It was the same moment when Drum island was bathed with darkness.

And it happened Gray was there.

Even though some information doesn't sound relative. But from the information he got, he found other facts.

Like Moria who's still alive but lost his ability.

When the shadows acted weirdly around the world, the first thing the world government did was to ask Moria, And soon they found that Moria who is a completely weak person with no powers right now.

After some investigation. They also realized that he fought against Gray.

From this, they confirmed their guess.

Gray really can strip abilities. Even though they don't know where those abilities go. But this is a fact.

And this also made the Sengoku heart more restless.

Not only him, but even the world government is also worried.

So the world government couldn't wait anymore. And a new order was issued.

An order which he completely agrees with.

*Go all out and catch Gray!*

Even though Gray didnt really stood against them till now. But Sengoku won't wait for him to do this.

Till now they don't know how strong Gray really is. All they know that he's hunting for fruit abilities and moving randomly around the world.

Sengoku cleared his thought and was ready to call everyone for a meeting.

"Fleet admiral! Report! Admiral Sakazuki caught the 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates "Fire Fist" Portgas D. Ace and the Whitebeard's traitor Marshall D. Teach while they were fighting!" But suddenly a soldier entered the room in a hurry and reported this big news with a panicked face.

"What did you say !!!!! Are you sure it was Ace who was arrested by Skazuki !!!!!" Hear the report Sengoku's face is uglier than it really is!

"Yes, Fleet Admiral!!" the little solder didnt hesitate and answered.

"What the hell is this bastard doing! This is not his mission!" Sengoku was so angry when he heard the report!

First Gray, and now Sakazuki is actually making trouble with Whitebeard!

Is he trying to start a war!!! (Author: Nope... It's not Sakazuki, But me)

He was planning to let all the admirals and the power of the navy to go all out and search for Gray in one time.

But like this, his plan can't be achieved! Ace is a recognized son for the whitebeard! When that guy know that they actually caught his son! Whitebeard won't let it go!

He can't let the navy power focus on Gray anymore, whitebeard reaction is more important right now.

"Bru Bru Bru.....Bru Bru Bru" The slug phone ringed.

Looking at the world government phone ringing. A very bad feeling appeared in Sengoku's heart.



It's been a week since Ace was caught by the navy.

At this time Gray doesn't know that his plus four luck attribute finally played its rule and saved him from another disaster was about to fall on him.

And even if he knows, he won't think that it's related to his luck attribute. After all, Ace being caught by the navy is what happened in the original.

But in fact, everything is connected together. The way fate works are hard to understand.

Because Gray stole the dark source, Teach wasn't able to do anything those days. And like a dog running away from Ace hunt.

Teach felt the world is plotting against him those days. Finally, he found the fruit he dreamed of. and even killed his brother and betrayed the man who called him a son for this fruit.

But what did he got? Nothing!

Completely nothing! just a curse! that what he got.

This joke was totally unacceptable to him. He even started lying to himself that he was not using the black fruit properly. But no matter which way he tried, he couldn't even use fart.

Luckily for him, he didn't know that Gray actually stole the power of the fruit beforehand and left the curse for him.

Or depressed mood can't describe his feeling by that time.

In fact, this Teach still has some power. Even though he didn't have the dark ability. His physical power was good enough to run away from Ace all this time.

But it wasn't enough in the end.

Ace still managed to catch him and was about to take him back.

It was exactly at this time when Skazuki attacked and arrested Ace.

If Ace was a normal pirate, Sakazuki would have already killed him, But Ace is the 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates!

He is more valuable alive!

And that's why Gray is lucky. If Sakazuki didn't find Ace, Sengoku would have found him and this time wouldn't have been like usual.

But the power of both navy and world government would have hunted him.

Even though it looks normal. But from Gray's position. He's the lucky one here.


(Author: Just realized... it's the first time I really describe Mary......and sorry for late update)

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