Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 73 - Dangerous Idea!

Area 13.

Shakky's Rip-off Bar.

Gray sitting on the bar while drinking his tea.

"BOOM" The door of the bar suddenly opened violently and a Mary entered the bar.

"Sheh, so boring, there is nothing to do on this island. When will we leave..." Mary entered the bar with a bored face and sit down while speaking.

"Shakky sister gives me something to drink," Mary said with a sulking voice.

"Didn't you go to buy new clothes with others? Why did you come back alone?" Shakky looked at Mary's sulking face and asked with a relaxed smile on her face.

"-_- ..... We just realized that we bought everything we really want before... So there is nothing to buy, Taureil took Perona and left alone, apparently went to the amusement park*without inviting me* while Baccarat said that she wants to search for something*alone*, So I was left all by myself ... But that's alright... It's not like I wanted to go with both of them...., So I entered the lawless zone searching for a training target... But*empty eyes* do you believe... That damn elf prince actually cleaned all the lawless elements on this island. What is he thinking about! if there are no bad people on the island how can I find a good training object... *Sigh...*, I wish he will be arrested by the navy for destroying the world nobility business..." Mary... said.

":I ..." Gray.

":I ..." Shakky.

The more Mary speaks the more depressed the air around her. Gray and Shakky didn't know what they should say for her.

It's been another week since Gray and the others came to this bar.

Shakky or it should be called Shakuyaku. is the bartender of this bar. She is a former pirate, and the romantic partner of Silvers Rayleigh, Gray's target.

Before a week, Gray lead everyone and came to this bar.

When he saw the name of this bar, Gray felt funny

*Rip-off Bar?* What's with this name? Are the owner trying to work probably? This name simply saying; Don't enter it's a trap!

And after some struggling with his thoughts. Gray entered the bar with the others.

When they entered the bar Shakky recognized their identity. Her intelligence network is so huge. Besides, Gray and the others didn't hide there faces after seeing her. So without her intelligence network, Shakky was able to recognize them directly.

After all, She's very interested in Gray's group.

So Gray asked for a drink.

And of course... her prices for whatever she sells here are just expensive rip-offs...

The name of the bar is really fit....

Gray didn't hide his reason for visiting here and asked her if Rayleigh is around.

But looks like he's not here for the time being. So Gray decided to wait for Luffy to come and use his aura to attract that old man. He has to wait for Luffy anyway.

Shakky was surprised when she heard Gray asking about Rayleigh. But not really worried. Even though Gray and the other's bounty is so high already. But she still doesn't think any of them can really fight with him.

After all, Rayleigh is a living legend!

Silvers Rayleigh, also known as the "Dark King" is an extremely powerful and famous retired pirate who formerly served as the first mate of the legendary Roger Pirates and known as the "Right Hand of the Pirate King".

So in her eyes. Gray and his partners are not a real threat.

And in fact, it's logical to think like this. Gray didn't do any great thing that made him disserve the huge bounty.

Even Luffy reached 300 million Bali after destroying Enies Lobby (the Judicial Island).

But what did Gray do till now? Moving here and there randomly. Hunting fruit powers owners randomly. Appearing in the random island for unknown reasons. And then leave without even staying on the island for more than three hours.

From this Shakky guessed that Gray may have this bounty because of another reason.

Well... That's before a week.

After seeing Mary's ability, and Legolas' speed of cleaning the criminals on the island. Her idea changed so much.

If Mary and Legolas have such power than what about Gray their leader?

And like this, she became more interested in this pointy-eared group.

(Elven bloodline: Don't refer to me by the ears!)

After two days on the island, Legolas couldn't control himself and wanted to destroy the kidnappers and the criminals on the island. He can hear many sad voices because of his strong Haki.

Gray didn't stop him and even supported him to do this, besides they will leave the world soon, as long as he didn't get hurt. Gray won't really stop anyone of his partners to do whatever they want to do.

Now he's thinking about the next war that is about to start soon.

Shakky intelligence is really strong. She was able to get the news about Ace being arrested before it being published.

Ace arresting surprised him so much. He already took dark fruit so he shouldn't be arrested. But this guy actually encountered Sakazuki.

All he can say that its fated...

Funny thing that he doesn't know that his good luck made this misfortune for Ace...

Shakky stole another 1 Billion Bali from Gray to tell him this news.

But with Mary around him, Gray would have no shortage of money.

After all, Mary can create fake gold for them anytime.

As said before Mary can control and change anything to gold as she wants.

Even though the gold she creates is true gold, but that's only for some time.

After merging the Golden source with the lightning source. Mary got [Golden lightning source].

Like Gray's source, she got many new changes In the way her ability works.

For example, the fact that she can turn what she stricks by her lightning to gold. But this also a unique use of her lightning. She can't use it randomly because it takes so much energy from her body.

Her lightning color is not normal blue but gold. And the damage of this lightning is stronger than the normal lightning.

The reason the gold she creates is fake gold because what she changes to gold returns to normal after some time.

When they entered the island, Mary changed anything randomly to gold and sell it.

And like this, they gained so much money enough to buy whatever they want.


"Mr. Gray, the other pirates you are waiting for already gathered on the island" After hearing Mary's babbling fora a while. Shakky looked at Gray and told him the news of today.

"Already here..." Gray didn't move and kept drinking his tea. His extraction ability is still on. cooldown.

Still has to wait for five hours, Till he can use extraction again. So he's not in hurry to hunt those weak pirates now.

"What about Luffy?" Mary, who was in a dull mood, raised her head and asked.

"Luffy? You mean strew hat pirates? I think they should have reached the island by now" Shakky thought for a second and answer Mary.

"Good! I'll go out!" Hearing Shakky's words. Mary used her ability and disappeared from the place completely.

Looks like she found something to do...


Area 24.

This is the place where normally pirates and other lawless people came to eat, it's more like a food street.

But those days this area has many other visitors than pirates and criminals.

This week, from 2-29 area, almost all the criminals and the bad activates like human shops and the like were destroyed by an unknown person.

So the normal people who want to start a business on this island took the chance and opened new shops in the cleaned areas.

Since it's cheaper than the other areas. because of the bad reputation it usually has.

And like this, all sorts of travelers started visiting this place without fear.

Normally those without power, will not enter this place. After all, it's full of criminals and might be eyed by kidnappers at any time.

But now things are different, even if you actively searched for them, it's very hard to see any criminal like kidnappers.

"Sister Tauriel, this shop looks good, let have a meal inside" Perona and Tauriel was on the way back to Shakky's bar, But Perona suddenly felt hungry and wanted to eat on the restaurant she pointed to.

"Okay...." Tauriel wasn't in a hurry anyway, so she took Perona and entered the restaurant.

After entering, Tauriel choose a good place and was ready to sit down.

But before she does this she heard another woman's voice from behind.

"Hey! Where do you think your sitting! This is my place!" Hearing those words Tauriel and Perona looked back.

What appeared in front of them is a slim, curvaceous young woman, with long light pink hair and dark-pink eyes.

"What are talking about! we came here first! it's ours" Perona looked at this girl and said with a strong tone.

She can see that their age might be similar, this girl shouldn't be much older than her.

"Haaaaa! Are you stupid? Naturally, I can get this seat since I like it, do you want to fight with pirates, little girl?" The girl looked at Perona and said with a threatening tone. Especially when she talked about her pirate's identity.

She does not like the fact that a little girl like Perona dares to speak out against her! Shouldn't kids be scared after seeing a pirate like her?

She thinks that Perona and Tarueil are normal people, so she used her pirate identity, to scary them.

But she didn't get the results she expected, instead.....

"HraHraHra, pirate? what pirate are you? I never saw you before... Or are you new pirates who just came out to the sea. Do you even have a bounty on your head?" Perona wasn't afraid of the woman's threat and even began to mock her and said with a sarcastic voice.

"You..!!!!!!" Hearing Perona mocking her, the pirate woman suddenly became so angry and pointed her hand at Perona.

But ar this time Tauriel stepped forward and blocked in front Perona while looking at her with calm eyes.

But this didnt stop the woman's actions and a weird pink glow emerged from Taureil and Perona's bodies.

"Hmmm, what is this?" Looking at the weird glow around her Tauriel looked at The woman wondering what she wants to do.

"Tauriel sister *crying face*, UGHAAAA" Behind Tauriel a little baby girl crying voice called her.

Looking back she found.....

"Perona!!!!" She directly recognized the little baby girl. And looks like she's panicked from the sudden change of her body.

After all, she doesn't think there is another person who has the unusually big, round eyes, wearing a big crown on her head. And look like a doll like this.

The person in front of her transformed from a fake doll to a real fake doll.

What happened to Perona?

Nothing! Just turned into a little girl about six years old!

"What happened to Perona! Is that your doing!" Tauriel looked at the woman who should be the cause of all this and said with a questioning voice.

But you can hear some curiosity in her sound.

Manipulate age? Or changing others to children? Tauriel tried to guess what did she do.

The woman didnt answer Tauriel but looked at her with scared eyes!

"What wrong with this woman! I already reduced a hundred years of her age!!!" the woman thoughts.

Yes, this is the ability of this pirate woman.

Jewelry Bonney! also known as the "Big Eater", she's a pirate and the captain of the Bonney Pirates. She is one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the Worst Generation.

She just came to this island and wanted to eat something, but as soon as she entered this restaurant. She saw Tarueil and Perona taking the best free place here. So she wanted to scare them away.

But who knows that the little girl was so arrogant. For this, she wanted to teach her a lesson. But never meant to kill.

And that's why Tauriel didn't attack her till now, if Bonney had the idea of killing even a little, Tauriel would have noticed it and separated her head from her shoulder already.

Jewelry Bonney fruit ability can control age. Making the young older, and the old young.

Her ability is a very unique ability.

But today she met a natural enemy.


Who's Tauriel. She's the daughter of the forest! A high elf who already lived for six hundred years!

Control age? Age can't beat the ridiculous life span of the elf!

So no matter how she raised Tauriel's age, Nothing will change.

And she needs to reduce at least three hundred years of Tarueil age so she can have results.

100-200-300 year... Bonney already had cold sweet on her back. She used her ability to the limit, but Tauriel didn't change!

"You. You.. you, How old are you! you old monster!!*BOOM*" Bonney didn't know what she should say after seeing Tarueil weird condition, so out of panic she called Taureil with the only name she could think of. An old monster.

But that was a mistake..... To call a woman an old monster....

As soon as Bonney said this, Tauriel gave her a good fist which made Bonney lose consciousness.

"m,mmmm sister.. sister Tauriel... Carry me." From behind the little girl, Perona caught Taruiel sleeve and looked at her with innocent eyes.

" : I .... Yes, Perona" Somehow looking at the doll-like Perona, Taureil couldn't refuse anything she may ask right now.

"So lovely!" This is the only idea that appeared on her mind!

Even the idea of letting Perona like this jumped up on her mind.

"No! I have to fix this! What the hell am thinking about!" Tauriel suddenly shook her head and refocused. She also felt her way of thinking just now was so.... *child-like?*

Bonney's ability is really a weird one. Not only the physical age. But even the mental age changed with her ability.

Perona not only turned to a little doll. But even her behaver became like that of the child.

As for Tauriel... Even though her face became somehow younger and her body didn't change. But her way of thinking already...

"Wait... If I let her do this for the others..." Suddenly a very dangerous idea appeared on Taureil's mind.

"No...." She shook head again and refocused. Then she carried, Bonney on the other hand and left the place.....


(Author: hmmm, so hot! Winter-san, please come faster!)

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