Apocalypse : Copy Master

Chapter 76 - Aduial

"Law captain, where should we go next?" A group of people walking in the forest heading toward the port.

"We are leaving this island" The man called Law didn't look back and kept walking while answering his man question.

He just saw Mary when she turned Urouge to gold.

He recognized Mary and Tauriel. After all, they are most likely is the enemies of Doflamingo.

Doflamingo is the person he always wanted to kill, so even though he didnt reach the new world till now. He always kept a close eye on Doflamingo's action.

When Doflamingo put a bounty on Gray and his partner's heads, Law naturally found this.

But this is the first time he sees their strength.

Such a strong power, It's not a good choice to stay close to them. And in fact, his choice is the right choice.

Gray and the others are not so friendly for pirates normally.

Even though if he didnt try to get close to them nothing might happen. But since he saw Mary and Tauriel, a very bad feeling has been always bugging his heart.

And unfortunately for him...

"Stop!" Law stopped and looked at the man who's looking at them from the shadow not far away.

"....." Law held his sword and looked at Gray with deep fear on his eyes.

"He's here! He's really here!!!" Law mind.

Gray looked at Law who's already found him then smiled and walked to him slowly.

"Don't be so nervous like this, I'm here to talk you know...." Gray walked to Law and said with a strong tone.

"Talk... How could I help you... Mr. Gray The unknown fay...." Law said with a respectful tone, but you can see that he's very alerted against Gray.

"It's very simple... You have something my friend wants, can you hand it to me?" Gray spoke with a good voice.

Speaking about this Law he really has what Gray wants.

Trafalgar Law, know as "Surgeon of Death" a pirate from North Blue and the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates. One of the worst generation. The owner of Op-Op Fruit. The second fruit that Gray wants to extract today.

"Something... What could it be?" Law heard Gray's word and wondered what he has that Gray want? He doesn't remember being connected or done anything connected to Gray and his partners.

"Very simple... I want your fruit ability....*Room*.." As soon as Gray said his purpose, Law launched his ability and created a weird field around the area.

But... *WOOG*..

From Gray, a mental shock spread around making Law struggle in his place and withdraw his ability. And his crew lost consciousness and fall down one by one.

"ROOM!!" But after a second Law controlled himself again and recreated the room again.

Seeing this Gray was surprised, this guy has good willpower.

"What?" As soon as he created the room Law wanted to move away, but suddenly found that he can't control his body at all.

Looking down he found that his shadow is connected with Gray shadow... Or actually is being caught by Gray shadow!

"You! Don't get closer!" Looking at Gray walking to his side, Law felt really panicked for real this time.

His situation is not good at all!

"Huh... Don't struggle, I'll take the fruit ability... But that's also good for you... Doflamingo wouldn't hunt for you after losing your ability am I right?" Gray looked at Law panicked face and said.

"You... No! You cant take it!" Not being followed by Doflamingo? Joke! Losing power is simply killing him!

Seeing Law still like this, Gray sighed and decided to exchange something for him. This Law is not a bad character. If it wasn't his fruit is so useful for him, Gray doesn't really want to hurt him.

"Extraction" Gray directly extracted law fruit ability.

[Operation modification source]

Looking at the name of this source Gray felt sad that he can only eat one fruit.

The name of this source alone is so overpowered.....

"No! You bastard! Give it back to me Give it back!" Law felt that his power was missed and screamed with anger.

"Am I the villain here?" Looking at him like this, Gray felt like a villain...

"Well don't scream, I'll give you another chance...*Extraction*" Gray said this and extracted the curse inside him.

Like this Law should be able to eat another fruit in the future.

Gray didnt stop and copied a few skills for him.

Two types of Haki, shave, and sword skill.

This should be enough to compensate him for his ability.

Gray didnt want to talk to Law anymore, So he entered the shadow and went to where Baccarat is hiding, then he took her and left the place completely.

As for Law, he stood in his place while looking at his hand with shocked eyes.

The power and the skills that just appeared on his mind is so strong! He can feel it... He now is at least a hundred times stronger than before!

The sorrow for losing his ability just now has completely replaced to joy! With this power! with this skill! He can do what he always wanted to do!

Besides he's a completely normal human without fruit ability right now! Which means he has another chance to get a good fruit!

Many ideas appeared in Law's mind at this moment.

But soon he refocused and carried his crew and run away.


Gray took Baccarat and moved all the way toward Shakky's bar.

But Gray was thinking about what he did just now and felt weird about his actions.

Why should he gave while he can take by force? Law is not related to him at all. There was no reason for him to copy all those things for him...

Since it's beneficial for him and his partner Gray held the mentality of doing anything.

But this the second time he acts weirdly like this.

First, when he met Luffy, He didn't try to extract that boy Luck attribute. And now he's actually copying skills for someone he just meets for the first time.

*sigh*... Gray sighed and tried to clear his mind. Even though he can take things by force. But after all, this is not his nature.

He won't feel good by doing this, and they are not bad people, to begin with, if he started with them, he will be the unreasonable one here.

Besides he's not in the apocalypse anymore. He shouldn't limit his mind by the way he was thinking there.

Since he liked Law character before, then he can give him something. Besides he took a very precious ability from him. So it's only normal to compensate him with some skills...

Soon Gray's mind was cleared and felt better.

He's still the same after all... and that's good for him.

"Huh... Come to think of it, I cant extract again today...."


Gray with Baccarat came back to Shakky's bar after his hunt completed.

But looks like his plan has to change. He wasted the last chance to extract today to help Law remove the curse. Which means he can't extract anymore today.

When he entered the bar, Gray found that Tauriel and Perona are already here.

Looking at the chibi Perona, Gray felt weird and asked what happened.

After hearing their explanation he understood everything.

Shakky tried to help Tauriel and Perona by washing them in Seawater, but till now nothing changed for both of them.

After all the water only touched their skin, and not what Bonny changed, their age.

"Well, let me try..." Gray thought of something and came to Perona's side, then he gently put his hand on her head and tried to feel something.

After a few seconds. From Perona's body, a weird black smoke started rising which make her uncomfortable.

The smoke became more and more around Perona and soon a weird glow shined from Perona's body and her body started growing at a very fast speed.

"PEGHAAA, Finally back to normal!!! Thank you Gray*crying face*" As soon as Perona back to her normal state, she hugged Gray and thanked him with an existed face.

The feeling of being a child is so annoying!

Only after coming back to normal, she realized how annoying her situation was.

And this can't blame her, anyone will feel the same if he suddenly returned to child and even acted as one even though his way of thinking is much older than that of the children.

After this Gray did the same for Tauriel.

Tauriel wasn't affected so much by the age changing. Even though her way of thinking became somehow different, but she only came back 300 years on age.

Her mind was already mature even after three hundred years.

Which means her mental age was already mature enough to control herself.

The same situation for Taureil soon the weird glow appeared and she returned to completely normal.

After this Gray asked about Mary and Legolas.

Legolas didn't came back till now, and Mary went with a strew hat pirates to the human action in 1 area.

Learning all this, Gray also was ready to take everyone to 1 Area.

But before this, he wanted to talk with Taruiel. So he took her to the back room and talked with her alone.

"Tauriel, The second ability you want is already with me..." Gray looked at Tauriel with serious eyes and told her good news.

Hearing Gray words, Taureil eyes shined. But then calmed down, from Gray eyes she can see he want to talk about something important.

"The abilities you want is very good. But I always felt it's not the right choice, so I have a suggestion here..." Gray told Taureil his idea and thoughts about her choice for her devil fruit ability.

After hearing Gray's words Tauriel went into deep thoughts thinking of what Gray just said.

In fact, if you asked her before, she will definitely choose Logia-type for her ability.

Tauriel's desire for power has never been lowered. Especially after seeing Gray and Mary power after getting the devil fruit ability.

But when Gray entered the coma state and she couldn't help him, her idea changed greatly.

If she has a very powerful power but can't even heal Gray from a simple coma, what is the meaning of all this power?

So she chooses two Paramecia-type fruits.

Kama Kama no Mi(Slash-Slash Fruit) That was eaten by Eric a very useless human being that developed his fruit in a very stupid way.

This fruit gave the user the ability to make a slash from anything he wilds as long as it's sharp. Eric used this ability to lunch slashes from his sharp fingernail.

And the second fruit is Ope Ope no Mi(Operation fruit), that originally belongs to Law one of the worst generation.

The Ope Ope no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows its user to create a spherical space or "room", in which the user has complete control over the placement and orientation of the objects inside, making the user a Free Modification Human.

This fruit has another name...

"Ultimate Devil Fruit"!

Reason? It's very simple... This fruit ultimate use is to grant Eternity to someone else. But the price is the life of the fruit owner himself.

That's why Gray felt it's bad to take this fruit without giving anything for that kid. This fruit is so strong!

And it happened that this fruit is super suitable for Tauriel.

Tauriel as a sword user, this fruit is very suitable for her, Besides she can be called a half magical doctor since she mastered elven medicine.

That's why Gray thinks it's so suitable for her.

But It's still a waste to merge it with slash fruit...

So Gray comes with a new suggestion.

Is to merge the Phoenix fruit with the ope fruit.

Not suitable?

Gray doesn't think so.

First of all, Tauriel as a swordsman she is lacking in defense. The Phoenix fruit has virtually that can heal any physical wound almost instantly. So that will balance her lacking of defense.

Second thing is that Phoenix fruit itself can heal others. So Gray thinks it will work very well with her elven medicine.

Lastly, and the most important reason. Is the change that happens after every time he merges two sources together.

Ope fruit ultimate skill "Immortality Operation" has always been in Gray's mind. But the idea of Taureil sacrificing herself so he can get Immortality is not what he wants.

But this rule might change after merging the fruit with the Phoenix. So it's worth trying.

All in all, this is Gray's idea. The choice is Taureil's in the end.

But even if she thought about it. She can see that Gray is right. This will be much better for her.

So after some silence, she nodded her head and accepted what Gray said.

"Good! Then gave me Glamdring. I want to try something" Gray smiled and took Glamdring.

"hmm? What are you doing?" Tauriel looked at her shadow that moved toward Gray and wondered what is he trying to do.

"Don't resist" Gray held her hand and said this while looking at her eyes. What he's about to do is very dangerous, and he needs her full cooperation.

Tauriel completely trusts Gray so she simply let go of herself and accepted what Gray is doing.

Gray slowly sank the sword into her shadow.

"This is" Taureil suddenly felt something. A weird connection from the sword.

"Accept it..." Gray gave a command to Taureil's shadow.

With his words, a weird black smoke form Gray shadow moved to Tauriel's shadow and finally entered the sword.

Then he took the sword back again.

But the sword wasn't the same Glamdring he knows.

But a beautiful thin sharp black long sword. With weird black runes glowing a shiny dim light.

"Beautiful!" Tauriel looked at the sword in Gray's hand and felt that this sword is so beautiful! giving a completely different feeling from before. Not just this, She even felt a deep connection between her and the sword.

"Not yat *Merge*" Gray merged the [Slash source] to it.

With this, the sword gave a sharper feeling.

Then he handed the sword to Tauriel.

*SLAHHHHHH* As soon as the sword came to her hand a strong wind shattered everything around.

"BOOOM" Not only the room, but the entire bar was also damaged by the shock from the sword.

"What happened! Some attack!" Perona looked around and asked with panic.

"No.. no one attacked. But looks like your captain is about to lose money...." Shakky also looked around and said with a mild tone. But you can see her fist is shacking, which shows she's not in a good mood right now.

Inside the room, Gray looked at Tauriel who already controlled the sword completely with a deep smile on his face.

"Aduial... This will be your name from now on" Taureil looked at the dark sword on her hand and said with a gentle voice.

(Aduial: The dim light of evening, *Sindarin elvish language*)

Gray looked at this smiled even deeper.

What he has done is only connecting the sword with Tauriel's soul.

The more Gray uses his ability the more he understood how it works.

In fact, The shadow follows the soul of its owner's movements. And the soul is a mirror for the body.

So Gray found a way to connect her soul with the sword form the shadow. Even though he can't do more than this for now. But this all that he really needs.

He sent his dark energy to Tauriel's shadow, then let this energy absorb this breath and merge itself with the sword that is sinking inside her shadow.

This is a very complicated process, If Taureil showed a little resisting, or even thought about resisting on her mind, the connection would have failed and even Gray himself might be injured.

After all, a large part of this action is relying on his spiritual power.

Why doing this?

Because he can't merge normal ability for objects as he wants.

If it was animal fruit, the sword will change to a normal animal and have some self-control.

But the sword is a dead object, to begin with.

Merging normal ability to it will be useless. Because the wilder won't be able to use this energy that is hiding inside it, with normal means.

But if he connected the sword with Tauriel, things will be different. And she will be able to control it as a part of her body. And this will also rise her sword strength somehow.


After doing all this, Gray took Perona, Baccarat, and Tauriel then left all the money he has for Shakky who might turn into a monster because of her broken bar and run away.

"Tauriel sister, is this your new sword?" Perona looked at Tauriel beside her and asked. She can see Tauriel holding this sword and kept observing while following Gray all the time.

"Yes..." Tauriel kept looking at the sword and finally looked at Gray in front of her with glowing eyes.

She really likes this sword, but the more she felt it, the more she felt happy, this sword is really connected with her. And the energy the sword held is so strong as if it will cut anything as long as she used this energy.

This kind of power..... she like!

Thinking about how strong she will be after getting her own ability soon. Tauriel felt that Gray is more handsome.


Soon Gray reached Area 1.

Legolas should be here, he wanted to destroy this area for a long time already.

If it wasn't Gray told him to wait until they leave, Area 1 would have already been cleared.

After some search, Gray found where Mary and Legolas are.

*Human Auctioning House*

Looking at the building in front of him Gray smiled weirdly.

Human is human after all, their ugliness is really limitless.

This house is the center of slave trade and a bidding house for selling living beings as slaves.

Gray didnt stay out for long and entered with the others.

"hmm? why so silent?" Perona followed Gray and found that there is no sound here.

Even though there are many people.

Looking at those people, most of them looked at one direction while holding their breaths?

Gray and the other also turned their faces and looked at the same direction.

And what they have seen is.... a wrong scene.

Legolas walking toward a fat man wearing a typical full-body, thick white suit of an obese frame that resembles a spacesuit. And he's rising he fist and looking at him with angry eyes.

"Die you trash!*punch*" As soon as he reached the fat man's side, Legolas screamed and gave a strong punch sending this fat man directly out of the auction house.

Well... Yes... Legolas is stealing Luffy limelight right now.

": I " Gray...

": I " Perona...

": I " Author...

": I " Tauriel...

": I " Mary...

": I " Baccarat...


(Author: mhmmmm, did I miss something?)

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