Kate Peterman, please call him KP when introducing himself.

A Sublimator from the border dark web, the rest of the information is unknown, and the origin is quite mysterious.

But thinking about the background of that border, it's normal.

In that illusory world where countless nightmares seem to overlap, it is constantly changing violently, and there is no one with a clear background.

Hiding one's identity is just normal etiquette, and everyone has hundreds of aliases. Who knows what kind of person is behind the stranger standing in front of you?

But this person's background is obviously not small.

Within two hours of Ai Qing reporting the news, he directly joined the communication between the Social Security Bureau and the Astronomical Society through high-level channels, and even joined the action team this time.

"But rest assured, I won't interfere with everyone's actions."

He smiled and said, "When necessary, I will ensure the smooth progress of the operation. Please rest assured and act."

Everyone looked at the host at the top, and the man nodded slowly.

"That's the situation," he said. "Although Mr. KP's identity cannot be revealed, the higher-ups guarantee that he will be helpful in this operation."

It always feels sneaky and doesn't look like a good thing.

Huai Shi curiously looked at that smiling face.

And KP seemed to notice his gaze, looked over, and nodded slightly towards him. Huai Shi suddenly felt a little trance, as if he had heard the sound of dice rolling like an illusion. But soon, he forgot about it.

"Well, time is running out."

Smiling KP bypassed the host and gave the order, "Since everyone is here, get ready. We will start in ten minutes... cough, let's begin."

So, all the participating Sublimators stood up and began to quickly organize their equipment in the last few minutes.

Two third-stage, five second-stage, and Huai Shi, a first-stage.

They all looked like experienced Sublimators. Except for two people equipped with firearms, all the others had cold weapons, and they looked skilled.

The smell of blood in their eyes was stronger than Huai Shi's when he held the steel in his hand.

"Do you see? All the official operational agents have the license of the Border Hunter. They are not comparable to the same-level rogue Sublimators in terms of their own qualities and abilities."

Ai Qing glanced at Huai Shi and reminded him, "Just broaden your horizons this time, don't rush to the front foolishly."

"What are you talking about?" A sinister face appeared from the side, sneering, "Is it time for Aunt Daisy's class to start?"

He looked at Huai Shi with a scrutinizing look and nodded in satisfaction, "No wonder my cousin killed that waste from the Qi family for him. The little puppy really looks like..."


Everyone stiffened for a moment at the loud noise and looked over in astonishment. Almost all the Sublimators instinctively drew their weapons and vigilantly looked towards the source of the gunshot.

It came from Ai Qing's hand.

In the silence, only the smoke slowly rose from the muzzle.

Yin Yan stared blankly at the dark barrel, feeling the burning pain on his temple, and swallowed hard.

"Sorry, it went off. Are you okay?"

Ai Qing looked at her cousin with concern, "Is there something wrong with your mouth? If you need to breathe through such a big hole, should I make another one for you?"

Yin Yan's expression changed, his face turned pale, and he didn't say anything else. He took two steps back and left.

After apologizing to the others, the other Sublimators withdrew their gazes in confusion. The middle-aged man who hosted the meeting seemed to be ready to speak, but he didn't get involved in Yin's trouble. Moreover, at this critical moment, he didn't have the energy to worry about it.

Only Huai Shi stared in astonishment at Ai Qing, "Big sister, you're so fierce."

"Admire me?" Ai Qing put away her gun, "But you're the unlucky one."

"Huh?" Huai Shi was surprised.

"He's a gilded fool who doesn't dare to confront me, but he will most likely take it out on you, right?" Ai Qing reminded him softly, "Be careful and don't get framed."

Outside the cabin, Yin Yan looked at the agent leaning against the bulkhead and smoking, "Do it cleanly, understand? Don't give anyone a handle."

The smoking agent nodded silently, grinned silently, revealing sharp canine teeth.

Ten minutes quickly passed.

No one spoke anymore.

In the silence, only the sound of dice rolling in KP's hand kept ringing.

Soon, the six Sublimators had descended onto the speedboat using the rope ladder.

When Huai Shi stepped onto the deck of the speedboat, he saw a blur in front of him.

The originally huge cargo ship disappeared in an instant, even on the radar, there was no trace of it. Only the faintly distorted air could be seen with the naked eye.

But it was still there when touched.

Lao Xiao gave a simple reminder, especially to Huai Shi, who was on his first mission, and then started the yacht and headed towards the deepest part of the vast sea.

After the initial excitement passed, Huai Shi sat in the chair and felt a little dizzy, with his stomach rolling and his face turning pale.

He was seasick.

Soon, he leaned over the side of the boat and vomited, and the embarrassed Clement could only sigh and hand him tissues.

"Haha, even Sublimators can get seasick."

Lao Xiao's deputy, the rough man, couldn't help but laugh, patted Huai Shi's shoulder heavily, "Then why don't you stay below? Just wait for us to come back."

Huai Shi lifted his head, opened his mouth to say something, but ended up vomiting even more violently.

Soon, a faint light appeared in the distance.

The light of a ship.

From afar, they could hear the sound of music coming from the deck, as if a party was in full swing.

Everyone stared in astonishment at the massive ship riding the waves, dumbfounded.

Those smugglers had some nerve.

They were openly smuggling border relics on a passenger ship?

This was completely different from the information they had...

But without a doubt, there was only one ship on this route, and there was absolutely no chance of a mistake in such a place. Although the description of the ship was slightly off, after reporting the situation to the command ship, they received the order to continue the operation.

The group exchanged glances.

The oldest among them, Old Xiao, was the first to speak: "Let's stick to the plan then, with some changes in the details. Yuan Long and I will carry out the mission directly. Lei Feizhou, Yue Jun, and Ni Heng will provide support. Clement and Huai Shi, you two... never mind, find a chance to blend in with the passengers. Be ready to provide support in case of any abnormalities."

He glanced at his watch: "It's 11:40 now. We'll start the operation in five minutes. If there's anything you don't understand, ask now."

A quick look at bit.ly/3iBfjkV will leave you more fulfilled.

"Um... Old Xiao."

Huai Shi hesitated, raising his hand, enduring the bone-chilling cold that had filled his body, and managed to squeeze out a smile: "I feel... not so good..."

In an instant, everyone looked at him with disdain.

"If you're scared, you can go back alone." Lei Feizhou, who had just teased him, said indifferently: "We won't miss one person."

Huai Shi didn't say anything, sitting at the back, shivering.

His face was pale from the cold.

After turning off the motor, Yuan Long, who was sitting next to Old Xiao, reached into the water. A current surged, pulling the boat swiftly forward, silently approaching the cruise ship.

The Sublimators exchanged glances and silently climbed aboard.

When Clement was the last to go up, he glanced at the shivering Huai Shi, sighed, and handed him his pistol: "Take this for self-defense. If it really doesn't work..."

He paused: "You should go back."

He also went up.

In the silence, Huai Shi struggled to look up at the massive shadow of the ship, feeling as if the dark silhouette was about to swallow him. The melodious tunes from the deck seemed to turn into harsh notes, mixed with a raspy whisper, but no matter how carefully he listened, he couldn't make out the words.

Suddenly, a scream rang out from the deck.

Then, silence returned.

Only a figure fell from above, landing in the water with a splash, gradually sinking. In the light, Huai Shi caught a glimpse of a lifeless face.

It was Old Xiao.

In that moment, he sprang up, started the boat's motor, and clumsily steered the speedboat away.

He could never board that ship.

Never in his life...

Knowing there was danger on board and still charging in was not bravery but stupidity. Moreover, this time the premonition of death was so terrifying, like a death sentence hanging over him. If he dared to act recklessly, he must be out of his mind.

As the speedboat gradually moved away, Huai Shi felt his body finally relax a bit, the chill instantly leaving him.

It was as if he had been rewarded for making the right choice.

He breathed a sigh of relief, looking back at the dark shadow of the cruise ship.

He shivered.



When Huai Shi stepped onto the deck of the speedboat, he saw the scene in front of him blur.

The massive cargo ship had disappeared in an instant, leaving no trace even on the radar. Only by looking with the naked eye could he see the faintly distorted air.

It was still there when he touched it with his hand.

"How strange." Huai Shi exclaimed, "Is this some kind of magic?"

"It's just the phase shielding technology of those scholars, nothing strange. Once you've seen enough, you won't think much of it." Lei Feizhou, who was familiar with the situation, patted his shoulder: "You're a promising young man."

"No, no, I'm just a newbie. Big brother, you're very generous."

Huai Shi hurriedly took out a can of cola from his chest and handed it over. Old Xiao didn't say anything. After watching everyone get familiar with each other, he briefly reiterated the plan, then gave Huai Shi some precautions before turning off the motor.

Yuan Long reached into the sea, and a current surged, carrying the speedboat swiftly forward.

Clement looked at Huai Shi with a puzzled expression, asking, "Have we met somewhere before?"

"Huh?" Huai Shi was taken aback, then shook his head frantically: "No, no, I've never seen a foreigner before. You must have mistaken me for someone else, big brother. Here, have some sunflower seeds."

Saying this, he handed over a handful of sunflower seeds.

Then, for some reason, he shivered.

He seemed to be getting seasick.

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