Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1066: The corpse emperor hidden under the ice

Of course, if the position of Ghoul Wuji has been replaced, the Shangqi Locker will definitely not think that after the Mingzhao turning point, he will be the representative of choosing the human race on the island.

Because the previous two arrangements were made by Shangqi Locker.

But this time is different.

Because Shangqi Locker coveted the absolute power within the human race on the island, Ming Zhao asked him to find someone as soon as possible to take over the position of Ghoul Wuji as soon as possible, and his co-management of the human race on the island was not implemented.

Among the human forces on the island today, he is the most important person.

It’s impossible for a young guy to go to the alliance as the representative of the human race on the island by uniting the Phoenix to deal with the corpse emperor. Face Wei Xiao.

Both sides are self-sufficient and arrogant, and face problems never lag behind one side.

In other words, the person who can represent the human forces on the island to participate in the next alliance will be the man who rides on the lock.

Thinking that he might end up like the first two dear brothers, the Shangqi Locker couldn't help panicking.

But he is not without any choice.

Without waiting for Ming Zhao to continue speaking, the Shangqi Locker said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, your subordinates will ensure that the human team leaving with the army this time will not disappoint your Majesty."

When Ming Zhao reached his mouth, he paused slightly.

Curious, she didn't continue the topic she hadn't finished before, and asked: "Why?"

The upper-mountain lock man believes: "Because we have a group of Americ empires on our island, they have mech warriors far beyond our native human power. Although mech warriors are somewhat reluctant to deal with high-level zombies, they can deal with level three. The following external zombies are more than enough, and with the addition of the corpse knights, the human forces on our island must be different this time."

"You have confidence in those steel warriors?"

"Naturally, it is not only the powerful lethality they possess. In addition, the subordinates also selected a person from among them who is far superior to Ghoul Wuji. His abilities are comparable to those of the Phenomenal Army Master. Chen Haojie."

"Is there such a person?" This was not from Ming Zhao, but from the moon on the side.

For Chen Haojie, Yue knows something.

That's the "wisdom" of Phoenix.

Because I have had a lot of contact with Wei Xiao and the others, Yue Cong's phoenix warriors have heard a lot of legends about the hero Chen.

The entire Phoenix, except for Wei Xiao, Yue admires Hero Chen the most.

Now Shangqi Locker actually said that there is a figure on their island whose wisdom is not under Chen Haojie, no wonder Yue will be moved.

Shangqi Locker can't manage so much now.

He doesn't want to be a "dead ghost", anyway, Niubi has blown it out, and he doesn't mind adding more oil and jealousy.

There is nothing to worry about for someone who is destined to never return to Female V Island in his opinion.

"Master Zizi Mingjian. This time, the person I asked for helped Helmer plan several battles in the Americ Continent, and they never missed it. Therefore, as a representative of the human forces on the island, he participated in the alliance. Appropriate."

Ming Zhao didn't think that Shangqi Locker would deceive her, and nodded.

Before, she had not reported to her to report to her because of this period of time. Shangqi Suomen had not brought a replacement for Ghoul Wuji. Ming Zhao decided to let Shangqi Suomen as the representative of the human race on the island in this meeting. However, now that there are With a better candidate, she wouldn't make any decisions for Shangqi Locker.

If the Shangqi Locker learns this idea of ​​Mingzhao, he will probably be frightened.

He really guessed it.

Fortunately, he reacted well on the spot, otherwise, this time he was really killed by himself.

stupid! In the future, we must not continue to covet power. It is better to have a spare tire than to die.

"In that case, you can arrange it!"

The lingering fear of the rider on the lock man nodded repeatedly.


Chao Mingzhao and Yue bowed their heads one after another, and then the Shangqi Locker left tremblingly.

"Mother, if the person mentioned by Shangqi Suo Nan has the wisdom of Army Master Chen, perhaps we will have less trouble in contact with Master Wei Xiao."

Ming Zhao twisted his huge head.

"It looks like you have a high regard for that Army Master Chen?"

"Children just admire his wisdom. If given the opportunity, children will learn more from humans."

"You have such thoughts, this emperor is very pleased. The wisdom of the human race is far from comparable to that of our corpse race. If they can master their useful knowledge, it will be beneficial to our corpse race to dominate the world."

"My boy understands. This time I go ashore, my boy will communicate more with the person that Shangqi Locker said."

"Well, you should also prepare! There are twenty-seven corpses under the abyss, and you take the seventeen. This time you must pay attention to the corpses of the external corpse emperor, and you must not let Wei Xiao do any more tricks."

Yue nodded solemnly.

"Definitely live up to the mother emperor's expectations."

Hugging a fist, Yue Shan walked back.


Ming Zhao's huge body wriggled.

The huge blood basin opened his mouth softly: "Wei Xiao, after this battle, the emperor and you should also have a break. Since you are not used by the emperor, then you can't keep you. It's a pity that you have a powerful strength. "

In Ming Zhao's groaning, I could hear endless sighs and regrets.

Sure enough, talents do not distinguish national borders and races, and they are rare for anyone.

But if outstanding talents are not under their control, they can only be eliminated with reluctance.

If Wei Xiao knew Ming Zhao's appreciation for him, would he be a little proud?

The land of the east, the Yunjiang area.

Before the end of the world, Yunjiang was a famous tourist attraction in Longxia Kingdom.

The four seasons are like spring, warm in winter and cool in summer, attracting travel enthusiasts from all over the world.

And as the most famous Yunjiang River, it is well known.

The years of the Yunjiang River flow, and the sky is the same color, unlike the human world.

This is a long river that will not dry up. It has nurtured a creature and has also witnessed the rise and fall of countless dynasties.

But now, here has become a world of ice and snow.

The Baili Long River was frozen over a large area, and there was a tide of corpses that could not be seen at a glance.

More than a month has passed since the beginning of spring, but above the Yunjiang River, there is still white snow flying down from time to time.


Suddenly, with a few low groans under the ice, the corpses gathered above the ice and in the surrounding mountains became frantic.

If someone is on the spot, you will find out.

In these countless groups of corpses, the new-type zombies are quickly retreating in all directions, while the first-level evolutionary zombies are slaughtering and devouring each other like crazy.

Among the terrifying roars and screams, millions of first-level evolutionary zombies have been reduced in number, and many of them that meet the promotion requirements have also evolved in different directions.

Giant zombies, climbers, agile people...

The second-level evolutionary zombies have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

With the emergence of giant zombies, other second-level zombies stopped eating, and the remaining first-level evolutionary zombies became food for those behemoths, continuing to provide them with the flesh and blood needed for evolution.

Just days and nights after this killing from within the corpse clan, the nine big mother corpses appeared.

Afterwards, unevolved giant zombies and first-level evolutionary zombies were slaughtered by second-level and higher-level evolutionary zombies and new-type zombies.

The corpses they left behind were either brought to the mouth of the mother's corpse by the senior zombies, or piled up on a piece of ice that had been soaked in green blood.



When the corpses on the ice surface piled up to a certain extent, under the ice surface, a huge silver-white head smashed the ice surface and came outside.

The terrifying blood basin opened wide, swallowing an unknown number of corpses and returning to the ice.

Those corpses that were not eaten by her also fell into the ice cave with the help of the surrounding senior zombies.


When other zombies in the distance saw this scene, as if something exciting happened, they roared to the sky, and the earth-shaking roar seemed to be full of cheers and joy.

This is a signal, heralding the appearance of the complete body of the new corpse emperor.

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