Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1068: Frustrated at the first step


"Two, don't get me wrong, we are not hostile."

The sound of footsteps came, and He Yong who spoke again, while speaking, appeared with Level 3 fighters hidden around him.

A group of twenty-five people surrounded the two corpses.


The support of the skimmers is not slow.

A large number of zombies landed from the air, and in a moment, He Yong and the others were surrounded by heavy surroundings.

"Two, let your subordinates not do anything. We really have no malice. Meeting you in this way is a last resort. If there is any abruptness, please forgive me."

He Yong was afraid that the surrounding zombies would do something, and once again declared his own mind.

The two corpses frowned slightly.

One of them waved his hand so that those sky-grabbers who surrounded He Yong and others would not act rashly.

"Humans, what do you want to do?"

He Yong was obviously relieved when he heard the other party's question.

Able to communicate, it means that their plan has been half-successful.

He Yong smiled: "You two don’t need to be nervous. We are here to make a deal with your corpse king. But you also know that it is not easy for us humans to want to see the corpse king. So, in order to make it easier to see It wasn't until your corpse emperor that we made the decision to meet the two in this way."

"The corpse emperor? You want to see the mother emperor?"

"Yes, we have very important things to discuss with her face-to-face, so please make it easy for both of us to take us to see the corpse king?"

The two corpses were suspicious.

"How to do it?" one of the corpses asked.

The other has no idea.

"Let me ask the mother emperor's opinion first."

The other corpse nodded.

"You wait a moment." One of the corpses said, and then contacted the new corpse emperor under Yunjiang.

Not long afterwards, the corpse who returned to God's body changed both its expression and the look in its eyes.

An even colder breath radiated from him.

Sharp eyes stared at He Yong, and that irresistible coercion swept He Yong and his party.

"You want to see the emperor?" The corpse said, but his voice changed.

A female voice is pleasing to the ear, but also full of majesty.

"Consciousness possession?"

He Yong was surprised when he thought of the corpse emperor's ability recorded in "The Last Days".

But he didn't think much, and respectfully said: "Yes, your Excellency should be Yunjiang Corpse Emperor, right?"

"The emperor's name is Bingxue, you can call this emperor the Queen of Bingxue."

"Human He Yong, I have seen Her Majesty the Ice Queen."

"Yeah! Before Bingfeng contacted the emperor, saying that you have something to do with the emperor, now you can say, what are you going to trade with the emperor?" The Ice and Snow Queen asked straightforwardly.

He Yong could confirm that the consciousness of the possessed corpse in front of him was the new corpse emperor they were looking for, without hesitation.

"Tell her Majesty the Queen, this transaction with you will be related to the life and death of Her Majesty, I wonder if Her Majesty is interested?"


The Frozen Queen frowned.


Seeing that the face of the Queen of Ice and Snow was wrong, the corpse next to her suddenly yelled.


Affected by it, the surrounding zombies showed fierce brilliance towards He Yong and the others.

The third-level fighters who followed He Yong felt the strong killing intent around them, and they all felt uneasy.

They are now under heavy siege. If these zombies are to deal with them, even if they are all super fighters above level three, once a war starts, they will be dead.

They will be nervous and forgivable when it comes to matters of life and death.

The Ice Queen was silent for a moment, motioning for the zombies below to be quiet.

"You said the content of the transaction is at stake with the emperor's life and death? Let's talk about it."

"Dare not follow my fate." He Yong said: "With the power of Her Majesty, you should be able to feel that there is also a corpse emperor in the area thousands of miles away from us, and the crisis I want to talk about comes from that. A corpse emperor. At the beginning of your majesty's birth, the other party was ready to attack your majesty."

The Queen of Ice and Snow frowned again when she heard this.

Another corpse king?

There is no need for He Yong to say more, the Ice and Snow Queen just felt the aura of her corpse emperor for a moment, and then she could tell the truth from what He Yong said.

When she returned to her senses, he stared directly at He Yong with cold eyes.

"Do you know what will happen to deceiving the emperor?"

"I don't dare to go down, it's just telling the truth."

"Heh! It's ridiculous, the corpse emperor you mentioned does exist, but it seems that she can't come to land. How can she threaten the emperor's life and death?"

"This is exactly what I want to deal with my Majesty."


In order to prevent the Queen of Ice and Snow from guessing wildly, He Yong didn't wait for her to ask why, so he told the other party about the cooperation between Phoenix and Mingzhao.

"... The corpse king who coveted your majesty has reached a cooperative relationship with a powerful force in our human race, and, a few months ago, they also jointly eliminated a corpse king. Now, they are about to join forces again to deal with the queen, I don’t know. Is this a threat to your majesty's safety?"

After hearing what He Yong said, the Frozen Queen's brow furrowed deeper.

"You mean, they have defeated a corpse emperor?"


The sullen-faced Ice Queen's eyes turned extremely cold to He Yong at this time.



Without waiting for He Yong to speak, the Ice Queen said angrily: "According to what you said, the external corpse emperor should have reached the level of the second-level corpse emperor, but in the emperor's perception, she is still at the same level as the emperor. You humans really can't change your cunning habit, and you are so courageous to hit the emperor with your idea!"

"Your Majesty, what I said here is true. Although I don't know why the corpse emperor cooperating with Phoenix is ​​still a first-level corpse emperor, but a few months ago, they actually killed a corpse emperor. This matter is the entire Longxia land. Everyone knows that it’s not difficult for your Majesty to find out."

"Human beings are inherently cunning, not believable. Since you take the initiative to send them to the door, don't leave. Glacier, get rid of them, and come back with flesh and blood as soon as possible." The Ice and Snow Queen obviously did not believe what He Yong said.

In other words, the current Ice Queen's view of the human race still stays at the attitude of the pre-evolution.

Knowing the cunning of the human race and not wanting to touch her too much, the most direct way is to kill her.

"Your Majesty Queen, Your Majesty Queen, there is absolutely no deception in what I say here, you have to believe..."

"The mother emperor is gone, the human race deserves to die."

He Yong has no chance to explain.

The corpse who had regained his main consciousness had a strong killing intent in his eyes.

The other corpse did not hesitate.

"Kill them all."


The zombies who had been ready to go around heard the corpse's order and roared and immediately attacked He Yong and the others.

"Damn, how could this be, how could this be?"

He Yong was anxious.

He didn't know which part of him had the problem.

Why does what Wei Xiao and the others can do become so difficult on his side?

"Boom boom..."

"Master He Yong, hurry up."

The fighting has broken out.

In the face of the corpses pouring in from all directions and the twenty-four soldiers who followed He Yong, their resistance seemed insignificant.

Someone yelled at him loudly.

Unwillingly, He Yong glanced at the two corpses standing on the icicles.

"You will regret it. If you kill it, you can run away one by one."

It is impossible to sit still, He Yong shouted angrily, and led the people around to rush in one direction.

"Want to go? Can you go?"

The two corpses moved.

The extremely cold current rushed to the surroundings.

"Puff puff……"

Where the cold air passes, between the earth and forest, countless cones of ice protrude.

The attack appeared without warning, and the level 3 fighters who were preventing the zombies from approaching, one by one, died unexpectedly under the penetration of the ice cone.

He Yong, the fourth-level fighter, has the ability to resist.

The figure constantly dodges the ice cone that suddenly appeared, and while killing the zombies that attacked him, the figure fled in one direction.

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