Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1073: Enemy zombies attack

The next day, it was still dark.

"Boom boom boom..."

Outside the door of the hotel where Wei Xiao was located, the knocking on the door alarmed Wei Xiao and the others who hadn't naturally regained their consciousness inside.

"Is it dawn?"

The beauties around them are still a little dazed, and they haven't recovered their vitality from the battle last night.

"You guys will sleep a little longer."

Wei Xiao patted Bai Youwei's fragrant shoulder, took her coat from the side, put it on and got out of bed.

Leave the bedroom and go to the living room.

The knock on the door outside has not stopped.

Wei Xiao walked to the door of the room with a warm and anger on his face and opened the door directly.


Outside the door, it was Wei Xiao who came to open the door, and Fu Wanwan, who was in charge of knocking on the door, was slightly stunned.

Wei Xiao's face was sullen.

"Knock at the door so early, something?"

Feeling the dissatisfaction in Wei Xiao's tone, Fu million and Chen Haojie and others behind him swallowed secretly.

But thinking about them coming to see Wei Xiao, the group couldn't bother to interrupt the Lord's rest.

Chen Haojie said solemnly: "Master, something has happened."

His voice fell, and a familiar figure behind him appeared in Wei Xiao's line of sight.

"Brother Xiao..."

It's Song Xiaoyu.

Seeing her figure, Wei Xiao also realized the problem.

"Come in!"

Let everyone outside the door come in.

In the living room.

Seeing everyone sitting still, Wei Xiao asked, "Xiaoyu, why are you here?"

Song Xiaoyu did not dare to neglect, and said eagerly: "Brother Xiao, this is why I came here. The New Corpse Sovereign has mobilized tens of millions of zombies and rushed towards the creation base, and can arrive at the creation base at noon today. Within the sphere of influence. The enemy's zombies' attack has begun, and Brother Xiao is asked to prepare early."

"Will the new corpse emperor take the initiative to attack us?"

"It's true. Lin Qin and I discovered this situation and came back to let you know."

Wei Xiao's expression was cold.

"How many high-level zombies are there, is it the new corpse emperor who leads the team?"

"The number of high-level zombies is uncertain, but it is definitely not less than one million. The new corpse emperor did not leave Yunjiang. It was the corpses who led the team, and the number is not known." Song Xiaoyu told Wei Xiao what she knew.

Wei Xiao thought for a moment and got up.

"Does the information creation base know?"

"I haven't had time to notify them, but I believe that the personnel they arranged outside will soon send the news back. However, their outer secret sentry is not far from the creation base. At the same time as the news is passed back, the enemy zombie army is estimated to be too. Arrived."

"The courage is not small. We didn't look for it, but she took the initiative to send it to the door. Hero..."


"Immediately rectify the army, arrange the defense line, and meet the attack of the enemy corpse group. I want this batch of enemy zombies who took the initiative to fight back and forth."

"I'll go down and prepare now."

Without hesitation, Chen Haojie, Fu million, and Lan Qiang got up one after another and left the room.

But not long after they left, Ziezixing and Yue also found Wei Xiao's residence.

"Master Wei Xiao..."

Before they could say anything, Wei Xiao interrupted them and said, "Did the enemy corpses come?"

Xing and Yue were a little surprised.

How did Wei Xiao know why they came?

You know, they learned this news because of the induction between the zombies.

They had a hunch that Wei Xiao knew about this situation before them. How to not surprise them?

"Master Wei Xiao already knows?"

"No need to say anything, get ready to meet the enemy! It's the old rule. I will lead you to confront the incoming enemy, and the human force will assist you. There is an army of tens of millions of enemy zombies, of which less than one million high-level zombies are crushed. them."

Xing and Yue lifted their spirits.

Yue: "Since Master Wei Xiao already knows, then we won't say more, we will go back and prepare now."

"I will come later."

Xing and Yue nodded, then turned and left.

"Xiaoyu, you should have already investigated the location of the corpses of the Nine Mothers, right?"

"I have already mastered it all. But Brother Xiao, for the first time because we have no experience, we lost a lot of mother corpses. This time, I think we must send a large army to follow closely when we start beheading the mother corpse. To prevent the mother’s corpse from being eaten by the zombies in the nest."

"The hero will make arrangements. Tell the hero when you act, and he will send an army to support you."


Song Xiaoyu didn't say much, then turned around and walked back.

"Master, do you need us to take action?"

Just as Song Xiaoyu left, Phantom and Mu Wuqing walked out in the other bedroom.

They obviously heard the words before.

Wei Xiao shook his head.

"It's not a big battle, you continue to rest. Dealing with the new corpse emperor is your main task."

With that, Wei Xiao walked into the bedroom.

Phantom and Mu Wuqing looked at each other, and the latter shrugged.

"Just as he said. An army of tens of millions of zombies does not pose any threat to us."

The Phantom did not insist either, and nodded.

Outside the bedroom, when Wei Xiao appeared again, he was already fully armed.

The armor of the Emperor Armor and the Emperor Sword, this piece of equipment appeared, and everyone knew who its owner was.

"I'm leaving first, you guys rest at ease."

"be careful!"

There was no more words, Wei Xiao gestured, and left the room with a long knife in his hand.

Outside the hotel, Santos Mansion.

"Damn, how come zombies take the initiative to attack us at this time?"

"Leader, this is true. Thanks to a team of scavengers at the base who stayed outside yesterday and did not come back. Otherwise, when the secret post outside of us learns the news, I am afraid that the zombies have already been killed outside the city."

Cao Yuchun slowly put on the Heavenly King Armor.

"Does the Phoenix know the situation?"

"They are already in action, and friendly zombies are now building fortifications for them outside the base."

"Trusty rusty..."

After putting on the Heavenly King armor and carrying the weapon behind him, Cao Yuchun walked out the door impatiently.

"Those who notified us, are all involved in the upcoming battle."

The people around followed closely behind.

"Already notified."

Out of the city lord's mansion.


Outside, members of the guards belonging to Cao Yuchun have assembled.

The number is small, only about 120 people.

But these people, all of them are second-level fighters, and they wear a generation of armed armor, and their combat power is superb.

"Everyone got in the car and headed towards the east gate."

Cao Yuchun didn't talk nonsense, yelled, and walked straight to his car.

Other guards also got on the prepared cars.


There was a roar, and the convoy immediately drove out of the city’s main mansion.

Inside the creation base.

The news of the zombie attack has spread.

The entire interior of the base seemed extremely tense at this moment.

The elderly and children hide in their homes for the first time and dare not go out, while the young ones either gather in a designated area as a reserve team, or are responsible for logistics and board the city wall with weapons to enter the fighting state.

The whole city can be described as a warrior.

"Master Wei Xiao, do we need to take the initiative to attack?" On the east city wall, Xing, Yue and a group of corpses were located on both sides of Wei Xiao.

Looking at the ruined city a couple of kilometers away, Yuexian asked.

Wei Xiao, who was wearing an emperor's armor and holding an unsheathed emperor sword, held his face solemnly.

"No, defensive warfare is what our humans do better than field battles. Don't send them up for unnecessary casualties. When they arrive, send them a carpet bombing first."


"Unexpectedly, Mr. has mentioned coming here, Cao came late."

Cao Yuchun also came to the wall at this time.

Wei Xiao turned his head and glanced at him.

"Chief Cao came just right."

Cao Yuchun came to the edge of the city wall and looked out of the city.

Outside, a large number of friendly zombies are building fortifications with the base side and the Phoenix people.

Looking at the busy crowd, Cao Yuchun asked, "How's the situation? Mr., do you know where the enemy zombies are already?"

"If you want to come back sooner or later, Chief Cao just needs to wait. But Chief Cao must be prepared. Once the battle begins, it will be comprehensive, and the logistics of our human race must keep up."

"Mr. Don't worry, everything that should be prepared has been prepared. The Creation Base will never hinder the coalition forces."

"Well, then wait!"

Wei Xiao gave Cao Yuchun a deep look.

Say no more.

Ten miles away from the base.


The ice queen's army of zombies is here.

The black torrent that covers the sky and the sun and spreads across the earth is advancing at a very fast speed in the direction of the creation base.

The number of terrifying zombies swallowed the earth like shadows. If people watched that scene, they would feel thrilling.

The front coalition combat command.

"Military officer, the enemy corpse group has entered the range of our artillery fire. Do you want to fire immediately, please instruct?"

Chen Haojie looked ahead.



The messenger got the order and immediately notified the artillery camp via radio.

"Boom boom boom..."

As soon as the cannon rang, everyone else in the creation base knew that the battle had begun.

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