Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1076: Reinforcements of the Ice Queen

Wei Xiao's words fell, and the Emperor Biting Sword in his hand had arrived in front of Frozen.

One word, fast.

It was so fast that it was impossible to guard against.


The ability to cope with ice is also extraordinary.

The supernatural powers in the body seemed to have self-consciousness, and actively formed an ice wall in front of him, buffering Wei Xiao's sword to a certain extent.

Frozen was able to react to the time and bowed his head, letting the Emperor Sword Wei Xiao swiped across his headspace.

"Boom boom boom..."

There is no room for other actions to be frozen.

Dangerously and dangerously avoiding Wei Xiao's blow, without raising his head, he pressed his hands on the ground, and a lot of cold air spread out in front of him.

Where the cold air passed, an ice cone of more than two meters rose from the ground.

Upon seeing this, Wei Xiao dared not continue to approach Bingfeng, retreating.

During the movement, enemy zombies attempted to attack Wei Xiao, but they were all killed one by one while dodging.

Wei Xiao retreated to a safe area, looking at the path full of ice cones in the middle, the corners of his mouth under the mask slightly slanted.

"Alien powers are difficult to deal with, but that's all."

With the armor of the Emperor Armor, as long as Wei Xiao's body is not frozen by the ice-bound ability, the remaining damage is almost negligible for him.

After avoiding the frozen supernatural ability, Wei Xiao just drew a certain distance between the two, and Wei Xiao flew out again with one foot.

With his left hand swiping the Emperor Sword, the figure rushed forward in a whirlwind.

"Puff puff" kept on.

The ice cones along the way were all shattered by the Emperor Devouring Knife in Wei Xiao's hands.

Seeing Wei Xiao getting closer and closer, it was hard to dodge the ice.

A lot of cold air burst from his body, and a transparent mask with a radius of two meters protected him.

Wei Xiao's figure came to death.

The blood-blue blade swept across the mask.

I saw a black figure flashed past the ice cover, and finally appeared behind Frozen.

Standing horizontally, on the blade of Wei Xiao's hand, a **** water slipped and dripped onto the ground.

Under the protection of the ice cover, the barriers around his body are dissipating, and his bright eyes have also become distracted and godless in an instant.

Until the head on the shoulders separates from the body.

At the same time as the head fell, the body also fell down.

Without the ability, it is easy for Wei Xiao to kill a corpse equivalent to a fourth-level fighter.

The armor of the Emperor Armor made him immune to most of the damage from the opponent's abilities, and the Emperor Sword had the sharpness to cut gold and jade, so that the sharp equipment fell into Wei Xiao's hands, and it was just like a tiger.

"Master Wei Xiao is still as strong as ever."

"Compared to the last time I was on the battlefield of the Flame Corpse Emperor, how do I feel that Master Wei Xiao is stronger?"

Xing, Yue and they are paying attention to the battle on Wei Xiao's side.

Seeing that Bingfeng was killed in Wei Xiao's hands in just three rounds, they were surprised at the same time, but they also had a strong fear of Wei Xiao's strength.

Yue: "You are not mistaken, Master Wei Xiao's strength has increased again. Last time I saw him dealing with the corpse, I felt that his domineering moves still carried a softness, more than fierceness, but insufficient toughness, and now, he His moves are full of domineering and courageous everywhere. Such an attack will have to die if it can't be stopped."


"Well, another enemy corpse has appeared."

Yue's voice changed suddenly.

Other companions found the enemy's corpse.

"Do you want to tell Master Wei Xiao?" Xing asked.

"No need, we can solve it."

After Yue finished speaking, he drove the skidder to fly in the direction where he found another enemy corpse.

Wei Xiao didn't know Xing and Yue's parity for him, turned back and grabbed the frozen headless corpse on the ground.

While waving his hands, the frozen corpse was thrown by Wei Xiao onto a friendly sky-grabber.

As he came to the back of the friendly skidder, he directly drove the opponent towards the back of the battlefield.

The value of a corpse of a corpse is far better than that of a mother's corpse in some respects.

For such a corpse, it is absolutely necessary for Wei Xiao to personally **** it to a safe area.

And when Wei Xiao brought the frozen corpse back, Xing, Yue and the others also faced another enemy corpse Binghe.

To bully the less.

Under the leadership of Xing and Yue, the seven friendly corpses attacked the glacier at the same time.

The defensive power of the corpse cannot be compared with the heavy armored zombies.

Their outer skin can only withstand the conventional chopping of ordinary cold weapons at best.

The stars and the moon can control metal, and their power is far beyond the power that ordinary people can use. Under the cutting of the sharp weapon shaped by endless metal, the glacier can only hate on the spot.

The Yunjiang area.

"Ho **** ho ho..."

The two corpses sent by the Ice Queen to lead the army of zombies were killed one after another. She was able to observe the battlefield situation through the ability of visual sharing, and at this moment she revealed a huge body from under the Yunjiang River.

"Humans, why do humans have such strong men? Damn, damn, weak humans dare to be enemies of the emperor. They all die, they all die."

"Swish swish..."

The anger of the Ice Queen alarmed the corpses guarding her around, and three figures appeared at the same time.

"Mother Queen!"

"Glaciers, ice and snow, and icebergs, they have fallen from the ice. You immediately dispatch thousands of troops to join the battle. This emperor wants to let the forces of the corpse emperor and the human race disappear."

"Follow the mother emperor's order!"

The three corpses took their orders, and then retreated.


The ice queen's deep eyes stared into the distance.

A "human" sound made her eyes seem to have changed something that shouldn't have been.

The Corpse Emperor's Quartet Territory.

As a new round of mobilization began, a large number of zombies left in the lair where the corpses of the nine big mothers were.

A sneak attack used more than 20 million zombies troops, which also made the zombies still owned in the nine female corpse lairs all add up to tens of millions.


Watching the changes in the mother's corpse's lair from afar, ripples in the ethereal environment.

"Captain, the number of zombies in the corpse nest has decreased again. As far as we can see, the number of zombies left behind in the mother corpse nest we have observed is less than two million, and the number of high-level zombies is even more pitiful. At this time, the decapitation operation is OK. Easily solve the mother's corpse."

There was a shaking in the air, and Lin Qin's figure appeared.

Looking at the mother's corpse lair in the distance, Lin Qin said coldly, "How about other directions?"

"The situation is estimated to be similar to ours."

"Then wait. Let's do it now. The enemy zombies on the battlefield have time to help. What we want is not only to kill the mother's corpse, but also to save her corpse. The last step is our real goal. ."

The teammates beside him said: "Now do it, the mother's corpse is basically dead or alive, it's a rare opportunity!"

"Don't sigh. As long as the front battlefield continues to maintain the advantage, the zombies in the mother's lair will be mobilized. Isn't it good for us to do it when we are most sure?"

"What the captain said. Then let them live a little longer."

The player's voice fell, and Lin Qin, who showed his figure, disappeared again.

On the battlefield.

Although the enemy zombies have lost their corpses, they are still within the territory of the Ice Queen, and their combat effectiveness remains undiminished.

Tens of millions of enemy zombies fought with the coalition forces. A few hours passed and the casualties exceeded millions, but the trauma to the coalition forces was not small.

The friendly zombies are all high-level zombies, but they can't stand the large number of others.

It's not that the enemy corpse group without high-level zombies, relying on its numerical advantage, also caused two to three million deaths and injuries to the friendly corpse group.

Human race is better.

In addition to the loss of 10,000 to 20,000 to the corpse cavalry who joined the battlefield in the front, the human army defending the rear, relying on weapons and equipment, forcibly blocked the zombies coming from the enemy 100 meters away from the first line of defense.

At this time, in front of the first line of defense, the land was filled with the corpses of enemy zombies.

The corpses laid on the ground like a riverbed seemed to have rebuilt a new line of defense for the human army.

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