Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1080: Opportunity here

Nine Heavens City.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the new Corpse Emperor’s army of zombies has been defeated..."


Chu Tianhe and others, who were sitting in the lobby of a villa discussing the current battle between the New Corpse Emperor and the Allied Forces, suddenly heard shouts from outside, and many people present stood up one after another.


Someone soon ran in outside the villa.

"Your Majesty, the army of the New Corpse Emperor has been defeated."

A flash of joy flashed across Chu Tianhe's face.

"Are you sure that the new Corpse Emperor's troops are retreating rather than retreating?"

The soldier who came to report nodded vigorously: "It can't be wrong. The new corpse emperor's power has been defeated, and the coalition army is chasing it. Our spies have seen it."

To confirm the authenticity of the news again and again, at this moment, Chu Tianhe and the others no longer doubted it.

"Your Majesty, our chance is here." Li Xiuwen smiled unpredictably.

Chu Tianhe sat back in position.

"Xiuwen, did you think of the way that made you think?"

Chutianhe refers to the method of not being threatened by other zombies before approaching the new corpse emperor.

Li Xiuwen nodded: "Your Majesty wait a moment, I will come as soon as I go."

Not much to say, Li Xiuwen left the villa directly and walked outside.

"What is Xiuwen doing?"

"Mysterious, these literati like to hang people's appetites."

Many people in the villa are criticized.

Chu Tianhe actually thinks that Li Xiuwen has a pretense element in it, but as the leader of a large base, he still needs to pay attention to his manners. Therefore, even if he is curious in his heart, he did not express any attitude, but quietly waited for Li. Xiuwen back.

Didn't make them wait long.

In about ten minutes, Li Xiuwen's figure reappeared.

Compared with Li Xiuwen, who reappeared when he left the villa, there were two more fighters behind him, and at the same time they were carrying a huge box.

Under the gaze of everyone, Li Xiuwen asked the soldiers to put down the box.

"Your Majesty, the way you can see the new corpse emperor is in this box."

"Xiuwen, what are you doing? What can you do with a suitcase?" Ning Wuwei asked.

Others are also curious.

"Open it."

"Yes, my lord."

Li Xiuwen did not explain, but asked a soldier who came with him to open the box.

When the box was opened and the contents appeared in front of everyone's eyes, Chu Tianhe and the others were puzzled again.


"Your Majesty, this is not a normal dress, but an invisible battle suit, from the Phoenix Base. I thought of this when His Majesty decided to go to see the New Corpse King in person. Although we have nothing to do with the Phoenix, But I have to admit that the invisible suit they developed is really practical."

Some of the people present came to the box and picked out invisible battle suits from inside.

"This is the invisible battle suit that can make people completely invisible?" Ning Wuque exclaimed.

Chu Tianhe still sat in his place, looking at Li Xiuwen.

"How did you get these invisible suits from the Phoenix Base? Don't they have any control over such equipment?"

"Your Majesty, the invisible battle suit in the Phoenix Base is completely open to the people in the base. The so-called money can make ghosts grind, and we don't want much. It is not difficult to buy from those private forces at several times the price of gold. ."

It was the first time Yun Ning knew about the invisible battle suit.

Seeing Ning Wuwei's battle clothes in their hands, they were surprised: "Wei Xiao is really big-hearted. He sells such strategic resources. Isn't he afraid of his opponents?"

"The imperial concubine filtered. Although the invisibility suit is very practical, it also has fatal shortcomings. The invisibility that it confers on humans is not absolute. As long as someone is equipped with a thermal sensor, they can discover their existence. It is also useful against zombies. We humans know its weaknesses, so the so-called invisibility is just like that." Li Xiuwen said.

"so it is."

Chu Tianhe stood up and walked to the box.

"Even without this defect, with his arrogant personality, Wei Xiao would sell these battle suits. He is such a defiant bastard."

Hearing Chu Tianhe's cold words, the others did not dare to say anything.

"How many suits are there?"

"A total of twelve sets." Li Xiuwen said.

"Okay. Now that the opportunity to wait has emerged, don't waste any more time."

Waiting for this moment is not a day or two for Chu Tianhe. Now that the time is ripe, he can no longer bear it.

The opportunity for Jiu Tiancheng to draw closer to Phoenix and even surpass her is now.

Whether it can succeed or not depends on Chu Tianhe and the others.

On the battlefield between the forces of the New Corpse Emperor and the Allied Forces.

The Queen of Ice and Snow was thinking about issues from a human perspective, thinking that as long as she took the initiative to withdraw, Wei Xiao and the others would not continue to pursue them, but she thought Wei Xiao too simple.

Of course, if she just withdrew, Wei Xiao would not necessarily pursue it, but to blame her lack of greed.

The withdrawal wanted to take away a part of the corpses. How could Wei Xiao ignore this kind of thing?

After finally destroying some of the zombies of the opponent, if the corpses were taken away by the opponent in this way, wouldn't Wei Xiao and the others fight in vain for two days and one night?

If you want to regain your strength, Wei Xiao is not a fool. How can you let your conspiracy succeed?

For this reason, when the hunt began, the Ice Queen's team not only did not make up for some losses by taking away the corpses, but because of the drag of the corpses, more enemy zombies were buried under the claws of friendly zombies.

The first day of pursuit.

Being dragged down by the corpse, the enemy zombies were chased by Xing, Yue and the others, almost presenting a one-sided situation.

During the escape, no less than 800,000 enemy zombies died.

Chase down the next day.

The loss further expanded.

When the Queen of Ice and Snow, who was always paying attention to the battlefield, discovered that even if some of the people could bring back the corpses, the loss of the people was far greater than the accumulation brought by the corpses. Meet the corpses like Frost and others as soon as possible.

I thought that Wei Xiao and the others would stop for a while without the corpse, but the Ice and Snow Queen was wrong again.

If Wei Xiao didn't chase, it was enough. Since he wanted to chase, he wouldn't stop until he hit the corpse emperor's lair.

Therefore, the drastic reduction in the power of the Ice Queen continues.

"Damn, damn, no corpse emperor would dare to be so rampant, who gave you the courage? Frost, Frost, destroyed this group of arrogant people for this emperor."

The Ice and Snow Queen was completely offended by the actions of Wei Xiao, Xing, and Yue.

The roar of the Queen of Ice and Snow on the Ice on Yunjiang River continued. The enemy Corpse Clan army that had originally responded to her took the initiative to attack and confronted the chasing Wei Xiao and the others in the wilderness 50 kilometers away from the core territory and between the mountains.

"Master, here we are!"

"The tank troops rushed forward, and the artillery position blasted me vigorously at the enemy's rear. Don't save ammunition."

"Da da da……"


The pursuit stopped and a new battlefield took shape.

However, in one day's battle, the follow-up troops of the coalition were led by Long Ba and Cao Yuchun to catch up. A million humans joined the battlefield, and the casualties of the enemy's zombie army further expanded.

Without enough flesh and blood for the mother's corpse to swallow, the Ice Queen's troops are fighting less and less.

In the face of the powerful firepower of the human race and the absolute combat power of the Underworld troops, the people of the Ice Queen basically have no advantage.

In order to support Frost and them, in the following time, enemy zombies were transferred to the battlefield by the Frost Queen from the nest of the nine female corpses.

Gradually, in the corpse nest where the Nine Mother Corpses was located, the defense power reached an unprecedented state of emptiness.

dark place.

"Captain, there are less than 50,000 zombies in the mother corpse lair, and most of them are corpse slaves. Should we do it?"

Lin Qin and the others, who had been paying attention to the situation of the mother's corpse, waited for many days, and they finally saw the opportunity to kill the mother's corpse and save her corpse.

Don't miss the opportunity.

The main force of the enemy's corpse clan has been restrained by Wei Xiao and the others, Lin Qin no longer hesitated, and gave news to the headquarters that day.

"Military strategist, news from Chief Lin."

Chen Haojie received the news from Lin Qin, and after reading the above content, he was refreshed.

"It's really a mistake."

"Military officer, what's the matter?"

Chen Haojie said: "The Lord's move completely opened up the zombies in the nest of the nine female corpses. The current nest of the female corpse is like a fake."

"Is the beheading plan about to begin?"

"Yes, the opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss is not to come. Immediately send the command of the command to separate the battlefield of 100,000 people in the front battlefield, and divide the troops into two groups. In cooperation with Lin Qin, they will first behead the two female corpses near the main battlefield. ."


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