Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1087: Support arrived

"Lord, Lin Qin and the others are here."

Around ten o'clock in the morning.

When Xing, Yue and the others were still trying to block the enemy's mother corpse under the interference of the enemy's zombies, Wei Xiao received the news that Lin Qin and the others had come to the battlefield.

Wei Xiao drove the skidder to the top of a high mountain, standing on the edge and sweeping the local battlefield.

"How about the casualties of Mingzhao's troops?"

"Accurate numbers are not available, but from the perspective of the entire battlefield, the number should be less than one million." Behind Wei Xiao, a member of the Shadow Guard appeared.

In this battle, few members of the Shadow Guard were seen on the battlefield.

The Shadow Guards, which once served as battlefield liaison personnel, intelligence personnel, and material transportation brigade, appeared much less frequently in this eastern land.

Since the development of Phoenix, apart from conventional combat troops, the development of the Shadow Guard should be the fastest.

However, in such an important battle, the number of times they appeared would convey the most information for the members of the Shadow Guard, which was very abnormal.

Upon hearing this, Wei Xiao looked at the area where the mother's corpse was located.

"Is it less than a million? That's almost enough. Give Lin Qin and the others an order to clear the remaining enemy mother corpses on the battlefield, and relieve the pressure on our zombie friends."


The members of the Shadow Guard took the lead, and then walked away in stealth.

Wei Xiao did not intend to enter the battlefield again.

Since the war, this battle has been doomed, one more is not more, and less than one is a lot.

Gaze into the distance.

"New Corpse Emperor? Since nothing happened to me in the end, let me see you before you arrive at the last moment."

Wei Xiao thought, summoning the skidder he was riding in, and then flew directly towards the Yunjiang area.

As a road idiot, Wei Xiao would naturally not know the exact location of the Yunjiang River, but as the largest river in the east that will never dry up, looking for traces of the river, he can always find the area where the Ice Queen is located.

Wei Xiao didn't worry about finding the Queen of Ice and Snow.

The only thing to consider is whether the sky-grabber at his feet will cause him a moth after he leaves the consciousness of the stars and the moon.

On the battlefield.

"It's really tragic!"

Lin Qin, who had received Wei Xiao's order, took advantage of their stealth ability to occupy the commanding heights of the battlefield.

Looking down from a height, the scene of the mountains and plains filled with zombies, even if it wasn't the first time to face such a scene, they couldn't tell the shock.

"Captain, the assignment of the mother corpse has been completed, and the deputy captain is also ready to kill the enemy mother corpse?" The team's request came from the headset, and Lin Qin quickly recovered from the picture in front of him.

Focusing on a mother's corpse a kilometer away, Lin Qin said coldly: "Then do it! The Lord's orders can't be hesitated."


In the battlefield.

At this time, Yue was confining the same enemy mother corpse with two companions.

After fighting day and night, their abilities are no longer as powerful as they were at the beginning.

The eagerness in their hearts can be imagined as they are becoming weaker and weaker in restraining the mother's corpse.

"Yue, Master Wei Xiao's support hasn't come yet? If this continues, we will soon be unable to hold on."

"If you hold on for a while, if you can't effectively and severely damage it, then you will only try to contain it. Master Wei Xiao's men are already on their way."

"I just hope they can be faster. We can barely control a small part of the metal now. Once the enemy's mother's corpse cannot be contained, the battle will change."

"Everyone, work harder."



Just when Yue and they were unable to effectively stop the enemy's mother corpse, suddenly, they broke free from their shackles and slaughtered friendly zombies. On the huge head, there was a flower of blood. Splashed out.

The heart-piercing screams of the enemy's mother's corpse resounded through the hills, and the moving body seemed to have stumbled on something, and fell directly to the ground.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing this scene, Yue and the others hadn't reacted for a while.


Under their shocking gaze, the enemy's mother's corpse, who wanted to struggle to get up after falling to the ground, had a scene of flesh and blood splashing on its head again.

The wailing was constant, and that stern part was sad for those who heard it, and those who saw it couldn't bear it.


The surrounding enemy zombies seemed to be summoned by something, and they gathered in the figure of the mother's corpse one after another.

But all this is too late.

The No. 5 armor-piercing implosion bomb had been injected into the mother's corpse's brain. As these enemy zombies protected the mother's corpse, a second explosion appeared inside the mother's corpse's head.

In the blink of an eye, there is no complete place in the head of the mother's corpse, and it is hopeless.

"It's the support of Master Wei Xiao."

Yue reacted at this time, with a look of surprise on her face.


Yue did not immediately replied to the two companions, contacting Xingxing them by means of zombies.

As a result, she got the same response as she thought, and the three female corpses in other directions were also shot dead.

"You can't go wrong, it is the subordinates of Master Wei Xiao, they have finally come. Xing and Xuan's enemy mother corpses have also been resolved."

With Yue's affirmation, the two corpses looked up and looked around.

It is impossible for them to see Lin Qin and others, but this does not affect their mood.

"It's finally here. If we don't come again, our energy will almost be exhausted." A Nether-type corpse breathed a sigh of relief.

Yue nodded.

She is also approaching the limit.

Once the supernatural powers are exhausted, they are really vulnerable in front of the mother's corpse.

Of course, the corpse wouldn't lose its combat effectiveness because of the exhaustion of metaphysics. Their own strength is comparable to the fourth-level fighters, and with their physical strength, they are not comparable to ordinary zombies. It's just that the means of attack are less.

Moon cheers up.

"Since the enemy's mother corpse has been wiped out, let's do our best to wipe out all the remaining enemy zombies on the battlefield. Take our team and do our best to kill the enemy zombies."


High up, where Lin Qin is.

"The once powerful mother corpse is now solved with a few bullets. It seems that these behemoths will withdraw from the surface and hide behind the scenes!" Lin Qin said in a slightly mischievous tone.

"Captain, the task is complete, what are we going to do next?"

At this moment, the team's interrogation came from the headset.

Lin Qin adjusted his mentality and said leisurely: "Resting in place, waiting for new instructions from the headquarters."

"Okay, I haven't rested much during this period of time. Even the body of the fourth-level fighters can't stop roaring. Then let's rest for a while."

"Don't sleep too hard, check the safety of your surroundings before taking a rest."


After finishing the call with the team members, Lin Qin looked down.

"The next task should be the final finishing touch."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Qin released the hand holding the sniper rifle, leaned her back against the vine-covered stone wall, and then closed her eyes.

Regardless of the disappearing grassland on the ground, no one may know that there will be a person sleeping in a daze, and still a big beauty.

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