Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1102: Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny

"It's really him?"

When Cao Yuchun saw You Long's figure clearly, he was still holding a glimmer of hope. At this moment, he completely lost his thoughts.

The news was actually told to Wei Xiao by his confidant?

This is definitely an iron proof, and it is also the best proof that Cao Yuchun cannot refute.

"stand up!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

While You Long got up, Wei Xiao looked at Cao Yuchun.

"Chief Cao, he should be familiar to you, right?"

"Damn it!"

Cao Yuchun cursed in his heart.

Seeing that the situation is already extremely disadvantageous to him, he is not a person who is just waiting to die.

His eyes rolled, and while panting, Cao Yuchun suddenly pushed away the general beside him and was about to run away.


"Ahhhh... my legs, my legs..."

However, Cao Yuchun did not run two steps. When he passed by Hong Long, Hong Long quickly drew a short knife and slashed on his legs.

The short knife that cut the gold and broken jade removed Cao Yuchun's two legs, and the other party staggered directly to the ground and screamed again and again.

"Red Dragon, you..."

No one thought of this scene.

You Long's betrayal has exceeded the expectations of the high-level staff in the Creation Base. Didn't expect that the red dragon next to them is also a traitor?

"Boom boom..."

At the moment when a group of high-level officials in the creation base diverted their attention because of the red dragon's move, on the Phoenix side, Lan Qiang and Mu Wuqing took action.

The gunshots continued, and everyone who pointed their gun at Wei Xiao was instantly killed by them.

A confrontation was instantly disintegrated.

Wei Xiao didn't seem to take the death of the high-level members of the Creation Base seriously.

Taking a pistol from Bai Youwei's hand, she walked slowly towards Cao Yuchun who fell to the ground and howled.

"Wei, Mr. Wei, don't, don't..."

At this time, Cao Yuchun could no longer care about the pain of a broken foot.

With his fourth-level fighter's recovery ability, as long as he can survive, heal the wounds in time, and wait a year or a half for the lost legs to grow back.

But watching Wei Xiao walking towards him with a gun, Cao Yuchun knew that nothing was important at the moment, the important thing was that he survived Wei Xiao's hands.

"Mr. Wei, please forgive me. For the sake of I have no credit and hard work, give me a chance. I promise, I promise to follow you in the future. If you violate it, there will be thunder and thunder..."

Wei Xiao walked to Cao Yuchun and stood still.

"I don't know what you bosses think? Is it because what I did, Wei Xiao, is not enough to shock people, or is the Phoenix not enough? Why do you even think about hitting rocks with pebbles when you know the gap?"

"Mr. Wei, I was wrong, I was wrong, everything was my fault, I was blinded by lard, I didn't know what was good or bad, please give me another chance to live, I will never dare NS."

Wei Xiao shook his head as if heartbroken.

"Every time you wait until you are in a desperate situation before you realize your insignificance. You said that you did what you should and shouldn't do. At this point, how can I forgive you?"


"Boom boom..."

Wei Xiao is not soft.

Under Cao Yuchun's horrified gaze, all bullets from a magazine hit him, including the head.

"Wei, Mr. Wei..."

Cao Yuchun widened his eyes and pointed a finger at Wei Xiao who wanted to catch something, but he had no chance, staring at the other side intently, and slowly fell to the ground.

"A bunch of idiots, if anyone can count on me Wei Xiao, I TM can still live to this day? Push the street!"


Wei Xiao directly slapped the pistol in Cao Yuchun's face.

With a hostile spirit on his body, Wei Xiao turned his head.

"It's not a pity for this kind of person to die. Although I usually don't ask you anything, but you also remember to me, do anything, first see if you have the ability to succeed. Dreams are tempting, but you have to die. Enjoy, if you don't have the ability and want to go far, this is the end."

Feeling the killing intent in Wei Xiao's words, even though his words were not aimed at anyone, Lan Qiang and their confidants were shocked from the inside.

The Lord has always been the Lord.

Perhaps because of the passage of time, some of his habits have been reduced, but if you really want to touch his bottom line, you will really die.

Companion with a monarch is like a companion with a tiger.

"Drag the corpses out and look annoying."


Lan Qiang responded, and then recruited a group of soldiers from outside to drag Cao Yuchun and their bodies out for disposal.

Return to the main position.

In the camp at this time, regardless of Lan Qiang or Bai Youwei, they did not dare to breathe.

Wei Xiao glanced at everyone.

"Youlong, Honglong, can you control the people and horses of the creation base?"


No extra nonsense, the two said straightforwardly.

"Okay, the previous arrangements remain the same. You will integrate the people of the Creation Base as soon as possible, and surround the entire Nether-type zombies before the sun comes out tomorrow. Before the artillery fire is over, don't arouse the suspicion of the other party."


"Go down and get ready!"

The two bowed their heads and withdrew from the camp.

"Old Lan..."


"What should we do here shouldn't require me to tell you, right?"

Lan Qiang nodded: "Don't worry, Lord, make sure you are safe."

"That's it. Tomorrow the cleanup is over, the hero has the final say on all matters on the battlefield. I will not participate in the next battle."

"Husband, are you leaving?" Jiang Xiyu asked.

Wei Xiao nodded.

"Chengfeng and the others are almost ready. There is no need to waste time. You don't have to worry. I have tested the strength of the new corpse emperor. It is strong, but it hasn't reached the point where Xiaoying and the others can't deal with it. As long as Xiaoying With the proper cooperation with Wu Qing and the assistance of the Shadow Guard, it is not difficult to get rid of her."

Mu Wuqing was shocked.

"Wei Xiao, have you fought against the new corpse emperor?"

"Yeah! I have no abilities. I have no ability to deal with her. Without anyone's assistance, unless I use tricks, I can't do anything with her. But you are different. The one who controls the fire is just her nemesis. Let her have nowhere to hide. Dealing with her is your experience, and it will also lay the foundation for dealing with the corpse emperor alone in the future."

"Husband, what is your trick?" Bai Youwei asked curiously.

Wei Xiao was taken aback.

What is your own trick?

In a daze, Wei Xiao thought of the first fight against the mother's corpse in the belly, and the corpse emperor's brain went straight to Huanglong.

As the saying goes, no matter how strong the city wall is, it can't stop the destruction from within. This is his trick.

Of course, Wei Xiao wouldn't tell this secret.

It's one thing to be hard to tell. On the other hand, it involves the core secrets of his body.

"You don't need to know, master your own tricks in the future, and don't let people know it easily. Anyone who knows, it's best not to stay in this world."

Listening to Wei Xiao's solemn words, Bai Youwei shrank her head.

Husband is so serious and terrible.

"Okay, go down and prepare! Tomorrow is a crucial day, and I will never allow accidents to happen."


Everyone didn't say any more, and after a response, everyone who was supposed to leave left the camp.

As for Wei Xiao and the others, there was no other place to rest.

Their camp was on the battlefield, and with the **** smell in the camp, they didn't care about it at all.

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