Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1104: Attack on the Ice King's Nest

"Boom boom boom..."



Kilometers away.

The zombies of the Ming family are still being baptized by the shells of the human army.

But as the last corpse Ziyue died in Wei Xiao's hands, the zombies who lost the corpse were suppressed, and the zombies that immediately regained their nature began to charge against the places where humans existed around them.

The corpses were scattered, and the artillery fire at the rear lost its most effective lethality.

When the news was delivered to the rear, all artillery stopped firing in order not to cause accidental injury.

"Brothers, kill..."


"Da da da……"


The artillery stopped, and helicopters, fighter jets, and armored troops entered the arena.

The army of the creation base led by the red dragons also launched an assault, and the Phoenix forces postponed.

The intensive guns sounded again, and the frontal charge, the Nether-type zombies ushered in the final baptism.

The battle lasted more than five hours.

After five hours, there was no other zombie on the battlefield that could stand on the ground.

Wei Xiao and the others looked at the friendly zombies that had not survived, the mountain-like corpses and the blood that gathered into the river did not cause any change in their eyes.

Everything seems so indifferent.

"It's all cleaned up. Next, should it be time to attack the Imperial Nest?" Mu Wuqing next to Wei Xiao asked.

Wei Xiao looked in the direction of the imperial nest.

"It's time to start. Xiaoying, Wu Qing..."

"here I am!"

"I will leave it to you next, I am waiting for you to return in triumph."

"Master, rest assured, we must bring the body of the new corpse back to the base."

Wei Xiao stretched out his hand and stroked Phantom's head.

Then his face became cold.

"Then let's start!"

Following Wei Xiao's order, Lan Qiang stood on the edge of a high place and shouted loudly with a loudspeaker: "The whole army will attack."


Thousands of troops move together, as if the wind is surging.

The movement made by the army is enough to shake the hills.

Inside the Royal Nest.

"Allied forces are here. Damn Chu Tianhe, this emperor knows that the human race is unreliable. Roar--"

The Queen of Ice and Snow has already felt the approaching coalition forces, angry at Chu Tianhe's inaction, and at the same time, she is also ready to fight the coalition forces to the death.

A roar resounded throughout the entire imperial nest.

Hundreds of thousands of high-level zombies still living in it responded one after another.

"The emperor’s people, kill all the enemies who enter the emperor’s lair, and at all costs, do your best to kill—"


Hundreds of thousands of high-level zombies responded, and then, from all directions within the dynasty, a large number of zombies gathered, like a torrent flooding in the direction of the coalition forces.

It's still a high place.

At this moment, there was no one else beside Wei Xiao.

Except for a helicopter waiting for him in the distance, Bai Youwei and the others have already swarmed into the new corpse emperor's lair with the army.

Looking at the team spreading like waves in the distance, Wei Xiao muttered.

"One day you will face the corpse emperor alone. Instead of directly confronting the more powerful and advanced corpse emperor in a hurry, it is better to let you adapt to the top combat power of these corpse races now. You can defeat them without my help. I really have the ability to be alone."

It seemed to cheer for the Phantom and them silently.

Without hesitation, Wei Xiao's voice fell, and he stared for a moment, then turned and walked towards the activated helicopter.

Come to the helicopter.

The soldiers waiting here saluted Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao didn't say anything, and boarded the plane directly.

"Back to base!"

The greeted soldiers boarded the plane, the helicopter took off and flew directly to the direction of Minghai City.

Inside the Royal Nest.

The corpse army and the human army are facing each other in the air.

As the two sides kept getting closer, Mu Wuqing and Phantom Shadow, who rushed to the forefront, shot at a long distance.


Mu Wuqing condensed a huge **** fireball in front of him.

With a shout, a flame ray the size of a basketball radius swept across the front of the corpse group.

The terrifying rays penetrated into the group of corpses, shooting horizontally, and countless zombies were divided into two by her blow, and an open area of ​​corpses appeared in the front of the group of corpses.

Phantom then shot.

The thunder stretched along the ground, touched the corpse group, and immediately dispersed into thousands of electric currents to bombard the zombies' bodies.

Amid the miserable screams, a large number of zombies were directly cooked by electricity, and those who died could not die again.

"Da da da……"

As the army of the creation base and the phoenix army pressed on, the dense torrent of steel began to baptize the corpse group in an all-round way.

On the way to the charge, the casualties of the zombies were even more terrifying.

However, there are always hundreds of thousands of corpses, and they are still high-level zombies.

When the two sides staggered on the battlefield, the head-on confrontation officially began.

The Queen of Ice and Snow under the Yunjiang River will not fail to pay attention to the battlefield.

I noticed Mu Wuqing and the Phantom from the perspective of his subordinates, and the eyes of the Ice Queen looked extremely solemn.

She will not forget what Wei Xiao said when she left.

Someone else killed her.

Through a brief confrontation on the battlefield, the Ice Queen has locked onto the Phantom and Mu Wuqing.

"Are they the subordinates of the human expert who are coming to kill the emperor?" The Ice Queen said in a low tone, "Huh! The strength is really good, but if you want to compete with the emperor, I'm afraid that they are still a little bit inferior. The emperor will look at it. See if you can come here."

The voice fell, and a sound wave came out of her mouth.

On the battlefield ahead.

This sound wave entered the minds of the zombies. Suddenly, the high-level zombies who were in a full-scale confrontation with the human army began to besieged towards the Phantom, Mu Wuqing and the others.

"Puff puff……"

However, as the main force against the Queen of Ice and Snow, how can the Phantom and Mu Wuqing not be protected by their side?

Chen Haojie, who couldn't let the two daughters spend in vain on the early battlefield, arranged enough guarding power for them when they came to the Wei Xiao round.

Thousands of third-level Shadow Guard members are their helpers to clear all obstacles.

No, when the army of zombies received an order from the Queen of Ice and Snow to focus on "taking care of" the two girls, the Shadow Guards hiding around them also took action.

With this layer of invisibility, their attacks can be said to be impossible to prevent.

Just one meeting, Mu Wuqing and the zombies around them were dealt with.

Those members of the Shadow Guard who were still approaching them were also resisted by the scattered members of the Shadow Guard.

The zombies have no chance to get close to Mu Wuqing and the others.

"Mistress, you have to deal with the new corpse emperor in the end, and you must maintain your best condition. Before facing the new corpse emperor, give us these zombies in front of you." A female Shadow Guard member appeared and reminded Mu Wuqing of them. .

The second daughter was also aware of their tasks and did not persist.

"Push it horizontally and approach the absolute realm of the corpse emperor at the fastest speed." Mu Wuqing said.


The army pushed all the way.

The zombie army, which is not at all dominant in number, can't stop the advancement of the coalition army in the face of the impact of the human race's millions of army.

Without the mother corpse, the army of zombies, whose source of troops cannot be replenished in time, can no longer lift any wind wolves in front of the human coalition forces.

It is destined to only be a matter of time before the coalition forces confront the Queen of Ice and Snow.

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