Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1107: Expendables

That night, Wei Xiao, Shu Wang, and Yan Chuan Keiko had a good affection.

And Leng Chengfeng selected a group of people who met Wei Xiao's requirements from those who had originally planned to go to the island with Wei Xiao.

After selecting the manpower, he also asked the group of people who were going to leave with Wei Xiao to go back and spend time with his family.

What Wei Xiao said before seemed relaxed, but Leng Chengfeng wouldn't be ignorant of the danger.

He personally led the team to investigate the situation on Female V Island, so he knew the dangers above.

The people who left with Wei Xiao this time are estimated to be dead for a lifetime, including himself.

I don't know if they can come back alive, so it is natural for them to say goodbye to their relatives and friends.

Stand alone under the stars.

Looking involuntarily at the night of the eastern land.

"Xiao Qi, if we can come back alive this time, we will have a child that belongs to us."

Leng Chengfeng smiled at the horizon, then grabbed the bottle next to him and poured a few sips of white wine into his mouth.

Early the next morning.

"Husband, you said you wouldn't leave us, can't you break your promise?"

Knowing that Wei Xiao was going to Female V Island today, Shu Wang and Yan Chuan Huizi, who had no chance to go with him, were carefully dressing and armoring him at this time.

Without putting any pressure on Wei Xiao, after Shu Wang put on Wei Xiao's upper body armor, he said this sentence with a smile on his beautiful face, and his words were full of tenderness.

Wei Xiaowen smiled.

"When did I lie to you?"

"Master, all right!"

Looking at Yan Chuan Keiko who had put on his lower body armor, Wei Xiao put his hands down.

"Wait for me at home."

"We will take you to the airport."

Wei Xiao did not refuse.

He embraced the two beautiful wives and kissed each of them on their red lips.

"Then go!"

The second girl nodded, followed Wei Xiao, took Li Qingshu and Xiaoque'er and left the villa.

Phoenix internal airport.


Vehicles coming from Villa No. 1 enter the venue.

"The Lord is coming up."

Leng Chengfeng and they were already waiting at the airport.

Seeing Wei Xiao's car, Leng Chengfeng immediately cheered up.

"Everyone gathers."

Hearing Leng Chengfeng's call, the originally somewhat sloppy team quickly formed five queues and lined up beside the transport plane.

Two chariots approached and stopped in front of Leng Chengfeng and the others.

From above, Wei Xiao and the others came out one after another.


"Good Lord!"

The operatives shouted.

Wei Xiao brought Shu Wang to Leng Chengfeng's side.

"Lord, I have all the people you want. These are the best marksmanship in the base, including protecting Professor Bokang's shadow guards. Marksmanship is also the best in the shadow guards."

In Leng Chengfeng's introduction, Wei Xiao glanced over everyone present.

There are many familiar faces.

The most obvious is the members of the Aviary.

Peacocks, skylarks, larks and falcons.

In addition to them, Leng Yu, Jasmine, Xiang Zesheng, Di Wudi, Tyrannosaurus, and Scar are also among them.

These people, both the big bosses of the past, and the backbone of the forces of the past, are all capable people.

Wei Xiao had no doubt about their strength.

"Is everything ready?" Wei Xiao turned his head and asked Leng Chengfeng.

"Master, rest assured, according to your request, this time we have brought enough weapons and ammunition, including armor-piercing bullets."

With Leng Chengfeng's assurance, Wei Xiao is completely relieved.

Turned around.

Facing Shu Wang and Yan Chuan Huizi, Wei Xiao smiled softly: "Go back! I won't be in danger."

Shu Wang hesitated to speak, but in the end he managed to endure the fear.

"Then you must be careful. Chengfeng, protect the Lord."

Leng Chengfeng nodded: "Shu Wang, master, rest assured, I will definitely bring the intact master back to you."

"Master, we are waiting for your triumphant return."

Seeing the worries and dissatisfaction of the two girls, Wei Xiao gave them a hug.

"Let's go back!"

The second girl nodded, and then reluctantly took Xiaoqueer and the others into the chariot and left the airport.

Without their existence, Wei Xiao's gentle face quickly calmed down.

Turned around to face Leng Yu's group of people.

Wei Xiao said sternly: "Do you know the task you are about to perform?"


"Then have you ever thought that this mission might never go back?"


Everyone replied sonorously and unanimously.

Wei Xiao smiled.

"It seems that you are all very confident. In that case, I won't say more nonsense. At the end of this mission, if you are still alive, come back, everyone I promise you a position of power. If you want to become a master, Then try to survive while ensuring that the mission is completed."

"Fearless, who is it for me?"


Leng Chengfeng stood up.

"All of them! Stand at attention!"


"Take a rest, stand at attention, look to the right, look forward..."

Except for Wei Xiao, everyone made corresponding actions according to Leng Chengfeng's password.

After adjusting the queue, Leng Chengfeng continued to issue the password: "All turn right."


"Run and board!"

No one hesitated and ran towards the landing port of the transport plane.

Wei Xiao and Leng Chengfeng followed closely behind.

"Professor Bokang, have they arranged it?" Wei Xiao asked Leng Chengfeng as he marched.

"Doctors have arranged in advance, including the equipment needed to extract the gene."

"That's good, can you be prepared for security issues?"

"Before we parachuted, there were eight fighters in charge of escorting us. I dare not say that it is foolproof, but we have enough time to react in an emergency."

After listening to Leng Chengfeng's words, Wei Xiao said no more.

As the two boarded the cabin, the landing port slowly closed, all the engines of the transport aircraft started, and they quickly drove off the runway and lifted off.


The Yunjiang area of ​​the eastern land.

One day and one night's battle passed, and at ten in the morning, the last few people of the Ice Queen were also wiped out by the Phantom.

Without resistance, the Terran coalition forces stopped about 20 kilometers away from the core area of ​​the corpse emperor.

This distance belongs to the safe distance between normal people and the corpse emperor.

Beyond this distance, ordinary people are easily killed by the corpse emperor's spirit.

Just like when dealing with the flame emperor, the unknown Central China forces entered the area of ​​the emperor's attack, and hundreds of thousands of troops were destroyed without seeing the emperor's trace.

This is the price for challenging the dignity of the Corpse Emperor, and it is also the precious experience that the human race has gained from the lessons of blood.

Although the Phoenix personnel are all super fighters above the first level, the safety range of the first-level super fighters and the corpse emperor is not yet known, so they dare not take any risks.

What's more, there are ordinary people in their coalition forces.

The army was stationed in a safe area, as members of the Phantom, Mu Wuqing, and Shadow Guard, the main force to deal with the Corpse Emperor, under the cover of the four-level fighters like Lan Qiang, they went straight to the area where the Ice Queen was.

More than ten miles of frozen land.

As the last troops of the Ice Queen were killed, it seemed extremely desolate inside.

"Swish swish..."

A series of invisible figures shuttled in the wind and snow, quickly approaching the bank of the Yunjiang River.

"Peng Peng..."

The Phantoms in the invisible state came to the river and stepped on the ice.

"Can the teams be in place?" Mu Wuqing asked about the other people's movements via radio.

"All Shadow Guard personnel are in place." It was Lin Qin's voice.

"The guard is in place."

It was Lan Qiang's response.

Lan Qiang and the others shouldn't have to participate in this final battle, but the mistresses are all charging forward, and if they, the power holders, stop moving forward, it can't be justified.

Besides, they are all four-level fighters, and when it comes to marksmanship, who is not the best?

With them joining, the pressure on the Phantom and the others can also be reduced.

Receiving responses from all quarters, Mu Wuqing and Phantom simultaneously swept their gazes around.

There was a vast expanse of whiteness all around, and the Queen of Ice and Snow could not be seen.

Where will that guy be?

"Does the new corpse emperor avoid and not fight?" Mu Wu said clearly.

In the air beside him, the Phantom stared under the ice.

Without deliberately controlling his own voice, Phantom said coldly: "It should be under the ice."


As the Phantom's voice fell, the ice layer under their feet trembled.


As soon as the change appeared, the extremely alert Phantom said, and left the place for the first time.

Mu Wuqing was not slow, retreating several tens of meters in an instant.

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