Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1116: Despicable, sneak attack



"Wei Xiao, you don't want to leave the emperor's lair alive today."

Run and chase.

The former is as light as a swallow and as fast as lightning, while the latter is like a bulldozer.

The huge figure is like a moving hill under the night, it has a visual impact.

"Puff puff……"

"Clang clang..."

Wei Xiao, who left the cave soon, continued to stay away from the cave of the corpse emperor under the attack of the metal material summoned by Ming Zhao.

I don't think Wei Xiao will have any conspiracy, chasing him all the way.

In the distance, Leng Chengfeng, Jasmine and others who were in the dark soon saw Ming Zhao's figure.

There is no need to deliberately look for it, and Mingzhao's huge figure is especially obvious.

"Ming Zhao was attracted by the Lord." Jasmine said in the headset.

Leng Chengfeng: "Everyone acted according to the plan mentioned before and entered a state of combat."


Leng Chengfeng and they took action.

Holding an anti-material sniper rifle in his hand, the two as a small team began to move quickly between the mountains and the wilderness.

Wei Xiao, who had lured Mingzhao, was now more than three kilometers away from the Corpse Emperor's Cave.

Feeling that this distance was almost the end, Wei Xiao no longer flees, but turned on an infrared laser device on his body to show Leng Chengfeng and the others his position, and then turned to face the chasing Ming Zhao with a knife.


Seeing that Wei Xiao was fleeing suddenly stopped, Ming Zhao no matter what conspiracy he had, he roared, his huge body rushed directly towards Wei Xiao like a mountain.

The opponent is fast.

Although the size has a certain effect on the speed of the corpse emperor, it is only relative to the fourth and fifth level super fighters. In the eyes of the super fighters below the fourth level, the corpse emperor's speed is equally astonishing.

Facing Ming Zhao's frontal slaughter, Wei Xiao's figure moved, and his extremely agile figure shuttled between countless metal claws. He avoided her attack under Ming Zhao's eyelids, and jumped to her with the help of his claws. Body.

"Puff puff……"

The Emperor Sword swung, and with a horizontal push while moving, Wei Xiao, with absolute power, gripped the hilt of the knife and cut off all the sharp claws and barbs that existed along the way.


Ming Zhao roared again and again.

The huge body rolled.

Suddenly the mountains shook and the earth flying rocks splashed.

Unable to continue destroying Ming Zhao's sharp claws and scale armor, Wei Xiao quickly escaped from Ming Zhao's figure and dodged dozens of meters away.

"Wei Xiao, die for the emperor—"

"Peng Peng Peng--"

As soon as Ming Zhao's words fell, from between the earth, countless metal materials broke out of the earth, condensed into dense giant metal pillars in front of Wei Xiao's eyes, and then flew towards his figure.

Unable to avoid Ming Zhao's attack, Wei Xiao blocked part of the giant metal pillars with the sound of "ding and jingle bells", but his figure was still collided by one of the giant metal pillars.


Wei Xiao couldn't get rid of the powerful impact.

Under the impact, the whole person flew backward like a broken kite.

Ming Zhao rushed forward, swallowing an elephant's blood basin and swallowing it directly at Wei Xiao's figure.

In times of crisis.

Wei Xiao, who had difficulty in the air, suddenly turned his figure.

"Boom boom..."

When Ming Zhao's mouth of blood basin was less than ten meters away from him, there were bursts of gunfire.

Wei Xiao, who didn't know when he had a special pistol in his hand, sent an armor-piercing implosion projectile into Ming Zhao's mouth.


Ming Zhao’s mouth did not have the terrifying defense power of the body surface. I never thought that Wei Xiao would use firearms. The armor-piercing implosion bomb with terrible penetrating power impacted the inside of Ming Zhao’s mouth, which brought a lot to Ming Zhao. Hurts.

"Puff puff……"

With the arrival of the second damage from the armor-piercing implosion bomb, Ming Zhao, who felt that his entire mouth was about to burst, stopped attacking, and his huge body fell to one side amidst a stern roar.

Wei Xiao landed and quickly stabilized his figure and retreated more than ten meters away.

"It's now."

Leng Chengfeng and others who followed them secretly at a certain distance found that Ming Zhao was injured. Without any hesitation, more powerful anti-material sniper rifles aimed at Ming Zhao's head.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of gunfire shook the hills like thunder.

Bullets from all directions continued to greet Ming Zhao's head.

Under the dark night sky, Ming Zhao's head suddenly glowed with countless fires.

A dull explosion made the skin on the surface of her head crack.

"Roar—damn it, Wei Xiao, you despicable villain, you arranged for a sneak attack."

Wei Xiao sneered on the side: "Innocent, life-and-death battle, you have always been the only one who lives and lives, so why is it mean? Do you think this is a family?"

"Very well, this emperor will kill as many people as you come this time, don't even want to leave any of you, roar—"

Ming Zhao was furious.

The roar that resounded throughout the royal nest spread.

At this moment, from the ground, metal sharp tools broke through the ground.

Dense metal sharp weapons sprang out like bamboo shoots after the rain, covering a thousand or two kilometers in an instant.


Leng Chengfeng and the others were within the attack range of the metal sharp weapon, and could no longer shoot the Mingzhao. They dodged to avoid the metal sharp weapon that might get out of their feet at any time.


The sound of Ming Zhao was not interrupted by this.

A louder roar came out, and suddenly, the high-level corpses inside the entire Imperial Nest surged.

The human residence on the island is over there.

The human resident was already surrounded, and when the corpse leading the team was about to launch an attack, suddenly, the sound of Ming Zhao's call came from his ears, and the faces of a dozen corpses changed one after another.

"Someone is dealing with the mother emperor?"

"Go back immediately to support the mother emperor."

The first time he received Ming Zhao's call, the corpse on the human resident site hardly hesitated.

They left their respective teams and rushed to the imperial nest as quickly as possible.

Compared with dealing with humans, supporting the meditation is the most important thing.

Inside the Royal Nest.

A large number of zombies are already in action.

The mountains and plains are full of high-level zombies.

On the side of Ming Zhao and Wei Xiao, without Leng Chengfeng's sneak attack, Ming Zhao dealt with Wei Xiao alone.

"This time the emperor wants to see how your people can help you?"

"It's enough to kill you and me alone."

"It's so arrogant."

Ming Zhao shouted angrily, the dense metal material condensed into a sharp blade, and before her figure approached Wei Xiao, she baptized Wei Xiao.

"Clang clang..."

Wei Xiao wandered in the metal torrent, protected by the Emperor Armor's battle armor. As long as he was not hit by an irresistible giant, the sharp blade of ordinary size could not pose any threat to his figure.

"Boom boom..."

Not allowing Ming Zhao to launch a supernatural attack on him, Wei Xiao, who also shot back at him, shot the bullet at Ming Zhao like raindrops.

After hitting one magazine, quickly replace it with the other.

Ming Zhao, who was close to Wei Xiao, used his abilities to form a huge metal shield to block these bullets, and his huge body quickly rushed towards Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao dodged.

The sharp claws next to Ming Zhao turned over and came to her.

During the movement, all the bullets were output to the surface of Mingzhao's body, and at the same time, the emperor biting knife in his left hand also cut off those sharp claws as much as possible.


When Wei Xiao acted recklessly on the surface of Ming Zhao's huge body, in the sky, flying skimmers flew towards him.

Wei Xiao fixed his eyes.

"The battle between the kings, why do you little shrimps join in the fun?"

Did not pay attention to the flying skidder.

With a wave of his hand, Wei Xiao cut off several barbs protruding from the surface of Ming Zhao's body. When it fell, he kicked it into the air.


The skidder who wanted to support Mingzhao was pierced by a barb on the spot, screaming and falling to the ground.


With the delay of the skidder, Ming Zhao's huge body rolled again and threw Wei Xiao away from him.

The blood-red eyes glowed with golden light, and suddenly, where Wei Xiao landed, a large amount of metal liquid appeared around him, as if he was about to engulf his figure.

Wei Xiao did not dare to hesitate.

The big foot stomped on the ground, and countless blades of grass and gravel vacated.

Wei Xiao waved his hand and threw it into the air. With a movement, he dragged it off the ground with the help of the thrown blade of grass particles and stepped off into the air.

"Where to go?"

"Swish swish..."

Ming Zhao let out a cold cry, from the ground, a large amount of metal material rose into the sky.

Surrounding Wei Xiao's body from the four directions, a metal ball cage quickly formed to surround him.

Wei Xiao's eyes narrowed.

Before he could dodge, the figure disappeared in the metal cage with the blink of an eye.

Ming Zhao seized the opportunity, moved his body and opened his mouth to swallow the metal cage that trapped Wei Xiao.



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