Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1144: My son pays 100,000

I don't know, this calculation, Shu Wang and the others were stunned by the profits.

Knowing that she had said the wrong thing, Bai Youwei quickly got up from Mu Wuqing's side and took the initiative to plunge into Wei Xiao's arms.

"Husband, I was wrong, forgive your little daughter-in-law, okay?" As she said, Bai Youwei, who was pouting her mouth, blinked and blinked with her big watery eyes, indescribably charming.

Wei Xiao squeezed her slightly fat face, angrily and funny.

"You really can't help it."


Bai Youwei smiled triumphantly and took the initiative to kiss Wei Xiao's mouth, holding Wei Xiao's neck with his lotus-like hands: "My husband is the best."

"Husband, isn't this a bit too black-hearted? The number one potion exchanged by other people's nine No. 4 potions is less than the fraction that we have diluted, and I am a little afraid to explain this ratio." Shu Wang said slightly startled. .

Think about it too.

For the same amount, the Phoenix can get more than 1.6 million at a time, and once the outside forces agree to this exchange ratio, they will pay the same price, but the number one potion exchanged for it is not even a fraction of the Phoenix’s harvest. So, this kind of transaction is almost no different from "Empty Glove White Wolf".

A few of her did not speak, but some of the wives also felt that this ratio was too black-hearted in their hearts.

Wei Xiao disagrees.

"You all think it's too much, but I don't think it's too much. This is the benefit of controlling core technology. I help them achieve the first-level nationalization, not helping them become bigger and stronger and later affect my future layout. Give them convenience , To better deal with zombies. Without huge profits, why should I do this?"

"Now our base has a population of 4 million, and the total number of secondary citizens is less than 100,000. This is the result achieved by consuming tens of millions of third-level zombies. If you want to achieve the secondary level of the whole people, you know How many zombies are needed?"

"Rather than leaving the genetic medicine in the hands of other forces to waste, it is better to let our people go to a higher level. It is a bit unrealistic to have three levels, otherwise, I don't mind achieving this goal."

"The owner is right. We are kind to improve the overall strength of the outside forces. If we let them grow too fast, the advantage that the base has finally built up will soon be brought closer. We are not philanthropists, we are all philanthropists. In order to survive better, now that we have control of the technology, what's the point?"

Yan Chuan Keiko spoke.

Apparently she fully supports her man.

Of course, Shu Wang and the others did not object, but after Yan Yi calculated the profit, it was unacceptable for them for a while.

Now they listened to Wei Xiao's explanation, and they reacted one after another.

This is the end of the world.

If you are kind to others, others may not appreciate it, and you will even get backlashed.

Just like Wei Xiao said, it is enough to allow the outside forces to have a certain degree of self-protection. Why should they be strengthened and pose a threat to themselves?

Thinking about this, Shu hopes that they will no longer struggle.

"Then exchange it according to the husband's ratio. But who shall we let to contact the little wolf?" Shu Wang asked.

"Let one million go! He is still very talented in this respect." Wei Xiao said.

"Well, Million does have this talent, so I will inform him first. During his trip to Central China, we can also prepare in advance."

"Yes. In addition to the exchange between genetic medicines, outside forces can also use precious metals to trade genetic medicines with us. As long as they are useful to us, they can be exchanged for them."

After discussion, everyone left.

Paying a million on the same day received an order from the internal affairs team.


"Never cry, never cry..."

Pay a million in the apartment.

The baby's cry sounded in the room, and Zhang Zimei, who was coaxing the child, saw the person who had paid a million to send the housekeeping team back, holding the child and asked, "Is there a task for you on the Lord?"

Pay million came to Zhang Zimei's side and poked the child in the face with a big hand.

Regardless of Zhang Zimei's eyes, he teased the child while saying: "Well, there is a mission. I may not be in the base in the next few days. Take care of yourself."

"Is it dangerous?"

On the sofa in the living room, the two concubines who paid millions asked.

Among them, one of them is still pregnant.

Fu Wanwan smiled and said: "No, it's just a transaction task. Not only is it not dangerous, it is well operated, and it can also get a lot of oil and water. When I come back, I will buy you some gifts."

"Then you have to be careful."

"Relax. Okay, it's getting too early. Should we go to bed?"

Zhang Zimei scraped a glance at Pay Million: "Your son is still crying! I won't accompany you tonight, you and your two younger sisters will go to bed!"

Fu Wanwan looked at the son in Zhang Zimei's arms and said angrily: "This Guwazi knows that it has delayed his happy life. How many times has this been?"

"It's not serious."


The eldest son who paid one million was born to Zhang Zimei, and he was named one hundred thousand.

As expected.

When he gave the eldest son the name, Zhang Zimei opposed it, but Fu Wanwan insisted that this is a family tradition and should not be disobeyed by others.

That attitude, as if his son didn't recognize this son if he didn't ask to pay one hundred thousand, made Chen Haojie and the others who were present at that time dumbfounded.

They also obeyed this weird family tradition.

Zhang Zimei had no hope here, and Fu Wanwan looked aggressively at the two concubines on the other side of the sofa.

"Husband, even if I want to accompany you, do you dare to move me?" The pregnant second child said defiantly.

There is really no way to pay a million. The second child has only been pregnant for more than three months, which is in a dangerous period. He dare not make fun of the little life in her belly.

So, evil eyes looked at the youngest.

"I, my period is here, sorry, my husband!" said the third child.


Pay a million mouth twitches.

Do you want to be so coincidental?

Early the next morning.

Last night, she still bullied Zhang Zimei and paid one million overnight, leaving home refreshed in the morning.

The side of the base has already prepared the helicopter, so when he arrives at the airport, he can set off directly.

Wolf city.

In the afternoon of the same day, three helicopters carrying paying millions and an **** entered Wolf City.

Xiaoyue Sirius heard the news for the first time, so he couldn't sit still.

What purpose will Wei Xiao send someone to his Wolf City at this time?

To Wei Xiao, Xiaoyue Sirius was like a tiger. He was absolutely fidgeting before he saw paying a million.

Especially this time period.

He had just returned from the north with rich trophies, and Wei Xiao sent someone a few days later. In this, based on his knowledge of Wei Xiao, he would not believe it if he had no purpose to kill him.

"Is it the corpse of the Queen of Nature? Or is it the No. 5 Gene Potion?"

Various possibilities flashed through his mind, putting aside the impossible, and the rest, making it difficult for Xiaoyue Sirius to keep calm in his heart.

"Damn it, Wei Xiao, don't bully people too much. If you send someone here, you are really coming at them. No matter how scared I Xiaoyue Sirius, I won't let you bully like this. My patience is limited. "

As if he had guessed something, Xiaoyue Sirius was very angry.

But all this was just Xiaoyue Sirius' conjecture, he hadn't lost his temper before he figured out the situation.

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