Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1149: National secondary

According to the exchange method of the Phoenix Base, the exchange ratio between meat and genetic medicine is higher. Basically, one catty of meat can be exchanged for a No. 1 medicine.

But Xiaoyue Sirius did not take it out.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but he doesn't have this strength.

He is in short supply for meat.

The end of the world broke out and zombies were infested.

Humans rely on early technological weapons and later black technologies to quickly gain a foothold and be able to compete with corpses, but animals all over the world do not have this ability.

They didn't have the opportunity to grow. Except for the animals that escaped into the virgin forest to survive, the outside were basically killed by the zombies.

This also makes it difficult for all human forces in the world to buy meat, and people in some places have not even tasted meat for a year or two.

Meat has also become the rarest material in the last days, with a price but no market.

Xiaoyue Sirius eats most of the bacon and canned food preserved by the people before the end of the world, and eats a little less. Let him exchange meat for potions, which is more than a few more No. 4 potions. Even distressed.

Currently in Longxia, only Phoenix owns a large farm.

The poultry and livestock fed inside depend on Wei Xiao's early discoveries.

Had it not been for Wei Xiao to keep these poultry and livestock in captivity in advance, and now he still wants to catch these animals outside, unless luck is against the sky, otherwise, if he went out to look for them for a few days and nights, he would not be able to run into each one. .

One can imagine how precious meat is now in this world.

In addition to the meat, Xiaoyue Sirius took out all the materials that could be exchanged for the No. 1 potion.

More than three million No. 1 potions.

Although it is impossible to achieve the superization of the whole people, with these three million No. 1 potions, the strength of Wolf City is destined to explode more than ten times on the original basis.

In these days when paying millions to continue trading with Wolf City, other areas.

The two major bases in the four holy cities of the Northland and the polar bear border outside the region also ushered in the trading representatives of Phoenix.

Because this is the first contact, the three major powers are all negotiating with representatives of the Phoenix side to reach a genetic deal.

The process may have some twists and turns, but the ending is the same as Wolf City.

After Phoenix elaborated on the benefits of super-nationalization, the three major forces readily agreed.

In addition to them, the two major human survivor base cities in the Western Polar Region and Longwei City have also joined the exchange market for genetic medicine.

It is undeniable that trading with the Phoenix base will make the other party get huge benefits from it, but if the nation’s superization is achieved through the transaction with the Phoenix, the benefits for these base cities are absolutely unimaginable.

Especially in the extreme west of Longxia.

Heroine City and Longwei City can be said to be the two barriers between the non-chiefland and the Longya continent. Their frontline positions have to fight against the corpses every day.

In such an environment, the superization of the whole people is simply too important for them.

Everyone is a super soldier, and everyone has the power to fight against zombies. In this way, the threat they face in the environment is undoubtedly reduced infinitely.

It is precisely because of this.

Even if they guessed that Phoenix would get huge benefits from trading with them, they had no reason to refuse.

In this transaction, the official Phoenix caravan only trades with large forces. They have always ignored some small forces that do not even count as a base, but rely on the "superior" environment of Longxia Land to enclose themselves. .

In this way, under the "regular" gene medicine trading market, a place called the "black market" has emerged.

The black market is mainly composed of private forces within Phoenix. As suppliers, they have fixed exchange channels and buyers.

Below them, there are many speculative outside businessmen.

These people formed a circle on the basis of the black market, exchanged genetic medicines from suppliers, and then sold them at a lower ratio of genetic medicine exchange than suppliers.

As far as Wei Xiao and the others know, the exchange ratio between genetic medicines on the black market is divided into two levels.

The exchange ratio of the primary channel is 1:25, which is one-sixth less than the official price set by Phoenix. The exchange ratio of the secondary channel is 1:20, which is even more excessive.

But even so, the supply of genetic medicine in the black market is in short supply.

This kind of phenomenon occurs, naturally thanks to the efforts of such large forces as the Phoenix.

The land of Longxia is now arguably the safest place in the world.

There are no super zombies such as corpse kings and mother corpses in the territory, and the danger in the wild is greatly reduced. In the early stage, the cleanup of local corpses by major forces has once again reduced the threat of zombies in the wild.

With such a “safe” environment, there are opportunities for private teams to pan for gold and hunt lone zombies. After the early end of the world and genetic medicine is basically popularized, some things do not like large bases. The clauses, or those with little ambitions, have established their own small forces in the localities.

Relying on the light of the Zhanda base and independent of people outside the major bases, many non-governmental organizations have been developed.

Of course, in addition to the existence of organized people, there are many rangers, small teams, and solo travelers in addition to large bases.

It is these people who have strengthened the trading market on the black market.

It is difficult for them to obtain a large amount of materials from large forces, and they do not have the background to trade with them, but if they do not want their own power or their own strength to lag behind the large forces too much, their needs can only be provided by the black market.

According to the information collected by Phoenix, there are now more than 10 million survivors in Longxia Land, who are not under the control of major base cities.

They are distributed in various areas of the Longxia land, or they live in isolation, or they gather some unorganized and baseless refugees in small places to rule the king. Many people’s small lives are compared to Wei Xiao and other bigwigs. Not letting too much.

If you call such large bases as the Phoenix City, Women City, and Wolf City a brand new "country" in the apocalypse, then the non-governmental organizations that exist outside of them can be regarded as a quagmire.

A circle that has no rules and no order, and dares to do everything except dare not offend large forces.

Of course, they can have their own piece of sky. All of this is based on the premise that there are large forces to "shield the wind and rain" for them. If the large forces are destroyed in the fight against the corpse clan, their ending is self-evident.

Unfinished eggs under the covering nest can describe the status quo of this circle.


One month after the opening of the gene medicine trading market.

The Phoenix Base of Minghai City.

"Lord, after we have been trading with many large forces such as Women City, Longwei City, Wolf City, etc., for the past month, the secondary drug storage in our base can already achieve the second level of the national level. The second-stage promotion goal can now be implemented."

After a month of hard work, the Phoenix Base finally met the conditions for the second-level nationalization.

After Jiang Xue reported the situation to Wei Xiao, she quietly waited for his response.

"Sure enough, on our own, who knows that it takes the year of the monkey to achieve this goal? Now, through continuous gains from the outside, it has been achieved within a month. The original decision of the Lord is simply brilliant."

"The second level of the nation? Hahaha... In this way, let alone facing the power of the first-level corpse emperor in the future, even the more advanced corpse emperor, we have the power to fight."

"I really didn't expect it. This is just a month's worth of results. If you continue to trade, it is probably not a dream for the whole people to have three levels."

Before Wei Xiao spoke, many people around him were excited.

There was not much surprise on Wei Xiao's face while smoking a cigarette.

"How is the drug storage in the base now?" Wei Xiao asked.

"The No. 1 potion cannot be calculated. The daily output and dilution are too large, and the quantity changes rapidly, so no statistics are made."

"The reserve of No. 2 medicine has reached 4.72 million pieces, including 1.78 million of No. 2 original medicine and 2.94 million of mixed medicine. These No. 2 original medicines were obtained through external transactions. At most, it occupies 60% of the total amount of the original medicine." Jiang Xue said.

Hearing her words, except for a small number of people present, the rest were solemn.

"Does the outside forces trade with us so many No. 2 Primitive Potions?" Ming Yulan asked in surprise.

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