Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1154: End of the world coin became a universal currency


"Dead, all dead."

"What? When did it happen?"

"Did that man just do it?"

"I didn't see it clearly, it was too fast."

"Fuck, those few people are not fourth-level fighters, right?"

As soon as Wei Xiao and the others left, Gao Qiu, who was still standing in place, and the four players who came with him, except for the two who were kicked by Wei Xiao, fell to the ground one after another.

Someone came over to find out, and what they got was the fact that Gao Qiu and the others died.

Seeing this scene, the people around who were still prepared to watch the show all had their jaws dropped.

One by one stared at the five headless corpses on the ground in disbelief, thrilling.

"team leader--"

Gao Qiu also has some players.

But they didn't expect Gao Qiu to just go to say hello will lead to a murderous disaster, and they all exclaimed.

"Asshole, dare to move my man, I want you to die."

In a room high above the hotel.

A woman is holding a red wine glass and looking at the situation below.

She was just looking at the scenery outside, but she unexpectedly saw such an interesting scene.

"Interesting, it seems that a few special people have come to my Hongchen Hotel."

"Sister Yao Yao, what special person are you talking about?"

A woman came next to Sister Yao Yao and looked down curiously, but there was nothing special except a few corpses surrounded by a crowd of people on the ground.

As for the dead?

Are there few people dying every day in Hongchen Hotel?

Because of quarrels, because of women, or other trivial matters, the situation can be seen at any time.

In this regard, the woman has no feeling.

Sister Yaoyao didn't respond to her, she looked at the man with a cold face and a long sword in her hand.

"Four level two fighters, one level three fighters, without preparation and a crowd of spectators around, can you use your abilities to kill them instantly without knowing it?"

When the man with his usual gaze and cold expression heard Sister Yao Yao's words, his calm face changed slightly.

Sister Yao Yao smiled cleverly and didn't say much, just staring at each other like this.

After a while, the man returned to his original calm.

"can not."

"Haha..." Yao Yaojie smiled, "Someone did it."

As he said, the figure left the window, passing a crystal table, put the goblet in his hand on it.

"Let's go out and see a few interesting people."

There was no more words, and his body writhing like a water snake swayed out of the room.

"Sister Yao Yao, wait for me."

The woman hurried to follow.

The cold-faced man hesitated for a moment, and followed.

Inside the hotel lobby.

"Come on, drink!"


"Made, I met a team of fat sheep yesterday and sacrificed a dozen of my brothers to take them down. As a result, I got materials worth less than a catty of gold. I regret death now."

"Now that the people and corpses fight in the West Polar Region, many people from the forces have rushed over. I don't know if the people from the Phoenix, the Wolf City, and the Four Holy Cities will go?"

"I guess it's very hanging. After all, the distance is too far, and the corpse disease can't threaten them, who is so stupid to support the Western Polar Region?"

As soon as Wei Xiao and the others entered the hotel, they heard a loud noise in their ears.

Inside the entire hall, it can be said to be extremely messy.

Thousands of squares of space are separated into hundreds of independent areas, and in each area, there are all kinds of people.

Talk about everything.

Full of the atmosphere of the rivers and lakes.

"Damn, it's punctual."

"Beauty, peerless beauty, am I dreaming?"

But these sounds quickly disappeared.

Some people found that Bai Youwei and the others might be too amazing. His exclamation naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

When more than half of the people in the hall looked towards Wei Xiao and the others, the noisy hall was suddenly silent.

Wei Xiao and the others didn't show much expression, and walked to the innermost counter.

"Is there any room?" Wei Xiao asked coldly.

The waiter sitting behind the counter was a little dazed, as if he didn't hear Wei Xiao's question.

Wei Xiao frowned.

"I ask if you still have a room?"

"Ah...oh, yes, do you plan to live in a deluxe room or a business room or a normal room?"

"What's the difference?"

"There are many differences. The biggest difference is whether it is powered. Ordinary rooms only provide candles, business rooms provide four hours of electricity at night, and deluxe rooms provide 24/7."

"Deluxe room, stay for one night. In addition, prepare four servings of your best food and deliver to the room."

"Good sir." The waiter responded, and then found the deluxe room and the room card that no one was staying in. "Sir, this is your room card. Please take it. The room is in Room 3 on the third floor. You are paying eschatological currency. , Gold or other items instead?"


Wei Xiao and the others were slightly taken aback when they heard the end of the world coin.

"Do you still accept doomsday coins here?" Bai Youwei asked curiously.

Hearing Bai Youwei's voice and looking at her peerless face, the waiter felt that his heart was about to melt.

It's so beautiful, how could there be such a beautiful woman in this world?

Mother, I believe in love again.

The waiter was very excited.

Suppressing the heart like a small deer, he explained: "Of course, but we only accept the end-time coin issued by the Phoenix, which is the only currency recognized by all survivors in Longxia Land."

"Husband, I didn't expect the currency of our base to be so popular now."

After receiving the explanation from the waiter, Bai Youwei looked very happy.

Wei Xiao was also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, eschat currency has become a universal currency.

But it's not surprising to think about it.

With the opening of the gene medicine market, the trade between the major powers has continued to strengthen. It is not surprising that the phoenix, which used apocalyptic currency to replace bartering, will be recognized by other powers.

Of course, the main thing is the influence of Phoenix.

Wei Xiao and the others didn't know that among the major forces, many people believed that if any force in Longxia Earth had existed for the longest time, Phoenix would be the number one deservedly.

Therefore, a base that can "exist for a long time" naturally has sufficient protection for the currency used by the citizens in the base.

Everyone accepts eschatological currency trading and is not afraid of not going out.

"Ten grams of gold is ten yuan apocalyptic coin, right?" Mu Wuqing said.



With that, Mu Wuqing found a ten-yuan apocalyptic coin from his arms and handed it to the waiter.

"Okay, I wish you a happy house, and dinner will be arranged for you soon."

Wei Xiao took the room card and took a look.

Room 303.

The room card is simple, there are no bells and whistles on it.

"Let's go!"

After getting the room card, Wei Xiao did not delay, leading Mu Wuqing and the others towards the stairs under the envy and hatred eyes of a group of men.

As soon as they left, the quiet hall suddenly became lively.

"Ma De, be punctual, so punctual. How can the kid He De have so many stunning looks?"

"My heart almost jumped out just now. It's so beautiful, how could there be such a beautiful woman in the last days?"

"Just take a look. That man is not something we can afford. The strength of people who dare to bring three stunning looks to this chaotic place is definitely not low."

When many people were discussing Wei Xiao and the others, it was in an isolated room near the corner of the hall.

There are seven people here.

"Boss, it's so beautiful, that's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. Compared to them, the ones we played before are simply crooked."

"Why, have an idea?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Don't the boss want it?"

"Ha ha……"

"Boss, if you can bring such three stunning people through the market, I am afraid that the strength is good, we still have to be more cautious."

Someone reminded that the man who was the boss sank.

He naturally knew what the little brother meant.

In the last days, is it easy to deal with a man who dared to walk outside and still had three goddesses at the level of disaster to the country and the people?

This kind of person, let alone a fool, does not exist at all in the last days.

Even if the man is stupid, are the three women stupid?

"We can help you."

Just as the boss was meditating, seven people came to them, and the headed woman said coldly.

"Blood rose?"

Seeing the woman, everyone in the isolation room exclaimed.

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