Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1157: Identity exposed, shocking a city

Without any instructions from Wei Xiao, he realized that the target these people wanted to kill was actually Wei Xiao's Phantom.

With a soft drink, all the bullets that had stopped in the air bounced back around.

"Quickly get out of—"


The bullets attacked indiscriminately, and the group of people who tried to surround Wei Xiao and the others, bounced back from the dense bullets, and instantly injured five or six people.

"Let me keep things like guns for you!"

Bai Youwei also shot.

The metal control ability was used, and the enemies who attacked them gathered everything that contained metal substances in their hands.

In a blink of an eye, an iron ball fell to the ground.

In this way, Bai Youwei has not stopped.

The height of the building.

"Abnormal, supernatural person?"


The man holding the sniper rifle had just finished speaking, and a throwing knife that hadn't known when approached him immediately cut his throat.

There is no resistance at all.

Half of his neck was severed, and the sniper covered his neck with savage eyes. The moment the figure struggled, he fell directly from the edge of the tall building downward.

Bai Youwei retracted the flying knife, the murderous intent in her eyes never stopped.

She saw the situation just now.

These enemies who had to deal with them all wanted to kill Wei Xiao.

In the hearts of Bai Youwei and the others, the importance of Wei Xiao even exceeded their lives. The fact that these people wanted to kill Wei Xiao undoubtedly touched their negative scales.

There is no kindness at all.

Bai Youwei, who had originally suspended a flying knife next to her, once again sacrificed eleven.


Twelve Emperor Slashing Flying Knives flew out at the same time, and there were screams of screams in the surrounding area.

It was just a blink of an eye. Whether it was a second-level or a third-level fighter, facing Bai Youwei's attack, they didn't even have a chance to escape, and they were strangled by the ubiquitous Slashing Flying Knife in every corner.

On the side of the hotel.

The people who had been driven out of the hotel before, or were watching the excitement, or preparing to fish in troubled waters, were staring at Wei Xiao and the corpses around them.

They were afraid that they would not even dream of it. In their eyes, an assault that was destined to be the death of Wei Xiao and three peerless beauties fell into the mouth of a tiger would end in this way.

What made them even more unbelievable was that of the three peerless beauties who were supposed to be "useless" in their eyes except for being good-looking, two of them were supernatural beings.

Know the abilities?

Fu (a kind of plant), that is the existence that stands at the top of the pyramid in the last days.

Known abilities are only those who have killed the corpse emperor and extracted genetic medicine from the corpse emperor who have taken the title.

Now that two perfect, peerless beauties actually control supernatural powers, doesn't it mean that they are both peerless powerhouses who have killed the corpse emperor?

"Sister Yao Yao, they, they are supernatural beings?"

Yaoyue was at the front of the crowd, and the women next to her saw this scene in front of her, and their dissatisfaction with Wei Xiao and them last night disappeared.

Facing Bai Youwei who easily killed 19 super soldiers, the woman's voice trembled.

Yaoyue did not respond to her immediately.

Looking solemnly at Wei Xiao, who was protected by the three women in the middle.

She had thought that the strength of the four Wei Xiaos was definitely not simple, and she had suspected that they might be fourth-level fighters, but Yaoyue could not think of it anyway. Among the four mysterious people who came to the Hongchen Hotel yesterday, there were actually some of them. Two mastered abilities.

Although Wei Xiao and Mu Wuqing did not make a move, Yaoyue has no doubt that since there are already two people in control of this extraordinary power, how can the other two be ordinary?

When did the abilities start appearing in batches?

"Yao Yue, this time we might have encountered an incredible person." The cold-faced man said solemnly.

Yaoyue turned to look at him.

"Have you guessed their identity?"

The cold-faced man nodded, his eyes changed when he looked at Wei Xiao.

Fanatic and excited.

"We all know the way to become a supernatural being, but currently known supernatural beings are owned by only two powers, the lord of the Central China Wolf City, Xiaoyue Sirius, the leader of the Southern Minghai City Phoenix Base, Wei Xiao, and the women next to him. The former has only killed two corpse emperors so far. No matter how generous Xiaoyue Sirius is, it is impossible to give both of the No. 5 potions to the women around him."

"In this way, the identities of these four people are self-evident."

"They are phoenix people, and that man is Wei Xiao, the strongest man in the last days?" The woman exclaimed.

"Not bad." The cold-faced man nodded.

Yaoyue's beautiful jade face sank.

Wei Xiao?

The man in front of him is actually Phoenix, Wei Xiao, the leader of the dragon who sees no end?

Do you want to be so exciting?

When Yaoyue and the others guessed Wei Xiao's identity and looked at him thrillingly, Wei Xiao's consciousness swept around, no longer perceiving the dangerous Phantom and Bai Youwei, and they withdrew their supernatural powers.

The terrifying Wei Xiao walked out from among them, holding the unsheathed Emperor Sword in his hand, and walked towards the hotel entrance step by step.


Seeing Wei Xiao approaching, most of those who originally watched the excitement backed away.

The survivors who originally stood with Yaoyue and the others, at this time, only the three of Yaoyue and the others were left facing Wei Xiao who had walked over.

The three of them didn't know if they didn't notice the reaction of other people around them or what.

Facing Wei Xiao who was constantly approaching them, a closer look revealed that no matter it was Yaoyue or the cold-faced man, their bodies were shaking unconsciously.

Wei Xiao leaned over and stopped less than two meters away from Yaoyue and the others.

The gaze that made the heart chilling and the soul trembling swept over them, and finally stayed on Yaoyue.

"My car was destroyed by your people, and the tires can no longer be used. Give you a chance, within an hour, fix my tires, prepare five hundred liters of fuel, do it, you live, you can’t do it, everyone Gotta die, how?"

"You, are you Phoenix leader Wei Xiao?" the woman next to Yaoyue asked with a trembling voice.

Wei Xiao narrowed his eyebrows.

"Is this something you should be concerned about now?"


Affected by Wei Xiao's domineering aura, the woman was speechless.

Yaoyue took a deep breath, and suppressed her inner fear of Wei Xiao: "The person who damaged your car has nothing to do with us. We have no obligation to pay for them."


"Swish swish..."


As soon as Wei Xiaoxiemei's words fell, three flying knives shot from the rear, and there were some survivors who stayed outside. On the spot, three men with poor images lost their lives and lay on the ground.

"Kill, kill..."

"Let me in, let me in..."

"Don't get in the way—"

The sudden death crisis made those in a state of panic panic.

One by one scrambled towards the hotel door.

"I'll kill whoever messes with me."

Wei Xiao's lukewarm voice came out.

Bai Youwei cooperated, offering another twenty-one throwing knives to levitate around the hotel.

Looks like that, there seems to be a tendency to harvest them once they move.

Under the threat of death, those who were rushing to enter the hotel were quiet.

His eyes stared fearfully at the flying knives floating around.

Mad, the other party is totally unreasonable!

Why should the **** night team and the mad cow team pay the bill?

Seeing those people in front of the door set the rules, Wei Xiao looked at Yaoyue again: "Remember, I am not reasoning with you, but ordering you, do you want to die or live?"

Being threatened so naked by Wei Xiao, Yao Yue trembled with qi.

The cold-faced man beside her noticed this scene.

Although he knew that he was definitely not Wei Xiao's opponent, as Yaoyue's "guardian", the person he wanted to protect was threatened.

"Hehe... resist?"

Mu Wuqing sneered in the back.

Without hesitation, one hand was held high, five fingers spread out, and then the blood-black flame quickly condensed a terrifying fireball with a diameter of ten meters, like flowing water upstream.

"You can try to resist my husband's fate."

"Another ability."

"Are you able to see people with supernatural powers everywhere now?"

Compared with the abilities displayed by Phantom and Bai Youwei, at this moment, Mu Wuqing's move has a greater impact on the survivors inside and outside the hotel.

Don't doubt the power of the fireball condensed by Mu Wuqing.

From the appearance of the fireball, everyone who felt the moisture in the surrounding air was evaporated instantly, it was difficult to breathe at this moment.

In addition, there was a scorching air wave that constantly eroded their bodies, some of them were just ordinary people's survivors, and even sweat began to shed on their heads.

"Cold-blooded, stop."

Yaoyue hurriedly stopped the cold-faced man pulling the sword.

The movement in the cold-blooded hand was stagnant.

Yaoyue said to Wei Xiao: "Okay, we will help you repair the locomotive and prepare the fuel you need. I hope you won't hurt us again."

"You have 53 minutes left."

Yaoyue gritted her teeth, but did not dare to challenge Wei Xiao's patience.

Immediately let people go to repair the tires of the locomotive for Wei Xiao, and at the same time let people prepare fuel.

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