Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1160: Such a group of people are always there


The middle-aged soldier took a cold breath.

Turning over to reveal the little girl in his arms.

A face painted in camouflage showed a slight smile after seeing the little girl safe and sound.

"Baby, are you okay?"

The little girl rubbed these little eyes: "Woo...uncle, have you seen my mother? Mom doesn't want Xiaoxin anymore."

The middle-aged soldier endured the severe pain on his body and grinned: "Xiaoxin is not afraid, we don't cry! Uncle can help you find your mother, okay?"

"Okay, thank you uncle."

Soothing the little girl, the middle-aged soldier stood up holding Xiaoxin in his arms.

"Squad leader, are you injured?"

A soldier who was protecting the squad leader noticed the bone scratch on the middle-aged soldier's back, with a look of horror.

The squad leader is only a first-class fighter, and what it means to be scratched by a zombie is self-evident.

The middle-aged soldier seemed to be dismissive of this.

Give Xiaoxin to the opponent, and then pull out the pistol from the side of the thigh to pull off the insurance.

"To protect the children from leaving, we must send them to Longwei City."

"Squad leader..."

"This is our destiny and our mission. I hope you remember the general's words, the people's soldiers, will never change their position because of the environment. This is not stupidity, but faith. It starts when we put on this uniform. , We will always be the last wall of the people, you know?"

The three soldiers showed pained expressions, but still responded loudly.


The middle-aged soldier smiled with relief, patted the young soldier's shoulder vigorously, and then went straight into the battle at the forefront without hesitation.


Xiao Xin saw the middle-aged soldier who was leaving her, she didn't know what the other person's walk meant, and she whispered.

"Go, protect the child from retreating."

The three soldiers on the spot did not hesitate and endured the grief in their hearts. One of them guarded the child, and the other two guarded the left and right sides, constantly fighting the sky-grabbers swooping down from the sky.

Wait for the survivor ahead to run 100 meters.

"Captain, the refugees have entered the woods."

"Okay, retreat, don't fall in love with war."


"Boom boom boom..."

For the refugees to gain a distance of escape, the team resisting the front line decisively chose to retreat.

Hundreds of people threw a grenade each to blow up the zombies close to them, and everyone immediately turned to chase the survivors.

Their speed is so fast that they don't look like ordinary people.

At least the team of first-class fighters quickly moved a certain distance away from the zombies.

The crisis has not been resolved.

More than a hundred thousand zombies were chasing them, and the sky was going to darken, and the soldiers who caught up with the survivor team in front were still worried.



However, just as the corpse group was chasing the survivor team in front, a huge fireball fell from the sky from the side of the corpse group.

A fireball that can be called an extinction class exploded in the middle of the group of corpses, and the skyrocketing smoke, the flames covering the square, and the ruthless shock wave, instantly wiped out more than ten thousand zombies.

"Swish swish..."

This is not over yet.

After the huge fireball exploded, from the air, streamers flew past.

The flying knives that cut gold and jade, and have nothing to resist, crisscross among the corpses.

Wherever the flying knife passed, the zombies were constantly cut off their heads, and no one was spared.

"Youwei, don't waste time on these miscellaneous fish, block the corpses chasing after the survivors in front, protect them, and give Wu Qing a chance to destroy them."

"good husband!"

The ethereal sound spread between the mountains.

Afterwards, I saw those flying knives harvesting zombies lined up in midair.

A black figure sprang out from the dense forest, stepping on the flying knife and galloping towards the front of the group of corpses.

The terrifying speed is hard to catch even the skimmers.

A distance of several kilometers passed in less than a minute.

"You are?"

The armed fighters who had retreated last suddenly discovered the changes in the rear, and before they could figure out what was going on, a slender figure appeared beside them.

Bai Youwei didn't explain much.

"Get your people back."

The soldier on Bai Youwei's side was a bit unclear, but he still followed Bai Youwei's request.

"Everyone retreats to the mountain."

The soldiers who blocked the zombies entering the dense forest received the order and did not hesitate, choosing to retreat one after another.

Upon seeing this, Bai Youwei's hands immediately touched the ground.


Exert all the powers.

Under the incomprehensible gaze of a group of warriors behind them, countless metal materials rose from the ground, and condensed into a metal wall covering hundreds of meters at a speed visible to the naked eye to isolate the zombies outside the dense forest. Come.

"This this……"

"Fuck, what kind of spell is this?"

"It's an ability person, this is the ability of an ability person."

Witnessing Bai Youwei's greatness, the soldiers behind her stared at her back in amazement.

In the distance, Wei Xiao saw the metal wall that had stood outside the dense forest, and immediately informed Mu Wuqing.

"Wu Qing——"


Mu Wuqing responded, and a more terrifying blood-black fireball condensed in midair.

In an instant, a giant star fireball with a diameter of 20 meters formed.


Without hesitation, between waving his hands, Mu Wuqing sent the fireball out.

A huge fireball fell more than a thousand meters away from the dense forest.


Shocking collision.

The fireball fell to the ground, bursting with a dazzling blood-colored fire, and an invisible shock wave was formed, sweeping the corpses in all directions like a tide.

"Oh oh—"

In bursts of miserable wailing, tens of thousands of zombies were annihilated in the heat.

In a blink of an eye, with the explosion site as the center, the area with a radius of more than one thousand meters was completely turned into ashes.


Bai Youwei is here with them.

Because of the metal wall isolation, the shock wave spreading here was resisted, but the shaking caused by the shaking still caused many people above to stumble and fall to the ground.


Many people don't know what's going on outside, but the violent shaking of the ground under their feet makes them all panicked.

for a long time.

When the turmoil passed, apart from the significantly higher temperature between the mountains, outside the metal walls, the roar of zombies could no longer be heard.


With the sound of locomotives, Bai Youwei's cold face returned to a touch of indifference.

"Well, the crisis is resolved."

In an understatement, Bai Youwei mobilized her supernatural powers and lifted the metal wall in front of her.

Losing this barrier, the people behind her noticed that the area previously occupied by zombies was full of burning flames and skyrocketing fire.

"Husband, Sister Wu Qing..."

Wei Xiao stopped the locomotive and walked over.

"How about it, is it not affected by my attack?" Mu Wuqing asked concerned.

Bai Youwei shook her head.

"No, it's all blocked by metal walls."

"That's good!"

Wei Xiao walked towards the soldiers behind Bai Youwei.

"Who is the leader here?"

The group of people rescued by Wei Xiao and the others was still in shock at the moment.

They don't know how to describe their feelings at the moment.

who I am?

Where am I?

What happened just now?

Where are the zombies chasing us?

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