Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1165: Not at the right time

Three days later.

Longwei City.

A base city capable of accommodating tens of millions of people was formed by the surviving fighters of the two armies of Longxia State guarding the western polar region in the early end of the world.

The entire base city covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 square kilometers, and now has a population of nearly six million, second only to Wolf City.

On the way, Wei Xiao and the others learned from Lei Ming that the situation in Longwei City was slightly different from other bases.

Although the forces that established this base are the survivors of the two armies, they are not the ones who manage the internal affairs of the base.

This base city is more like a regular city before the end of the world. The army is responsible for the city’s defense and security, and has the right to mobilize the entire city at critical moments, while the internal management of the base city is some civilian personnel.

They have been engaged in related work before the end of the world, and they are also very comfortable with the management of the base city.

Simply put, the armed forces and the base are completely separated from internal affairs, and the two sides do not interfere with each other.

Unless there is a huge change in the base city, the armed forces will not intervene in everything inside the base, and let the managers inside.

Of course, although the internal affairs are completely separated from the armed forces, the leaders in the army will not interfere with the internal management of the base city, but the armed forces are still in control of the base.

Once there are major changes inside and outside the base, the armed forces have the right to take over everything, and everyone in the base must obey the arrangements of the armed forces.

Mu Wuqing and the others were curious about the special situation of Longwei Base in the last days.

I also asked Thunder for this.

Are they not afraid of high-level internal affairs seizing power?

After all, the two sides are developing separately, and the armed forces only take care of the war. If the top management of the internal affairs team wants to develop their own forces in the base, what will they do?

Lei Ming's answer is simple.

Fist is the last word.

The weapons and equipment of the entire Longwei City are controlled by the troops. Non-combatants or those who go out to collect materials, under normal circumstances, are not allowed to be equipped with thermal weapons, let alone possess personal armed forces.

The leader of the army can turn a blind eye to the management of the base’s internal affairs and completely hand over the basic citizens of the entire base to those internal management personnel. However, there are certain things that are absolutely forbidden to be touched by others. Once someone touches the "taboo", the lesser ones will be expelled from the base city. The heavy ones will be killed directly without any mercy.

It can also be seen from this point that although Thunder and the likes of soldiers often spare their lives to protect other survivors, they are not a group of people without their own opinions.

It is their duty as well as their duty for soldiers to protect the civilians. They can give up their lives for their faith, but they are not yet generous enough to let a group of jugglers point their fingers at them, or even ride on their heads.

In addition to the most important armed forces being controlled by the troops, Lei Ming also mentioned the privileges of some armed fighters in the base.

Such as treatment.

The treatment of the armed forces of Longwei City is definitely the best in the last days.

The best resources of the base are always available to them for the first time, even the high-level staff of the internal affairs team in the city, the living standard is not as good as that of an ordinary soldier.

There is status.

In the face of armed fighters, as long as the opponent is not unreasonably making trouble and deceiving others, all Christians must maintain relative respect to them.

They exist like heroes in the base, sacred and inviolable.

After learning about the situation of the armed forces in Longwei City, Wei Xiao's view of Lei Ming and them changed.

Persist, but not rigid.

Three days ago, they knew that Lei Ming and the soldiers would rather sacrifice themselves in order to protect the weak. Wei Xiao admired their spirit, but he did not agree with them.

In the current apocalypse, the elites of the human race can be said to be treasures. The act of sacrificing the elites to protect the whole group of young, sick and disabled is simply unattainable.

If all the elites were sacrificed, how long can those young and sick people survive in the face of vicious zombies in the future?

Isn't this "self-defeating"?

But now Wei Xiao doesn't think so.

Although they still do not approve of their willingness to sacrifice themselves to protect the citizens, they know that they enjoy all the benefits brought by their efforts, which proves that they have not reached the point of hopelessness.

Put another way.

They can enjoy as many resources as they give. In addition to their speechlessness, they are also willing to have something to offer.

At first, Wei Xiao thought that these soldiers of Longwei City were “bad guys” who sacrificed themselves for others.

One by one, they worked **** the frontline and returned to the base to get the worst living allowance. They raised a group of inaction "stupid pigs", and they had to be pointed out.

If this is the case, Wei Xiao doesn't mind teaching them how to be a qualified leader in the last days.

As for now, Wei Xiao no longer has other thoughts.

Each base has its own management method and has become accustomed to the existing living environment. Sudden changes are not necessarily a good thing.

As Longwei City got closer, the team soon arrived at the gate of Longwei City.

At this time, outside the city gate, someone was already here to receive thundering them.

"These are all members of the internal affairs team of the base. They are responsible for relocating the survivors who came in from the outside. The next thing will have nothing to do with us." During the handover, Lei Ming explained to Wei Xiao and the others.

Wei Xiao smiled indifferently.

"The work assignments at your base are pretty good, and each is in charge. The troops are only in charge of fighting, and the internal affairs are managed by professional personnel. It is also a lot easier to think about you."

"Haha... it was all decided by the general. We were originally not suitable for internal affairs, logistics, etc., and it didn't make sense to hold it in our hands. So we don't want to let professional people do these things. In this way, we can still do The extra time is put on the training of the troops, so that the troops always maintain a good fighting condition."

"Your general is a sensible man."

"Don't talk about it. I will take you to the general's mansion first. If the general knows that there are four powers coming, he will be very happy."

"Then it will work."

"It should be."

Lei Ming said, the person looking for the handover asked for two cars, and then took Wei Xiao and the others directly into the base city.

Base city.

The internal environment is much better than Wei Xiao and the others imagined.

Everything is in order.

Although the costumes of the Christians are not extravagant, they are also decent.

The most important thing is that when the car is running, Wei Xiao and the others see the Christians passing by on both sides with a natural smile, so it can be seen that the survivors living in this base have not had a bad life, at least they are very satisfied now. Living environment.

More than half an hour.

Wei Xiao and the others came to the General's Mansion.

The General Mansion is located in the south of the base. It is a luxurious villa covering an area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters.

Surrounded by heavily armed guards, the guards are tight.

When two cars came here, a guard came to greet Thunder.

Lei Ming explained a few words to the other party, and then led Wei Xiao and the others towards the general's mansion unimpeded.

Along the way, the guards on guard saw thunder and saluted.

It can be seen that Thunder's status in the base is not low.

Inside the villa.

"No, master, please... Ah... no... you let me go... Ah..."

"Hehe... In the hands of the young master, do you think you can still leave?"

"Hahaha...Lin Shao, come on, conquering such a woman will have a sense of accomplishment."

"What pretend to be? It's your blessing to be shown by Lin Shao."

"Some people even sell well even if they get the bargain, Lin Shao, really bullies her."


Wei Xiao and the others seemed to come at an untimely time.

As soon as I entered the villa, there was an indecent noise from the second floor.

Leiming's face was a little embarrassed, and his body was even trembling.

Bai Youwei and the others just frowned, but didn't say anything.

Wei Xiao didn't take it seriously anymore, just smiled meaningfully at thunder.

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