Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1190: Have you ever seen a ghost like me?

The appearance of metal strips on the ground for no reason is just the beginning.

As other super soldiers in the artillery position also noticed the ground below, a dull sound spread on the calm ground.


The earth exploded, and earth and rocks splashed.

The landwalkers who were only hiding in the ground seemed to be controlled by some invisible force, floating in the air.

Luo Feng and others were shocked.

what on earth is it?

"Captain, look at those landwalkers."

The sharp-eyed warrior quickly noticed the difference between the land walkers.

His yelling caused Luo Feng and others to focus on the floating body of the land walker.

I didn't notice yet. After looking carefully, Luo Feng and the others discovered that the bodies of all the floating groundwalkers were pierced and entangled by metal strips.

The whole body was **** by metal strips like twists, and when most of the land walkers appeared from the ground, they had lost their vitality.

The rest can breathe, it is estimated that they will die soon!


Still in consternation.

At this time, there were new changes in the area where Luo Feng and the others were located.

I saw the cloudless headspace, accompanied by a blood-black beam of light reaching the sky with a diameter of about one meter in the distance.

When Luo Feng and the others were visible to the naked eye, a red cloud began to condense and extend, and exudes a hot air wave covering the sky.

The blood-black clouds released a terrifying temperature, as if the water in the air was evaporated in an instant, and everyone's breathing became difficult.

However, this phenomenon did not last long.

Shortly after the blood-black red cloud appeared, from among the red clouds, thousands of streams of light rushed to the ground.

Their target is not Luo Feng and the others, but the dark holes on the ground.

Streaming light poured into the thousands of holes on the ground like flowing water, like river water, filling the underground space without Luo Feng and the others seeing it, and swarming towards the surroundings.

"Oh oh—"

A low growl, not very clear, came from underground.

Afterwards, farther away from Luofeng and the others, a large number of landwalkers hidden in the underground space broke through the ground, wrapped in blood-black flames and screamed on the ground until they were completely dead.

Luo Feng and the others were stunned by the scene before them.

What's the situation?

How could such a weird scene suddenly appear?

Could it be that the gods couldn't look down on it and couldn't help but start to clean up these land walkers?

"Team, Captain, I, we are not hell?" Beside Luo Feng, a soldier really didn't know how to describe the scene before him, his eyes were shocked and he said something that even he himself thought was incredible.

Damn it?

To be honest, if it is placed before the end of the world, it is estimated that Luo Feng and the others will sneer.

But now, the phenomenon that can create monsters like the corpse emperor has appeared in the last days, and people around him will say such things, it seems that it is not impossible.

But why do they feel terrified all over when they think it's possible?

"Oh...little brother, why do you think all this is done by ghosts? Have you ever seen a ghost as beautiful as me?"

When Luo Feng and the others didn't know how to explain this phenomenon.

Suddenly, from behind them, a clever laughter came.


Although Luo Feng and the others were shocked by the sight in front of them, they still had their vigilance as soldiers.

The sound of pleasant and ingenious laughter just came, and the three soldiers who were with Luo Feng, together with Luo Feng, raised their guns and turned around.


"Still a very beautiful woman?"

Luo Feng and the others were taken aback when they noticed the people behind them.

Bai Youwei has a sweet smile on her face.

"Your expressions are really interesting, don't you know the existence of supernatural beings?"

Luo Feng frowned.



Just what Luo Feng wanted to say, from in front of them, at this time more people came over.

Luo Feng and others, whose eyes were originally placed on Bai Youwei, looked behind her.

When he found several figures in armed armor walking at the front of the team, Luo Feng's eyes suddenly widened.


With the surprised expressions of Luo Feng and others, Wei Xiao and the eldest sister came over.

"Really Big Sister?"

"Why is the eldest sister here?"

"Is the eldest sister and the others doing the thing just now?"

Many fighters were a little unbelievable to see the presence of the people.

Isn't the eldest sister in the main city? How come to the frontline?

Also, how come the appearance of the eldest sister and the others is accompanied by a "vision"?

The eldest sister didn't say hello to Luo Feng and the others at the first time, but came and walked to Bai Youwei's side.

"Youwei, how about, there are still fish that slip through the net for landwalkers?"

Bai Youwei put away the smile on her face.

"The artillery positions have been cleaned up. Are there any more distant places? You have to ask Sister Wu Qing, right?"

Mu Wuqing smiled indifferently: "Through flexible feedback, any underground space touched by the spirit fire will never survive the earth walker."

After receiving the replies from Bai Youwei and Mu Wuqing, the eldest sister had a bottoming in her heart.


Thanks to the second daughter, the eldest sister turned her attention to Luo Feng and them.

"Luo Feng, are you all right?"

Luo Feng still didn't react.

The face was blank.

"Sister, what are you guys?"

"Don't be nervous, what you see now are all the supernatural abilities that these two friends around me are using. We were originally going to the front position, but we heard that the artillery position was in trouble, so we came here first. We came in time."

After hearing the elder sister's explanation, the shocked expressions on Luo Feng's faces became more obvious.

His eyes rested on Bai Youwei and Mu Wuqing again.

Right now they think that the "hell" vision is actually made by the two beautiful beauties around the big sister. Isn't this a joke?

Wei Xiao said, "Well, now that the Landwalker has been cleaned up, take away all your abilities."

Bai Youwei and Mu Wuqing nodded.

A disconnection ability controlled the metal, causing the dead bodies of the landwalkers who were still floating to fall to the ground.

The other one stretched out his hand and pointed straight at the sky. The red clouds that had originally enveloped the sky gathered the pillar of flame injected into the cave on the ground, then condensed into a fireball and fell into the opponent's hand, and finally disappeared.

When witnessing the operation of the second woman, especially Mu Wuqing's obvious operation, even if they were still a little unbelievable in their hearts, they had to admit that what the eldest sister said was true.

"It's unbelievable. We humans can really possess such an extraordinary ability." Luo Feng exclaimed.

Even Luo Feng is like this, not to mention other fighters.

Staring at the eyes of the second woman, hot and envious.

Ability! I didn't expect the rumors to be true.

It is said that seeing is believing and hearing is not. Nowadays, seeing the power of the supernatural beings with their own eyes, I believe that few people are not fanatical in their hearts.

"How about you? Is the sacrifice big?"

The eldest sister did not continue to struggle with the second daughter's matter, changed the topic and asked Luo Feng.

Luo Feng quickly recovered.

He glanced around and smiled bitterly: "It's very big. I learned that there was an accident in the artillery position. Xia Zhu asked me to support this side. But when we arrived, basically no one survived here, even us, if not the eldest sister. You arrived in time, I'm afraid we can only give up this place and retreat."

"How about the frontline battlefield? Has the enemy zombie army started to attack the city?"

"Who is this?"

Luo Feng didn't know Wei Xiao, and when he saw him interjecting in, he couldn't help but ask curiously.

Sister: "This is the Lord Phoenix and our reinforcements. It is his two wives who helped you deal with the land walker just now."

"Huh? Lord Phoenix?"

Luo Feng was taken aback for a moment, then his gaze at Wei Xiao became frenzied.

"You, wrong, you are the leader of the Phoenix base?"


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