Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1192: Xia Zhu

Xia Zhu and the others didn't go very far, they saw the eldest sister, Wei Xiao and the others approaching.

"Eldest Sister..."

Seeing the eldest sister in Heavenly King A, Xia Zhu greeted her immediately.

The eldest sister also found Xia Zhu and his group.

"That's Xia Zhu, the defender of our army's southern line of defense, and it's mine." The eldest sister first introduced Xia Zhu's situation to Wei Xiao, and then walked towards Xia Zhu and the others.

Wei Xiao noticed the other party.

A very ordinary woman, but the murderous air on her body makes people afraid to underestimate it.

The two sides meet.

Xia Zhu looked concerned.

"Sister, why are you here? Didn't I just ask you to send reinforcements? Do you know how dangerous it is for you to come here?"

The unsmiling eldest sister showed a slight smile at this moment.

"Xia Xia, I am not as fragile as you said. I have all come from that chaotic era. What big storms and waves have I not experienced?"

Xia Zhu: "Today is different. The friendly army of zombies at the forefront has been wiped out. The enemy zombies attacking the southern line of defense this time will be the most terrifying time since the war. Once you have any accident, the West Pole The alliance in the land is likely to fall apart. No, you go back quickly, there is me here, you can rest assured."

The eldest sister shook her head.

"I won't go back. By the way, come, let me introduce you to a few people."

"Eldest Sister..."

"listen to me."

Let Xia Zhu not say too much, the eldest sister took Xia Zhu to Wei Xiao and the others.

"Chief Wei, I have introduced this to you just now, so I don’t need to say more. Xiao Xia, this is the head of the Phoenix Base, Wei Xiaowei, and this time they are here to support the West Pole. Ours. Soon, the strength of the coalition forces will greatly increase because of their arrival."

Xia Zhu had no intention of knowing Wei Xiao and others.

But after the eldest sister revealed Wei Xiao's identity, Xia Zhu's expression became different.

Phoenix leader?

Isn't that the ruler of the first power of Longxia Earth?

Xia Zhu's face was shocked.

"You, are you Phoenix Lord?"

Wei Xiao has always done things wrong in his life.

The eldest sister didn't introduce much to Xia Zhu, but just because of her being the first officer of the southern defense line, the woman in front of her who was not outstanding in appearance deserves some respect from Wei Xiao.

Take the initiative to reach out to the other party.

"Wei Xiao, enter the Phoenix Lord. General Xia refused to let a beard, and led the coalition troops to garrison the southern line of defense with a daughter, making it difficult for the enemy's corpse clan to surpass the thunder pond. This ability is highly admired by Wei."

Xia Zhu seemed flattered.

The name of the person, the bark of the tree.

Although Wei Xiao is a fiercely famous existence to outsiders, the more brilliance in him can not be ignored.

Since his fame spreads far and wide, the big things he has done are not just awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring.

In others, being able to be a proud event is not worth mentioning on Wei Xiao.

After all, without using taboo weapons, stubborn corpse emperor forces in front of them and beheaded to kill them, this kind of "great feat", at present, there is no force in Longxia Land that can do it.

People outside mentioned Wei Xiao, although they feared more than admired, but put aside the negative influence on him, who wouldn't admire the heavy damage he caused to the corpse clan?

Xia Zhu is one of them.

"Looking up for a long time, Chief Wei's name Xia Zhu is like a thunderous ear. I didn't expect to see a real person today, Xia Zhu was flattered."

The two shook hands sexually and then let go.

The eldest sister continued to introduce Xia Zhu.

"The few people next to Chief Wei are his wife and younger sister. They are all supernatural beings, powerful, and they may need their help to defend against the enemy's corpse group."

Xia Zhu set his eyes on Bai Youwei and the others, and his face was equally surprised.


Although this term is no longer unfamiliar in Longxia Land, there are still very few people who have actually seen supernatural powers.

It's not in the base of the person with the ability, you don't know what kind of existence the person with the ability is.

Now three people suddenly appeared in front of him, no, four should be said, how was Xia Zhu not surprised.

"Hello, I am Xia Zhu." Xia Zhu did not neglect, and said hello to Bai Youwei and others one by one.

Bai Youwei and the others were not arrogant, and greeted each other calmly.

Afterwards, the eldest sister introduced Wei Xiao and the others to the main senior officials on the southern defense line.

"Eldest sister, Chief Wei, let's not stand outside, go to the headquarters first. At present, the enemy zombies have not entered our guard range. It happens that since you are here, we will work out the next city defense deployment together."

After the two sides got to know each other, Xia Zhu spoke quickly and didn't waste time elsewhere, and proposed that Wei Xiao and the others participate in the next defensive preparations.

Wei Xiao and the others would naturally not refuse.

Under the leadership of Xia Zhu, the group returned to the command post.


However, before Wei Xiao and the others came to the headquarters to fully understand the deployment of the Southern Defense Line, from the outside, a member of the Shadowless Guard entered the headquarters.

"General Xia, emergency intelligence."

Seeing the members of Wuyingwei, not only Xia Zhu's face changed, but even the eldest sister frowned.

Shadowless Guards are similar to warriors such as the Phoenix Shadow Guards and the Longwei City Shadow Dragon Guards.

Their existence is mainly engaged in work such as guarding, assassination, and intelligence gathering. And if a shadowless guard can tell the news of emergency intelligence, it must be a major incident.

"What information?"

"According to the news detected by other shadowless guards, the enemy zombies have approached the southern defense line, and now it is no more than a hundred miles away from us, and it is expected that it will be within the range of our defense line in less than an hour."

"What, so fast?"

"They just attacked the friendly zombie army last night. How long has it been, why have they appeared hundreds of miles away?"

Many people in the headquarters exclaimed.

Sister: "Can you find out how many super zombies lead the enemy's corpse clan army?"

"I don't know the specifics, but there are no less than ten Cyclops. The sky corpses are difficult to judge because they are high in the sky, but the number of enemy zombies is close to 20 million, and half of them are Level 3 zombies." Tell out the information he knows.

Hearing the number of enemy zombies and the number of senior zombies, the eldest sisters all showed shock.

Even Wei Xiao and the others had their faces solemn.

Half of the senior zombies?

In other words, at least 10 million Level 3 zombies are in this offensive team.

Is the power of a second-level corpse king already so terrifying?

"Okay, we see, you first step back."


Wuyingwei led his orders to retreat.

Xia Zhu: "Sister, how long will our reinforcements arrive?"

The eldest sister looked solemn: "When I came, I had sent the reserve army out, but the number was only 700,000. It is estimated that the news from Longwei City and the Empress of the Earth will not be long until the arrival of their reinforcements, probably two or three. sky."

"so long?"

Xia Zhu and their faces were very ugly when they heard what the eldest sister said.

At this time, someone suggested: "It seems that it is too late to rely on the reinforcements of Longwei City and the Queen of Earth to support. Sister, General Xia, I propose to transfer the defenders of the eastern defense line to support the south, otherwise, rely on our current The military strength and the reserve army can hardly stop the attack of 20 million enemy zombies."


Before the eldest sisters could speak, one objected.

"The defender on the east side cannot move, and there is also the threat of enemy zombies. Once there is a lack of troops, what is the point of defending the south side?"

"If you don’t mobilize the defenders on the east side, what do you say do we use to withstand the attack of 20 million enemy zombies? The battle on the east side has never been too cruel, and there is also the first line of defense established by friendly zombies over there. , Why not transfer back some of the defenders to alleviate the crisis in the south?"

"It's easy to say. You guys haven't forgotten that the enemy zombies have been raped by humans and they have also carried out the offensive strategy of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain? Once the east defender is dispatched, you can guarantee that the enemy's **** will not come again?"


Xia Zhu: "Okay, what is the noise?"

After being drunk by Xia Zhu, the headquarters suddenly became quiet.

It can be seen that Xia Zhu's prestige here is very high.

"Sister, what do you say?"

The eldest sister was silent for a moment and looked at Wei Xiao and the others.

"Mr. Wei, what do you think?"

For a moment, everyone looked at Wei Xiao and the others.

On dealing with the power of the corpse emperor, is there anyone who is more experienced than Wei Xiao?

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