Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1227: The confrontation of cutting-edge combat power

The battlefield ahead.

The enemy corpse appeared, and the Cyclops with long-range attack ability took the first shot.

The only huge eye on his forehead gave out a death stare.

More than 30 petrochemical light beams shot onto the numerous battlefields of the coalition forces.

Suddenly, regardless of the enemy's zombies or the coalition forces, the members of the blockbuster turned into stone sculptures, standing still and no longer moving.

Just one face-to-face.

There were more than 10,000 coalition forces who died under the light of the petrified cyclops.

Among them, the number of enemy zombies that were accidentally injured was not more than a thousand, and the losses of both parties could not be compared at all.

"Beware of the Cyclops."

"Charge for me and kill it in a place with many enemy zombies."

The threat posed by the Cyclops made the coalition feel lingering.

The coalition forces fighting with the enemy zombies, in order to avoid the cyclops as much as possible, rushed towards more enemy zombies.

The Cyclops has completed a wave of harvesting, and a new round of petrified rays is coming.

"Boom boom..."


However, the coalition's snipers against the Cyclops are already in place.

The Cyclops was not given a chance to continue to release petrified rays.

A number of conventional No. 5 armor-piercing bombs or implosion bombs hit the eye-catching giant corpse in the dark.

The No. 5 armor-piercing bullet cannot penetrate the surface defense of the Cyclops at one time, but the damage it caused to the Cyclops still exists.

Under the impact of the No. 5 armor-piercing bullet, the one-eyed giant corpse preparing to release the petrified ray for the second time groaned painfully.

"Keep shooting, don't give them time to breathe."

The members of the Shadow Guard who were invisible in the distance continued to output.

Bullets kept hitting the head of the Cyclops. Constantly hit by No. 5 armor-piercing bullets, even if the Cyclops had thick skin, it could not withstand such uninterrupted attacks.

Not long.

Death began to appear among the cyclops.


When the threat of the Cyclops was reduced, the enemy Celestial Corpses also entered the battlefield.

With their terrifying speed, they specialize in areas where there are a large number of coalition forces.

The figure swooped down from high altitude.

Entering the battlefield, the heavenly corpses with endless wind blades around them, like a storm sweeping the battle circle, wherever they pass, the corpses are piled up and blood is raining down.

A large number of coalition zombies along with a small number of enemy zombies were cut into pieces in the merciless storm, and the dead could no longer die.

The power of the corpse was revealed in an instant.

The coalition forces still have targeted methods to deal with the Cyclops, but the sky corpses, the untargetable figure, are completely the best place for them to slaughter wildly on the chaotic battlefield.

In the entire battlefield, wherever the corpse attacked, people turned their backs on their horses, and the blood and rain set off, which was extremely terrifying.



Just as the sky corpse was doing whatever it wanted on the battlefield, suddenly, a figure wearing a blood black armored armor flew past the crowd.

When the two heavenly corpses once again swooped down on the coalition forces, the suddenly appeared figure flew out like a stream of light.

The man was in the air, and the blood-blue sword light swept across the air. One face, two sky corpses who swooped down before making any gains, the body was split in half in the air, and one end fell to the ground.


Seeing the domineering armor of the emperor on the incoming person, the Phoenix warrior directly recognized the identity of the opponent.

Wei Xiao stared at the other corpses flying high in the sky, and said in a cold tone: "Entrust to me the enemies in the sky, you can deal with the enemy zombies on the ground with peace of mind."


The Phoenix Warrior was excited and replied firmly.

This was said by the Lord who was like God in their hearts.

No one would suspect that Wei Xiao was just talking big.

With Wei Xiao's support, the surrounding coalition forces immediately put a hundred and twenty hearts on them, using all their energy to deal with the surrounding zombies.


The previous scene of Wei Xiao beheading the corpse was seen by the other corpses in the sky above Wei Xiao.

"It's the strong one in the human race."

"I know him, the super strong who killed our three companions with one blow on the wall half a month ago. He is terrifying, be careful."

"It's actually him? The mother emperor has evaluated that this person's strength is comparable to that of the corpse emperor of our clan, and it's best to avoid it if you encounter it.

"Now what?"

"Leave this battlefield. He doesn't have the ability to fly. As long as we don't confront him head-on, he can't do anything with us."

"good idea."

The corpse in the sky clearly knew Wei Xiao's horror.

Using the corpse clan to communicate, the four corpses flying over Wei Xiao immediately changed their attack area.


However, before they left the place where they were, suddenly a reminder came.

The four heavenly corpses who focused their attention on Wei Xiao hadn't noticed anything. At this moment, in their headspace, a purple thunder cloud condensed them.

"No, hurry up..."

Don’t you think it’s too late to discover the crisis now?

The four corpses that had been stared at by the Phantom had no time for them to react together. From their headspace, four pillars of thunder fell from the sky, and instantly enveloped them.


Heart-piercing screams came from the thunder shrouded in thunder.

Inside the purple light beam, the four roads appeared black in the purple light, and they disappeared into smoke in a short while.

The four corpses didn't have any power to resist, so they were wiped out.

"Damn it, it's a human supernatural person, so be careful."

The sky corpses reminded the four previous corpses from a distance, seeing their companions wiped out, their expressions dignified, and their tone full of anxiety.

"If you have time to care about others, you should still care about yourself! The windswept world."


A loud shout appeared, and the corpse had just reacted.

Suddenly, an endless storm swept toward him from the side.

"Puff puff……"

The wind blades that can be seen everywhere cut each other's body, and within a few breaths, the corpse of the sky is full of scars.

Fortunately, he formed a barrier to protect himself in a critical moment with his abilities.

When the storm passed, the sky corpse looked at the person releasing the supernatural power, his eyes changed drastically.

"The strong human race who controls the power of wind?"

Xiaoyue Sirius flew towards him.

Without giving the other party much time to breathe, he closed his hands and drank again.

"The wind of the sword is in the sky."

Suddenly, in the invisible air, countless air currents converged into a pale blue ten-meter sword and fell in the air.

The sky corpse with a split liver and horrified expression had no time to dodge, and could only bite the bullet and forcibly prop up a barrier to resist the attack of Xiaoyue Sirius.


"Do not--"


There is nothing to resist.

Facing the powerful blow of Xiaoyue Sirius, the defense of the corpse was like paper.

Upon contact, it turned into broken foam, and the small body under the giant sword condensed by the force of the wind turned into a cloud of blood on the spot and spilled onto the earth.

"kill him!"

The other corpses finally reacted at this time.

Compared to Wei Xiao's horror, the fear of Xiaoyue Sirius was obviously much smaller than that of the sky corpses, and three of them immediately flew towards him.

Upon seeing Xiaoyue Sirius, the corner of his mouth under the mask slightly raised.

"Let you see the power developed by this king."

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