Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1229: You think too much

The Phantom and the others reacted fast enough, but they still couldn't stop the corpse's ultimate move.

With eight corpses desperately buying time for their companions, the other seven's big tricks finally took shape.

For a time, thick clouds and gusts swept across the sky.

A tornado with a path of more than 20 meters appeared on the battlefield, sweeping across the battlefield without distinction between us and the enemy.


In the merciless storm, members of the enemy and us were drawn into the sky.

The figure falling like the rain, except for the third-level fighters or fourth-level zombies that can survive 100% in this terrifying storm, the rest, even the third-level zombies and the second-level fighters, can survive entirely by luck.



In the sky, the defense formed by the enemy's corpse was eventually broken under the cooperation of the Phantom and the others.

Without defense, the spirit flames, purple electricity, and terrifying sword aura swept the fifteen enemy corpses, and they fell one after another with nowhere to escape.

Losing the control of the enemy corpse, one after another tornadoes completely raged away.

The tornado is getting bigger and bigger and stronger.

Once these tornadoes engulf the entire battlefield, not to mention the final result, even if the coalition forces win in the end, I am afraid they will pay a heavy price.

Especially the Terran Army.

Friendly zombies can still rely on the corpse to reproduce new combat power, but if the human race loses too much, it will be a fatal blow.

"Block them."

Facing the storm that was completely out of control, the Earth-bound Corpse stood up at this time.

Nine earth-related corpses joined forces and summoned a tall earth wall from the ground to block off the tornadoes in an attempt to limit their range.

Their actions have also achieved some results, but this is not enough.

"Look at me."

Bai Youwei also shot.

Forty-eight Zhanhuang flying knives were recovered, Bai Youwei showed a trace of resilience, and a pair of small hands touched the ground.

"Come out to me."


The abilities controlled by Bai Youwei spread all over her reach.

Suddenly, from underground, a large amount of metal materials began to gather.

Numerous metal sand particles were formed, and then under Bai Youwei's control, they flowed into the tornado, allowing the quicksand to be drawn into it.


When a tornado was full of metal quicksand, Bai Youwei closed her hands together.

At this moment, the raging storm turned into a metal storm sculpture, standing between heaven and earth.

Bai Youwei did not hesitate, the metal storm statue decomposed, countless metal turned into quicksand returned to the earth, and a tornado disappeared invisible.

Immediately, the next storm emerged from the endless metal quicksand.

Do the same.

The storms raging on the battlefield are quickly dissipating.

But manpower will come to an end.

After successively destroying six tornadoes, Bai Youwei's face was already a little pale.

As the beads of sweat kept rolling down, her panting became quicker.

"Let's go too."

Phantom, Mu Wuqing, and Xiaoyue Sirius killed the enemy corpses and joined the team to stop the tornado.

The method of the three is very simple, with absolute strength to disperse them.

With the combination of the four people and the nine earth-type corpses, the tornado summoned by the enemy-type corpses was finally wiped out.

But in these ten minutes of effort, whether enemy zombies or coalition forces, the total number of casualties under the tornado storm exceeded millions.

"Youwei, are you okay?"

Wei Xiao rushed to Bai Youwei first and hugged the shaky figure of Bai Youwei in his arms.

Bai Youwei showed a sickly beautiful smile.

"Husband, I'm going offline again."

The little woman looked a little unwilling.

Knowing that she was off again, Wei Xiao smiled softly.

"I'll take you back to the rear first and rest for two days. You Bai Youwei is still the brightest cub on the battlefield."

"Hey...husband, you know to make me happy."

"Let's go, I will take you back."

Wei Xiao didn't say much, picked up Bai Youwei, and withdrew directly to the rear.

Phantom on their side.

Mu Wuqing's consumption is also very high, although the situation is much better than Bai Youwei, but if he continues to stay on the battlefield, there is also a huge danger.

"Sister Wu Qing, I'll take you back." The energetic phantom came to her and said.

Mu Wuqing didn't try her best.

If the supernatural powers are exhausted, her situation will be worse than ordinary people.


"A little thing."

The Phantom picked up Mu Wuqing and turned into a flash of lightning to leave the battlefield.

The remaining Xiaoyue Sirius was still in the air.

But if someone notices his face under the mask, it is not difficult to find that his situation at the moment is also extremely bad.

No one escorted him, and the self-knowing Xiaoyue Sirius flew directly to the wall.

For a time, all the enemy corpses fell, and on the coalition side, all the ability players also withdrew, and the situation between the two sides returned to the original scene.

On the battlefield.

"Brothers, the enemy corpses have been killed by our superpowers. Now it is time for us to fight back with all our strength and kill all the remaining enemy zombies."


"Earth-based zombie army will kill me..."


Wei Xiao and the others teamed up to kill all the enemy corpses. It stands to reason that for the entire battlefield, the battle situation has not changed much, but at this moment, facing the enemy zombies led by no corpses, the coalition seems to have unprecedented strength. Similarly, the speed of killing enemy zombies is much faster than before.

The morale of the coalition forces at this moment on the battlefield can be described as unstoppable.

The rear city wall.

Wei Xiao and the Phantom returned one after another.

"Brother-in-law (Master, Wolf King)..."

Someone from the soldiers on the wall immediately came to meet him.

Wei Xiao and Phantom gave Bai Youwei and Mu Wuqing to Ai Luoer and the others.

"Take them down to rest."

"I know my brother-in-law."

Ai Luoer and the two female soldiers supported Bai Youwei and Mu Wuqing respectively, and turned and walked under the city wall.

Wei Xiao saw Xiaoyue Sirius on the side.

"Little wolf, can you stand it?"

Xiaoyue Sirius shook his head.

"Next, Xiao Wang won't be able to fight alongside you, Boss Wei. You can only stay on this wall and take care of one or two."

Wei Xiao nodded.

However, Xiaoyue Sirius did not leave the city wall.

He can still hold on to the frontline battlefield, which also means that his situation is much better than that of Bai Youwei and Mu Wuqing.

It can also be seen from this point that his strength is stronger than Mu Wuqing, but that's all.

Compared with the Phantom, there is still a gap.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that his ability to maintain his current state is related to the combat skills he developed.

If his strength is comparable to Mu Wuqing, just because he has combat skills that can explode powerful combat power while saving extraordinary abilities, then his discovery is too important.

Wei Xiao didn't go to learn more.

Look at the phantom.

"You stay and pay attention to the safety of Youwei and the others, don't go to the battlefield ahead."

Phantom nodded.

"Master himself be careful."

Wei Xiao didn't say much, and jumped off the wall.

The Phantom did not stay on the wall for much, nodded at Xiaoyue Sirius, turned and hurried towards the direction where Bai Youwei and the others had left.

Xiaoyue Sirius, who was left alone on the city wall, frowned slightly at this time.

He also noticed the strength of the Phantom and the others in the previous battle.

The situation is much worse than he expected.

Not to mention other things, just a phantom, Xiaoyue Sirius felt the gap with the opponent.

Of course, he doesn't think he is weaker than the Phantom. If it is the heyday of fighting, it is not certain who will win the battle.

But Wei Xiao made him feel a little surprised.

"In that situation, he didn't actually make a move? Is he afraid of being known by others about his strength or does he feel that the corpse is not worthy of him to make a move?"

Xiaoyue Sirius was disappointed not to see Wei Xiao using his supernatural powers with his own eyes.

This also makes him uncomfortable.

The less he knows about Wei Xiao, the less he feels.

Without clarifying the true situation of Wei Xiao, Xiaoyue Sirius would raise his strength to an extremely high level in the future, but he knew nothing about Wei Xiao and would never dare to take the first step to provoke Wei Xiao.

This is a kind of caution and a concern.

If Wei Xiao knew what Xiaoyue Sirius was thinking, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The situation just now is that Wei Xiao doesn't want to make a move?

No, Wei Xiao had a hard time talking about it.

Deal with the Cyclops, he has this strength, but he wants to kill a Cyclops, and it will take far more time than a sniper to deal with the Sky Corpses.

How did Wei Xiao get off the ground when he didn't have the ability to be airborne, and he didn't have any support to provide him with a foothold?

He is powerless.

If all the corpses appeared on the ground, you can see if he would be "indifferent".

It can only be said that Xiaoyue Sirius thinks too much.

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