Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1235: Decisive battle against the enemy corpse king

Before the coalition was assembled, the eldest sister and the others asked Wei Xiao about this topic.

But at that time, Wei Xiao prevaricated on the grounds that "this step has not yet come".

But now this step has really come. No matter how assured the senior coalition forces are with Wei Xiao and the others, if they fail to get an accurate answer from Wei Xiao, they will always feel a little uneasy.

It's no wonder that the eldest sister didn't believe in Wei Xiao, mainly because the victory or defeat in the battle with the enemy Corpse Emperor would be related to the future fate of the Western Polar Region.

Wei Xiao and the others came from other directions, and even if they failed this battle, they would still have a way to retreat.

As for the enemy's corpse emperor's full invasion of the land of Longxia in the future, it was also a long time later.

But the eldest sister is different.

The West Pole is their home and all they have. Once Wei Xiao and the others cannot defeat the enemy Corpse Emperor, then the entire West Pole human force will suffer a disaster.

Now when I ask Wei Xiao, I hope he can give an accurate answer, so that they will have a bottom in their hearts.

In fact, they just want a comfort in their hearts.

The unknown makes them feel uneasy.

But if there is hope, they don't mind fighting to the death, even if the final outcome cannot be changed.

At this time, Wei Xiao no longer whipped their appetites, and smiled indifferently: "One hundred percent."

hundred percent?

No one expected Wei Xiao to give such a reply.

Lin Xiao said in shock, "Brother Wei is so sure?"

"I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength is not allowed. Is the second-level corpse emperor very strong?"


Everyone didn't know how to refute Wei Xiao for a while.

Is the second-level corpse king very strong?

It is estimated that in the entire Longxia land, only Wei Xiao dares to despise the opponent so much.

"Hahaha... Since Boss Wei said so, it is absolutely fine. You guys, you have to believe in the strength of Boss Wei. Since the end of the world, based on Xiao Wang's understanding of Boss Wei, he has never done anything uncertain. We will wait and see. That's it."

Xiaoyue Sirius laughed and looked at him as if he was full of confidence in Wei Xiao.

The eldest sister looked at each other.

After a moment of silence, he nodded.

Now they have no other choice.

Since Wei Xiao was 100% sure to take down the enemy Corpse Emperor, he would definitely not be wrong.

"Brother Wei, the enemy corpse emperor will ask you."

"You won't be disappointed."

Wei Xiao had already taken out the attitude he should have.

Facing this confident Long Xia first master, the eldest sister had no doubts.

The group turned their eyes to the battlefield ahead.

The battlefield ahead.

With the Empress of the Earth, the enemy zombies can't make any waves.

It was almost a one-sided killing. The enemy zombies on the frontal battlefield chose to retreat temporarily after losing eight or nine million troops.

The Queen of the Earth did not lead her army to pursue her, but stationed in the mountains and forests outside the city.

For a time, the battle that lasted for two days seemed to be calm at this moment.

But everyone knows.

The war is not over, and even the next war will be even more cruel.

The peace at this moment is nothing but the peace before the storm, and when this peace is broken, it will usher in the cleansing of the storm.

Time passed without knowing it.

In a blink of an eye, in everyone's waiting, a new day has arrived.


There are no accidents.

At noon of the new day, the attack of the enemy zombie army came again.

From the front and back of the defense line, the enemy zombies who temporarily retreated yesterday because of the appearance of the Queen of the Earth, at this time, like a flash flood and tsunami, launched a charge toward the southern defense line.



A thunderous sound erupted from the side of the city wall and the place where the Empress of the Earth was stationed last night.

The coalition forces that have long been waiting, when the enemy's zombies appear, the firepower covering the earth and covering the four directions will be fully output to the outside world.

"Boom boom boom..."

Frontal battlefield.

The Empress of the Earth is still invincible.

Facing the enemy-type zombies who were obviously no longer suppressed by the imperial power on her body, where the Queen of the Earth's figure passed, the sky collapsed and the earth was thorny.

Afterwards, dozens of clay giants followed.

The giant rushed across the team of enemy zombies, countless enemy zombies were lifted off, and the entire sky zombies were like rain.

The friendly zombies also cover up and go away.

It is so strong that it is invincible.


Just as the Queen of the Earth led her people across the battlefield ahead, suddenly, a loud roar came from a distance.

The scarlet eyes of the Empress of the Earth suddenly condensed, and the moment her huge body stood upright, a white beam of light reaching more than ten meters across the space hit her body from between the mountains in front of her.


The Queen of the Earth screamed. After this sneak attack, her body of 100 meters flew back under the impact of the white beam of light.

It fell on the ground several hundred meters in the turn, and one-fifth of the whole body was petrified.

Above the city wall.

Wei Xiao, who had been paying attention to the battlefield ahead, stared at this moment.

"The enemy corpse emperor is here."

When he opened his mouth, the four supernatural beings beside him were shocked.


There was another roar from behind.

Suddenly, the clouds in the sky were surging, and the earth was convolved with squally winds.

Under the gaze of Wei Xiao and the others, a series of terrifying tornadoes appeared one after another, destroying the world.

Regardless of the enemy and me, and without any difference, they rushed towards the place where the Empress of the Earth was.

Along the way, the zombies of both the enemy and ours were involved, and there were countless casualties.

The Empress of the Earth shook her head and stood upright.

The supernatural powers surged, and the petrified body returned to normal in a blink of an eye.


Looking at the six huge tornadoes that were already close to her, the Queen of the Earth roared, and at the same time her whole body pierced the ground with claws, standing on the ground and letting the storm erode her body.

Wait for the tornado to dissipate.

With the figure of the Queen of the Earth as the center, it turned into a barren within a kilometer.


There was no time for the Empress of the Earth to breathe.

On the ground ahead, a roar came.

Not long after, I saw a giant twenty to thirty meters larger than the Queen of the Earth rushing towards her with the force of moving mountains and seas and destroying the dead.

Not to be outdone, the Empress of the Earth screamed up to the sky, her huge body splashed with countless clouds of smoke flying out in an instant, and rushed towards the incoming.



There was a big collision between the two giants in the middle of the earth.

Under the shocking impact, the body of the Empress of the Earth was overturned.

Amid the screams, the giant monster that appeared used countless sharp claws to clamp the body of the Queen of the Earth, pressing her to the ground and rubbing frantically.

The Queen of the Earth was treated as a bulldozer by the opponent, leaving a scratch on the ground hundreds of meters long.

"Enemy Corpse Emperor?"

Witnessing the behemoth confronting the Empress of the Earth, on the wall, many people showed horrified faces.

Finally appeared.

The corpse emperor who had been hiding behind the enemy zombies finally appeared at this moment.

The dark figure, with the breath of death, was one-third larger than the Queen of the Earth. As soon as she appeared on the stage, the Queen of the Earth was ravaged on the ground, showing an invincible posture.

Seeing the Empress of the Earth, who was struggling hard and seeming weak under the enemy's corpse emperor, many people were shocked.

How do you feel that the gap between the two corpse kings is not so big?


"Boom boom boom..."

The Queen of the Earth screamed.

With brute force unable to break free from the suppression of the enemy corpse emperor, while roaring, from the ground, one hundred meters of huge pillars appeared from the ground, impacting the body of the enemy corpse emperor from both sides of the earth queen's body, and instantly topped her out.

Flew down a hundred meters away.

Under the violent movement, the enemy corpse emperor stood up, the blood basin suddenly opened, and a terrifying shot was directed at the earth queen.

The Empress of the Earth did not show weakness either.

In the roar, a ten-meter-thick earth wall rose from the ground to resist the enemy's corpse emperor's attack.

At the same time, more soil swelled up on the ground.

Twelve clay giants over eighty meters in size were condensed and then stepped on the ground and rushed towards the enemy corpse emperor.


Seeing that the attack was blocked, the enemy's corpse emperor turned the ray into a roar.

Suddenly, a storm swept across the earth, and a layer of the surface was lifted up, and the thick smoke formed a terrifying dust storm rushing to the dirt giant on the charging road and the earth corpse emperor behind the dirt wall.

The power of terror first touched the earth giant.

Under the ruthless storm erosion, all the earth giants decomposed into sand grains and became part of the storm, and then tore the barrier in front of the earth queen, and lifted the earth queen behind along with the ground under her feet.

"Wei Xiao, what are you waiting for—"

The gap between the two sides is sufficient at this moment.

It was not the opponent of the enemy Corpse Emperor at all. When the Earth Empress flew down, the whistling sound reached Wei Xiao and the others impatiently.

Wei Xiao's eyes narrowed: "Do it—"

Without hesitation, Xiaoyue Sirius, Phantom, Mu Wuqing and Bai Youwei left the city wall one after another.

With energy armor all over their bodies, they avoided the storm launched by the enemy Corpse Emperor and placed themselves in the battlefield of two monsters.

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