Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1237: Two fists are hard to beat four hands


The enemy's corpse emperor was furious.

"Human race, you leave now, this emperor will not embarrass you. This is a battle between my corpse races. If you intervene by force, when the emperor destroys this clown, you will die without a corpse." The emperor spoke suddenly and threatened the Phantom Shadow with Long Xia Yu.

I had never thought that the talking ghost and the others, when they heard the enemy's corpse emperor's opening, their bodies were slightly taken aback.

"Don't listen to him, we are allies. If she swallows the emperor, her strength will only be even more terrifying. It is the most correct choice to get rid of her together." I don't know what the Empress of Earth is afraid of. After the words fell, she hurriedly reminded the Phantom not to be deceived.

"Shi Feng, don't want to shake our determination to kill you. Since you are here today, don't leave."

"Huh...If there were no such strong human races, you would be an ant in front of the emperor."

"So what? If there are no allies, do you think the emperor will take the initiative to find death?" The Empress of the Earth will be confident about finding a helper.

The enemy corpse emperor ignored the land queen who was clamoring with her, and looked at them with jealous eyes.

"You really want to be an enemy of the emperor?"

Xiaoyue Sirius: "Do you still need to explain if you are an enemy?"

The enemy's corpse emperor showed his fierce light: "Well, since you are looking for death, this emperor will fulfill you, roar—"

The enemy's corpse emperor with a solid defense like a tortoise shell, ah no, should now be called the Queen of Stone Wind, with a roar, terrifying sound waves set off endless storms.

Wherever the power of covering the sky and destroying the sky and the earth went, the rocks shattered, the trees instantly turned to ashes, and the continuous force of the wind swept the entire battlefield of the corpse king.

Surrounded by the power of the endless wind, everyone on the alliance side resisted the attack of Empress Stonewind by means.

"Damn it, the petrified armor-piercing bullets on the appearance of the enemy Corpse Emperor cannot break through. Our blockade has no effect on her."

In the distance, Lin Qin and the others were shocked and anxious when they discovered that the armor-piercing bullet could not hurt Queen Shifeng.

"Then what to do?"

"Keep shooting, even if it's useless, you will have to cause her trouble."

The members of the Shadow Guard continue to interfere with Queen Stonewind.

And in the battlefield of the corpse emperor, under the billowing smoke.

"Little wolf, are you sure to break through the opponent's surface defense?" Mu Wuqing raised a protective cover to resist the sweep of the wind blade, and asked as he watched the Xiaoyue Sirius who also resisted the erosion of the wind.

Because Xiaoyue Sirius controls the power of the wind, the storm attack of Empress Stonewind is not too threatening to him.

Compared to Phantom and Mu Wuqing, Xiaoyue Sirius at this time is undoubtedly the one who can make a full shot.

Xiaoyue Sirius' eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's hard to say that the defense of petrified armor is equivalent to energy armor. If the energy coverage above cannot be weakened, Xiao Wang's attack may not be useful."

"Then we will help you weaken it, and you will take the opportunity to make it."

The phantom sounded.

Without any hesitation, I saw the thick smoke billowing, like the purple lightning of the thunder sea rendering a large area in the storm.

Suddenly, a purple lightning broke through the storm and went straight into the sky.

Carrying the phantom of purple electricity all over the world, countless purple electricity seems to be tied to a sky.

As she vigorously waved her arm, at this time, the thunder sea below and the thunder in the sky gathered together, and the violent thunder instantly condensed into an open sky giant sword pointing directly at the Queen of Stone Wind below.


The Thunder Great Sword descended from the sky and pierced the figure of Empress Stonewind.


The Queen of Stone Wind below did not dare to resist the blow of the Phantom, a large number of supernatural powers were mobilized and converged in a cyclone in the headspace.

A huge wind vortex volleyed into the sky, forming a huge storm eye trying to swallow the sky-opening giant sword released by the phantom.

The strength of the two sides blended immediately.

A moment of silence...


The two forces that could not be offset eventually erupted, soaring the beam of light to clear the clouds in the sky.

"Stone Wind——"

The thick smoke on the ground gradually dissipated, and at this time the Queen of the Earth roared.

The figure sprang out from the thick smoke, causing the ground to shake, and the huge body rushed towards the Empress Shifeng.

"court death--"

Seeing that the Queen of the Earth dared to fight her up close, Empress Shifeng was so angry that her claws moved forward, and her huge body directly faced the Queen of the Earth.

But before she was in contact with the Queen of Earth, from behind the Queen of Earth, another giant of a hundred meters leaped over the Queen of Earth and hit the Queen of Stonewind with a fist.

The hard metal fist hit the Empress Shifeng on the head like a big mountain.


Most of the attention was on the Empress of the Earth, coupled with the sudden appearance of the metal giant too fast to react to the Queen of Stonewind, the head of the metal giant hardly took the blow of the metal giant, the whole body turned sideways, completely overwhelmed.

At this time, the Empress of Earth followed, feeling that the power of a mountain that could be destroyed by her head was acting on Empress Stonewind, Empress Stonewind who had not fallen to the ground under the heavy fist of the metal giant, her huge body seemed to be broken. The kite flew back hundreds of meters, and then slammed to the ground fiercely.


Empress Shifeng shook her body and got up and roared.


At this time, between the heaven and the earth, a flame beam with a diameter of ten meters penetrated the space and reached the body of Empress Shifeng.

The horrible flame rays hit the petrified armor on the surface of her body, and the petrified skin of Queen Stonewind melted under the scorching heat.

"Humans, you are looking for death—"

Empress Shifeng was furious.

A large number of petrochemical abilities began to surge in the place affected by the flame, trying to form a new defense against Mu Wuqing's flame impact.

As a result, the defenses of other parts of Empress Shifeng's body are weakening in disguise.

"Look at me..."

The opportunity for Xiaoyue Sirius came.

After disappearing into the sky, he flew into the high altitude again, and he had no chance to lose it. The charged Xiaoyue Sirius waved the long knife in his hand, and the surrounding air currents converged like a river.

In an instant, a substantial cyan sword energy hundreds of meters long rose to the sky.


Xiaoyue Sirius yelled violently, and the light of the sky sword descended from the sky, directly on Empress Shifeng's body.


Any absolute defense is a joke.

As long as the power is strong enough, there is no absolute defense in this world.

It can be said that the first few powerful players were all paving the way for Xiaoyue Sirius' attack.

When Empress Stonewind’s defense was almost consumed by the previous few, Xiaoyue Sirius appeared, and immediately broke through Empress Stonewind’s surface defenses, cutting her huge body from one place, almost split into two.


Unexpectedly, the opposing team would cause him to suffer a heavy blow. The Queen of Stone Wind roared, and a strong energy shock wave was released, pushing the Phantom and the Queen of Earth back.


This is not over yet.

The violently shaking Empress Shifeng screamed at the sky, and her sorrowful and indignant groan was full of anxiety.


In the distance, upon hearing her call, the corpse who was entangled with the friend's corpse suddenly rushed to the Queen of Stonewind desperately, including the corpse on the rear battlefield.

On the city wall, Wei Xiao, who had been watching the battle, noticed this scene, his calm eyes bursting with a cold light.

"Have you started looking for support? Delusion."

The city defense has lance guns, and the enemy zombie army will not be able to break through for a while.

Looking at the heavenly corpse rushing to support from the rear, Wei Xiao closed the mask opened in front of him, and the Emperor Devouring Sword stuck in front of him came out of its sheath. 'S figure instantly disappeared above the city wall.

"Puff puff……"

From the rear battlefield, rushed to the Zombie Emperor battlefield to support Queen Stonewind's corpses, without realizing that they had been targeted by an equally invincible big demon king.

During their full flight, the stone thrown by Wei Xiao stepped on it instantly.

The body is like a streamer and as fast as lightning.

A flying by, thirteen corpses flying away from the rear battlefield, all of them were cut into the air by Wei Xiao in the blink of an eye.

With a single charge, Wei Xiao can truly walk in the air, but once the attack is over and his speed is limited, he can no longer step on the air to stay in the sky.

Thirteen heavenly corpses were wiped out by him at one time. With limited storage capacity, Wei Xiao's figure fell towards the ground.

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