Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1239: Tian Lei Go to Fire

Regarding the Queen of the Earth, Xiaoyue Sirius, they really don't know how to describe it, but considering that once she dies, the zombies of both the enemy and us will be under the control of the Queen of Stonewind, helplessly, the four make another shot.

Four forces impacted on the body of the Empress Stonewind, interrupting her control of the Empress of the Earth.

The petrochemical substances absorbed from the surroundings lost the control of the Queen of Stone Wind and fell, and the Queen of Earth, who was finally able to breathe, hurriedly escaped from the stone pillar and returned to the ground.

It took a lot of effort to shake off the petrified material on his body.

With lingering palpitations, the Queen of the Earth, who looked at Queen Shifeng's eyes even more shame, now has the thought of shattering the other party's corpse.

"Damn bastard, there is no doubt that you will die today, the emperor said."

The Queen of the Earth who dared not rush up again, the power of the earth was activated, and a large amount of mud poured into her body from the wound of the Queen of Stonewind.

Feeling the petrified body in the body is being impacted by the power of the earth, the Empress Shifeng ran away.


Regardless of the injuries on his body, the power of wind and petrochemical energy poured in all directions at the same time.

The light waves containing terrifying energy are like huge waves surging in the middle of the sea, and continue to spread around.

Upon seeing the Phantom, their abilities urged to the extreme, and they used their abilities to prop up a solid barrier to resist the impact of the energy storm.

The Queen of the Earth's figure is too large to effectively set a protective cover for herself, so she can only rely on strong defense to meet the erosion of the energy light wave.


A storm of energy swept through waves that were stronger than waves, and the entire corpse emperor battlefield has changed a world.


With a violent tremor, the Empress Shifeng, who was mostly buried in the ground, broke free.

The Queen of Stone Wind screamed to the sky with the petrochemical material spreading around her body and the constant gust of wind.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook, the wind and the clouds changed color, and the dark clouds were overwhelming.

Feeling the suffocating breath of the entire Corpse Emperor battlefield, the Phantom and the others instinctively looked towards the sky.

At this gaze, everyone was shocked.

"not good-"

I saw a group of terrifying clouds in the sky falling from the sky under the convolution of the storm, like the clouds of a big mountain turning into stars and hitting the ground.


Accompanied by a loud bang in the sky.

The thick clouds exploded, and at this time, a terrible storm swept across the earth with an indiscriminate offensive, sweeping across all directions.

The earth was rolling, and the soil pillar was collapsing.

A place with a radius of thousands of meters is baptized by storms and swallowed by the sea of ​​clouds.

Whether it is the Empress of the Earth or the battlefield of the two armies within the scope of the spread, the creatures in it have no strength to protect themselves, and their bodies instantly turn to ashes, which is extremely terrifying.

"Stop her, she wants to exhaust all her supernatural powers and die with us." The terrified voice of the Queen of the Earth spread under the sea of ​​clouds.

They heard the phantom that blocked the storm with their abilities and did not dare to neglect.

"It's going offline again."

Bai Youwei sighed, but her hands were not slow.

There was no time for the Queen of Stone Wind to continue to output, the metal control ability was mobilized to lock the area where the Queen of Stone Wind was located, and countless metal materials gathered into a chain to the sky, along the body of the Queen of Stone Wind, locked her on the ground from all directions.

The phantom, covered with a layer of energy armor, moved quickly under the sea of ​​clouds.

Near the figure of Empress Shifeng, when she saw that the other party was trying to break away from Bai Youwei's control, the Phantom leaped onto her back.

"Thunder Field."

The power was released, and the purple light wave centered on the location of the two, and soon formed a huge thunder field to block the surrounding area.

The storm outside suddenly weakened.

Xiaoyue Sirius took this opportunity to destroy the wind power to blow away the surrounding clouds and storms, allowing the earth to restore its previous clarity.

"Sister Wu Qing, it's now."

The phantom that blocked the reach of the Queen of Stonewind's ability sprang out of the realm.

As soon as her words fell, Mu Wuqing, who had already accumulated a fireball with a radius of more than 20 meters on the side, directly slammed the fireball in the headspace towards the place covered by the Thunder Realm while waving his hands.

"These two silly women..."

Standing on an uncollapsed soil pillar, Wei Xiao's face turned black when he saw Mu Wuqing's actions.

Without reminding the friendly corpse next to him, Wei Xiao turned and dashed away in the other direction.

"Master Wei Xiao—"

Jin and Yin did not understand why Wei Xiao left.

Just when they were about to stop Wei Xiao, a breath of death diffused from the side where Empress Shifeng's figure was.

Unknown so.

Turning his head to look at the gold and silver corpses in the area where Empress Shifeng was, a pair of pupils suddenly converged.

"End Bird—"

The Thunder Realm where the Queen of Stone Wind is located, followed by Mu Wuqing's condensed fireball rushing into the realm.

After the fireball was swallowed by the realm for an instant...

Not long after, the area encompassing hundreds of meters began to shrink, and after its radius was less than fifty meters, everyone just felt that their eyes were bright.

The dazzling light seemed to have become the only color between heaven and earth at this moment, and people couldn't help closing their eyes.


In my ears, there was a roar resounding through the world at this time.

The golden and silver corpses, who felt that the surrounding world was trembling, hadn't opened their eyes to figure out what was going on outside, they lost consciousness in an instant.

Wei Xiao, who evacuated as soon as he discovered the problem, stood on a large tree more than a thousand meters away from the battlefield of the corpse emperor.

Under his gaze, in front of him, a huge ball of light surrounded and wrapped by flames and thunder continued to bulge in all directions.

Under the power of terror, wherever the ball of light goes, encountering mountains destroying mountains and forests destroying forests, there is nothing to stop.

In the blink of an eye, the ball of light encompassed a kilometer and exploded after reaching the limit.

At this moment, the energy that was completely released gave people a sense of rebirth of the world and the reorganization of heaven and earth.

That kind of destructive light and energy light wave that destroys the world and destroys the earth without any resistance, spreads thousands of meters in an instant.

A three-point energy shock wave that was even more terrifying than the ultimate move released by the Queen of Stone Wind a moment ago.


For a long time, waiting for everything to calm down.

At this time, the battlefield of the corpse king has turned into a ruin.

Within a kilometer, it can be described as a mess.

And on the two battlefields before and after the battle between the two armies, the deadly enemy zombies that were still fighting the coalition forces before and after, after a moment of stunned, they seemed to have changed their appearance, and were a little bewildered on the battlefield.

At this moment, they neither attacked the coalition forces nor did they know how to escape, as if suddenly becoming confused, they did not know why they appeared on the battlefield.


On the side of the Corpse Emperor battlefield, suddenly, a cough came.

A semicircular body that looks like a pile of dirt on the surface, but is actually a metal shelter, decomposed. From the inside, Bai Youwei, wearing a heavenly armor, walked out with a small hand.

Her appearance seemed to be the beginning.

On a piece of land where dust and sand are piled up and soil pillars are lying, the surface is surging and sand and rocks flow away. From below, the figure of the scarred and **** Queen of the Earth appears.

After her, in more narrow spaces, one by one surviving figures came out of the ruins.

When they saw the surrounding scene, their faces were shocked, but the corners of their mouths were twitching frantically.

"You Wei, are you okay?"

Mu Wuqing, who had already retreated from the energy armor and wearing the Heavenly King armor, came to Bai Youwei and asked with concern.

With a moment of fear on her face, Bai Youwei opened her face mask with some lingering fears, her pale little face was indescribable panic.

"Sister Wu, Wu Qing, you are so messed up, I almost died under the power of you and Xiaoying sister, don't you know?"

Mu Wuqing sneered: "I, I didn't expect that the collision between me and Xiaoying would burst out such a terrifying force of destruction. I was almost hurt by my own energy."

"You still said." Bai Youwei was aggrieved.

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