Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1248: The gap between people

Two days later.

Inside the temporary headquarters of the Southern Defense Line.

The resilience of super soldiers is extremely terrifying.

After two days of rest, the high-level coalition personnel who were seriously injured in the third corpse emperor's attack have now recovered.

The Phantom with the most wastage also returned to its peak state after taking the next six awakening potions in these two days.

Of course, compared to the Phantom two days ago, she is now more powerful.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as unfathomable.

Two days after the war, at this moment, the leaders of the coalition forces gathered together.

Sitting beside the long table in the conference room, everyone present had a happy smile on their faces.


Naturally because today is not only a day to divide interests, but at the same time, the corpses of all super zombies in the Western Polar Region have been turned into potions through the overtime efforts of researchers from the Women's City and Longwei City.

In other words, today, the long-awaited ownership of No. 5 medicine will have results.

"Everyone is here. In that case, I won't waste everyone's time anymore, and now I'm starting to divide the benefits of the war between the human race and the two armies." Wei Xiao said quickly, not at all appetite.

Lin Xiao: "Brother Wei, it is obvious to everyone that you have contributed to this battle. You have the final say on how to distribute the benefits. No matter what the result is, I have no complaints about Lin Xiao."

Xiaoyue Sirius: "Boss Wei's character Xiaowang never doubted, and we also believe that Boss Wei will never disappoint everyone."

Yaoyue: "Lord, let's start!"

Being trusted by everyone, Wei Xiao's heart was very moved.

What a nice group of people.

With this attitude toward them, if Wei Xiao didn't show enough sincerity, he himself would look down upon himself.

"Well, if that's the case, stop talking nonsense and get medicine."

As Wei Xiao's voice fell, from outside the headquarters, a group of phoenix female soldiers walked in with more than a dozen trays.

All the trays were placed on the conference table in front of Wei Xiao.

When the Phoenix Warriors lifted the hijab on the tray, two genetic medicines of different colors appeared in front of everyone.

A total of nineteen trays.

Eighteen of them were filled with scarlet potions-potions No. 4.

The number of medicines varies.

There are twelve at the most and ten at the least, a total of 207 No. 4 Gene Medicines (including Awakening Medicines).

And the only tray containing the golden potions contained only five, but it was undoubtedly the most dazzling existence among the many potions.

I saw so many super potions at once, let alone Lin Xiao, the eldest sister and the others who "have never seen the world", even Bai Youwei and Mu Wuqing, their eyes were bright when they looked at these potions.

Mainly too much.

When Phoenix was at its worst, there were not so many super potions.


Wei Xiao pretended to cough, and asked everyone to put away the gaze of the gun that had almost stood up.

After everyone sat patiently and calmly, Wei Xiao said: "These are the most precious super potions we have obtained in this war. Among them, there are 207 potions in the fourth and five potions in the fifth. Now we will distribute the fourth potion first. ."

Under everyone’s gaze, Wei Xiao continued: “I divided the coalition forces into five forces, Phoenix, Wolf City, Women’s City, Longwei City and the last civil organization. The order of the forces is 57, 40, 40, 40, 30, do you have any comments?"

After speaking, Wei Xiao looked at the representatives of the other four forces present.

Xiaoyue Sirius and the others looked at each other and nodded one after another.

"Very fair."


"I have no opinion."

Wei Xiao: "Very good, then divide it down!"

The Phoenix female warrior standing behind Wei Xiao immediately took action and brought the No. 4 potion assigned by the major forces to them.

In the distribution of the No. 4 potion, Wei Xiao actually moved a little bit.

That was the thirteen No. 4 ordinary potions. Wei Xiao didn't give one to himself, and they all joined the other four forces.

In fact, Wei Xiao is very humane.

There are only 13 ordinary No. 4 potions, how many potions can be mixed into the four major forces?

If he was a little sicker and gave all 13 potions to one power, even if the other party had opinions, he wouldn't dare to say more.

After all, this was assigned by Wei Xiao, and you asked it on the spot, didn't you slap Wei Xiao in the face?

Besides, others know that you are ordinary medicine and you want to redistribute it. Isn't that offending everyone at once?

Therefore, Wei Xiao's conscience is greatly improved.

It not only allows the four major forces to share the blessings, but also allows them to share the difficulties, not to mention fairness, but also to promote their mutual feelings, how good.

After distributing the No. 4 potion, everyone's attention was focused on the No. 5 potion at this time.

This is the big head.

Compared with the No. 4 medicine, all the doses of the medicines received before add up to less than a minute.

Wei Xiao saw their thoughts and did not delay.

"Next is the number five potion."

As soon as these words were spoken, the representatives of the four major forces, among them Xiaoyue Sky Wolf and Yaoyue were sitting in distress.

Although the eldest sister and Lin Xiao were eager to obtain a potion, they were very open.

The corpse clan of the non-emirate continent invaded the western polar land. Their initial idea was to fight it back. They never thought that they could kill the corpse king and obtain the No. 5 potion on her body.

How do you say that?

By the way, fate sometimes has to be there, but fate is never forced.

They have gained enough now, even if they don't have the No. 5 potion, they are content.

Without the support of reinforcements, they don't know if they can survive, let alone other things.

This time Wei Xiao stunned everyone's appetite.

It took a long time before he said: "Everyone knows how the No.5 potion came from. The Queen of Stone Wind, I killed my woman, and the Queen of Earth, I killed the third corpse emperor. It was my woman killed. Empress Feng, the other two corpse emperors have nothing to do with everyone here..."


As soon as Wei Xiao said this, the hearts of Xiaoyue Sirius and Yaoyue trembled in the presence of the audience.

What does Wei Xiao mean?

Is he going to swallow five No. 5 potions alone?

Xiaoyue Sirius was shocked.

Yaoyue's face was even more ashen.

The inquiring eyes looked at Xiaoyue Sirius.

It seems to be asking him: Didn’t you say that you know Wei Xiao best? This is what you call understanding?

Xiaoyue Sirius' mouth twitched, but he did not respond.

Wei Xiao continued: "I didn't intend to swallow these five potions by myself. I just want to tell you that even if I don't separate the potions, you shouldn't have any complaints. However, I, Wei Xiao, have always I am not a person who eats alone, and I never treat anyone badly to my allies."

Hearing Wei Xiao's words, Xiaoyue Sirius' complexion suddenly improved, and the strange emotions were weakened a lot.

The same is true for Yaoyue.

She, who was the most desperate, now seems to have new hope.

"It goes without saying that Boss Wei is absolutely bright. Xiao Wang knew about this a long time ago." Xiaoyue Sirius backhand was a flattery.

The others didn't speak, they were all waiting for Wei Xiao's final decision.

Wei Xiao: "So, I decided that the forces in the Western Polar Region should get a No. 5 potion."

The power of the West Pole?

Isn't that us?

The eldest sister and Lin Xiao's faces were taken aback. They didn't expect that they could still get a No. 5 potion, which was a surprise.

"However, there are two powers in the Western Polar Region, General Lin and Big Sister, who should I give to?" Wei Xiao changed his words and looked at Big Sister and Lin Xiao.

"To the eldest sister (General Lin)..."

The eldest sister and Lin Xiao hardly hesitated, and said in unison.

Perhaps because of the tacit understanding between each other, both of them looked at each other in amazement.

The same is true for others.

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