Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 126: Late broadcast

Chen Haojie shook his head.

"It's one thing to be afraid of us, but there is no temper. Do you think this is like a normal person? If it is me, even if I don't take the initiative to target the Lord, it will let some people test certain bottom lines of the Lord. But alone wolf Not at all. Just like us, he is respectful and respectful to the Lord, and he has not slackened to complete the things he explained to him. His patience is too thorough."

Hearing what the hero Chen said, except for Wei Xiao, everyone else recalled the performance of Lone Wolf during this period.

Don't say it, the lone wolf did not do the tasks that Wei Xiao had assigned to him so well. Even if they paid millions of them, they sometimes felt that they were not like Wei Xiao's subordinates. On the contrary, the lone wolf was the real thing. of.

"It's something."

At this moment everyone also realized the special features of the lone wolf.

Chen Haojie continued: "Such a person, it can be said that he has been rational enough to ignore the nature of the incident, and everything depends on his own safety. He is ambitious, and he is not small. This can be seen from the fact that he did not take refuge in the Lord, but he He is extremely tolerant, and if he is not a last resort, he will indirectly forget everything and devote himself to what he should do now."

"The reason why the Lord kept him, I guess it is because of the character of a lone wolf. This kind of person is not a young man, nor is he an iron-headed baby. Take revenge on the master and the base. Unless one day he believes that his strength can completely crush the master, otherwise, he will never do anything that is detrimental to the master."

Speaking of this, Chen Haojie looked at Wei Xiao, as if asking whether his analysis was what Wei Xiao had in mind.

Wei Xiao smiled indifferently: "Hero, your conjecture of people's hearts is not weak!"

"The Lord is joking. I just analyzed the character of the lone wolf from the root. If you look and think more, others can also discover it."

"I said so, but not everyone can do such a thorough analysis like yours. Yes, I know that the lone wolf hates me deeply, but this person is very spiritual. He knows that it is not me. His opponent, even if there is half the hope, he will not take risks. Such a person is very rare. I like this kind of person better than those who hate me and do little tricks underneath me."

"Leaving him, I just want to see how many surprises he can bring me. I'm even thinking about how he will solve the current situation when he thinks he has the strength to stand in front of me and despise me one day. Very... Um! Very much looking forward to it." Wei Xiao emphasized at the end.

Lan Qian didn't hold any hope for Wei Xiao's expectations.

"It is estimated that the Lord will not be able to wait this day." Fu Wanwan said with a smile.

"Who knows? Okay, let the soldiers work harder today and start working now."

After the small chat was over, everyone started to take action.

If you let the lone wolf know what Wei Xiao said about him, I don’t know if the lone wolf will be moved, and then say to Wei Xiao with excitement: I really want to thank you for knowing me so well. I thank your ancestors. Thanks for the eighteenth generation.

On Wei Xiao's side, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, even if they encounter multiple attacks from zombies in the middle, they can easily handle it. But elsewhere, the real crisis belonging to the survivors has quietly arrived.

Yes, it is the climate.

After the fall, the temperature will drop rapidly, especially the change in the temperature difference between morning and evening makes it feel like winter.

Coupled with the rainy weather outside and the poisonous exposure of the sun lost, the zombies that did not frequent at noon during the autumn and summer became active one after another.

More than a month in the last days, the evolutionary zombies produced from the zombies have gradually dispersed.

They found the survivors' strongholds hidden in high places one by one, then attacked and swallowed the survivors inside. And for some survivors, every time they go out to find food, it is no longer like the scorching sun in the past. Once they are found out by zombies, the number of corpses chasing them will far exceed the previous number.

Survival is getting harder, especially in cities.

For the glimmer of hope of survival, in cities where the zombies are flooded, survivors have begun to move their positions at the risk of being annihilated to the outskirts and countryside where there are fewer zombies.

"Shasha...Important notice, important notice. This is the Haixin Island base. All surviving humans in Minghai City pay attention. We have established a human survivor base on Haixin Island. There are plenty of fresh water resources and food. There are endless fish, shrimps and seafood. If you hear this notice, please rush to Haizhen Port, where we have ships to pick you up on the island."

"Important notice, important notice, here is..."

More than a month after the end of the world, with all kinds of information disconnected and news dissemination blocked, there was finally an uplifting and exciting broadcast in the city.

Haixin Island.

It is an island located five nautical miles away from the mouth of Minghai City. Its total area is about 600 square kilometers, surrounded by sea on all sides.

Before the end of the world, it was a tourist area with tens of thousands of people living on it. In addition to a 100-meter wide bridge, the routes to and from the island are mostly boats and yachts.

Haixin Island is a good place.

Living in the deep sea, it is inherently isolated from the invasion of most zombies on the shore. In addition, Shanghai Xindao is located at the junction of cold and warm currents, and its fishery resources are very rich. Relying on fishery resources can feed a large number of people. The survivors living on it, as long as they are not afraid of vomiting after eating seafood, can live there all their lives.

Now this broadcast is sent from Haixin Island. For some survivors who know where it is, this is undoubtedly the most beautiful voice they have heard in the last days.

As long as they land on the island, it means they are safe.

The ability to build a survivor base on it is enough to show that the zombies on Haixin Island have been cleaned up.

But after the excitement of these survivors, their faces became hard to look.

How do they get to the estuary?

Needless to say, the survivors close to that area may be able to survive by taking some risks and fighting, but those who need to go through the city center or drive around a large circle to reach the entrance of the cross-sea bridge, They are undoubtedly mixed with joys and sorrows.

The happy nature is that they see the hope of survival, but sad, obviously, they have no confidence in themselves.

Once they decide to go to Haixin Island, the first thing they have to consider is whether they can survive in the sea of ​​corpses.

Some people are happy and some are worried, but there is no doubt that many of the survivors who heard this news have already begun to act.

Inside the villa base.

Wei Xiao and the others also heard this broadcast.

"Husband, what do you think about the Haixin Island Survivor Base?" The women gathered around Wei Xiao, wanting to hear his views on the base.

Holding Yan Yi who was still shy and shy in his arms, Wei Xiao said calmly: "Why, do you want to go to Haixin Island?"

Shu Wang shook his head.

"If there is no decision to build the villa base into a fortress, maybe I would suggest my husband to go to Haixin Island. After all, the natural advantages there are too great. As for now, I just want to know if the news they sent is true. I don't want to I think someone will take the initiative to take in other survivors."

"Sister, do you think this broadcast is fake?"

Bai Youwei looked at Shu Wang in surprise.


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