Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 129: Men and women contest

Not long after, there was a sound of cars in the distance.

Pay a million and they received an order from Wei Xiao.

Today's seven men's teams, the number of team members has a standard.

A full team of 12 people, including the captain and deputy captain. The reason there is such a rule is because above the squad, Wei Xiao established a squadron, a brigade, and the highest-level team.

There are 12 squadrons and 60 squadrons. The squadron is divided into four squads and ten guards led by the commander and deputy squadron. There are 252 people in the brigade. Similarly, a brigade includes four squadrons and ten guards led by the commander and deputy commander. By analogy, the number of the team will exceed 1,000.

Now they pay a million. Although the number of squadrons they lead exceeds the standard of a squadron, they are still classified as a squadron for the time being because they have not reached the size of a squadron. But everyone knows that the emergence of a squadron is only a matter of time. Pay millions for them. The first squadron leader will soon become the squadron leader.


A twelve people, under the leadership of Fu million, twelve people came to Wei Xiao.

"Do you know what I asked you to do?"

Fu million shook his head: "We don't need to know, as long as the Lord gives orders and instructions."

Very conscious.

For more than a month, they also have training after paying a million. Compared to when they first formed the team, they are now more solemn and more like a qualified fighter.

Because of the good food, all the members of the men's team are strong and full of energy. They were all people who had fought life and death with zombies, so at this moment, they fought against Wei Xiao, very imposing, at least in the eyes of those female soldiers, they were very men.

"Just now, instructor Ming Yulan told me that she wants to apply for the formation of a women's team. I promised her at the beginning. Therefore, I have no reason to refuse. I believe that many of you think that fighting is something. Just leave it to us men. It’s a woman’s family. Isn’t it good to stay at the base to wash, cook, and have children? They all want to go out to fight. Are you saying that our men are very useless?"


"The Lord said yes, women should be responsible for the beauty and the guns, and just leave it to me men."

They all laughed after paying a million.

"That's what I said, but everyone has their own way of life. I can't deprive women of the right to choose because of our male chauvinism. Seriously, I don't want to set up any women's team, but if you speak out, I can't take it back again. So, you are here."

With that, Wei Xiao turned to face the group of female soldiers who were so embarrassed and angry after hearing what he said.

"Look at them. Many of the charming little beauties are still students. Let them go out to fight. If there are any shortcomings, do you feel distressed?"


"It hurts so much, we can't bear to hurt them, how can we let them take risks?"


Some of the female soldiers stood up in shame and wanted to argue for the women.

But before she finished her words, Ming Yulan shouted coldly: "Wu Xiaoqi, sit down. Why did you stand up when you weren't allowed to speak?"

"Instructor, I..."

"What is the punishment for not following orders?" Ming Yulan said sharply.

The female soldier named Wu Xiaoqi dare not say any more.

Gritting his teeth at Fu Wanwan, they sat down angrily.

"Xiao Qi, are you okay?" the companion beside him comforted.

Wu Xiaoqi bit her lip, tears rolling in her eyes, she did not speak, but the eyes of male soldiers who stared at them were full of hostility and hatred.

Bai Youwei and the others around Wei Xiao couldn't bear the situation of Wu Xiaoqi and some of the female soldiers.

"Eldest sister, did my husband say too much? We women are not so unbearable, right?"

Shu Wang said, "Just look at it. My husband has his reason to do this."

"Oh!" Bai Youwei pouted, without saying anything.

Wei Xiao didn't seem to know what had happened just now, and continued: "Since you are all distressed, stop them. They want to apply for the formation of a women's team and they have to pass my test, and my test is you. I hope You take out the skills that belong to men, and let these little women who don't know the heights of the sky know that fighting is not something that everyone can play."


They were in high spirits after paying a million, and they roared one by one.

Finally, it was possible to show true masculinity in front of this group of girls. Although it is shameless to bully women, why is each of them full of expectations? Why do I want to rush over and take a punch now?

Wei Xiao immediately said to Ming Yulan and the others.

"After saying so much, it's time for you. My test for you is very simple, one-on-one battle. As long as you defeat these twelve people, so that none of them can stand up again, you will pass. Pass, I You will be allowed to establish seven women's armed squads, equipped with the same weapons as the men's armed squads, understand?"


The female soldiers responded in unison, almost all responding to Wei Xiao with a roar.

I was excited to pay them a million before. Seeing the momentum of the female soldiers, they always felt that something was wrong?

These women are all taking gunpowder, so bad tempered?

They also didn't want to think about how much Wei Xiao's remarks hurt their hearts.

After working hard for a month, for this day, many female soldiers who had passed the age of optimal ligament stretch were all cruel people who crushed their teeth and swallowed them in their stomachs during training.

Just to make themselves as flawless as possible in the battle, the pain they endure is definitely beyond the imagination of men.

But they have worked so hard and they are said to be "not worth a penny" by Wei Xiao. Coupled with the ridicule and contempt of paying millions of them, they are no different from taking gunpowder now.

have nothing to say.

Wei Xiao and the others are definitely not rivals, even if they are all together, they pay a million for them, ha ha! Sorry, prepare to bear the woman's anger!

"It's very good to have this confidence, so let's not talk too much nonsense. I announced that the women's assessment will start now, and all will gather on the battle sand."

"Everyone has it, stand up!" Jasmine exclaimed.

The female soldiers got up one after another and quickly lined up.

"Turn back, aim, fight on the sand, run forward."


The female soldiers first arrived on the battle sand.

"Captain, how do I feel that there is something wrong with these women?" a member whispered in the ear of Pay Million.

"It doesn't matter if she is right. Why, are you scared?" Fu Wanwan said angrily.

"How is it possible? I'm a man."

"That's it? I want to remind you that this assessment is hosted by the Lord himself. After a while, you can't be merciful just because the other party is a woman. If you are soft-hearted and we are defeated by a group of women, hehe! Behind you! If you don’t, I’m not going to say anything. The paying one million team all sold me tofu and killed me. Do you understand?"


"Line up now!"


Fu million then led his team into the battlefield.

"Haha...Eldest sister, this Captain Fu is really funny. He sold tofu and killed him. How much tofu would it take?" Bai Youwei laughed when he heard the words of Fu million.

Shu Wang gave her a white look and looked at Wei Xiao: "Husband, you really have a problem with the captain. If they are not careful for a while, they will suffer a big loss."

Shu Wang obviously understood the intention of Wei Xiao's remark just now, and silently sympathized with them for paying millions.

Wei Xiao didn't care.

"I just want to see how much potential these female soldiers have. Let's go! The show begins."

"Hehe...husband is really bad, right Yan Yi?"

"I, I don't know!"

Bai Youwei sullen her face: "I must listen to my sister, saying that her husband is really bad."

Yan Yi glanced at Wei Xiao's back secretly. Seeing that he hadn't looked back, he whispered, "Yes, Ou, Ouni sauce is really bad."

"Haha...husband, did Yan Yi say you are bad?"

"Sister Youwei, you..."


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