"Anything else?" Yi Jianfeng looked at Ming Yulan.

Ming Yulan's eyes were sharp, and her expression looked like sheer expression.

"The challenge in a month, I want to fight with you alone."

Yi Jianfeng was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

"What happened? Promise her, Old Yi, don't let me look down on you." Lan Qiang poked Yi Jianfeng.

"Hehe... Brother Feng, we can't help you with this."

"Promise her captain, this is a battle for the dignity of your family status in the future."

Guo Chenghao and they all started to booze.

What else can Yi Jianfeng say, others have stepped on your head, can you not agree?

"Okay, I agree. Let's go back." Yi Jianfeng replied, and then led his group of brothers towards Villa No. 4.

It's just that Yi Jianfeng didn't notice. When he walked forward, the Lan Qiang behind him didn't know what Chen Haojie said. The two men seemed to be brewing some conspiracy, and they all laughed.

"How do you feel the chill behind your back?"

In Villa No. 1, Wei Xiao learned about Yi Jianfeng and the others through reports from the people below.

"That Wu Xiaoqi is fine, right?"

"Going back to the Lord, I checked, it's just a slight internal bleeding, and it will take a while to recuperate." Li Yuyao replied.

There are several sets of the most advanced medical equipment in the world before the end of the world, so Li Yuyao is very clear about Wu Xiaoqi's situation.

"Well, that's good. This Wu Xiaoqi is good. In the women's team, you can give her a seat as a captain."


As Wei Xiao’s special secretary, Li Qingshu wrote down Wei Xiao’s words.

It was all small problems. Wei Xiao, who didn't worry much, stood on the balcony and looked at the night sky outside.

"One by one is really Tie Hanhan. It seems that I was very foresighted at the beginning. I didn't implement mandatory arranged marriages. It's strange for these guys to find a wife."

"Heh...husband, when did you become Yue Lao?" Shu Wang beside him couldn't help laughing when he heard Wei Xiao's words.

Wei Xiao hugged her in his arms and kissed her seductive little mouth.

"This matter has to be handed over to your inner palace. Compulsory marriages are not desirable for members of the elite and above, including elites. Compulsory marriages are not advisable. Lovers and newcomers will be compulsory in the future. Slaves do not care. However, people above the elite level, in their spare time, They can organize more blind dates. They can make a couple."

"Well, I will study with the housekeeping team at that time." The housekeeping team that Shu Wang said is naturally her small circle.

Including her four assistants and the points supervision team.

Of course, if Bai Youwei and the others were willing to participate, Shu Wang would not stop it.

No words for a night.

Wei Xiao, who had been resting for a day at the dawn of the second day, once again led Yi Jianfeng and the others to the industrial zone.

However, compared with the previous month, there were more female soldiers among the people going out this time.

Each of them is full of ammunition and full of energy, giving people a sense of shameless women. Look at the male soldiers who followed Wei Xiao...Oh! It should be called coolie worker now.

Whether it was the power holder Yi Jianfeng, Lan Qiang, or those former managers, now they all put on casual clothes and took off their weapons.

Surrounded by a group of female soldiers, under the gaze of the beloved and newcomers on the construction site, one by one, covering their faces and covering their eyes and blushing, they climbed onto the cart.

"Made, ashamed, too ashamed."

"Brother Feng, I feel that when I avoided zombies, I didn't want to die now."

"Really, I swear, this is the first and last time. From now on, I will let these female soldiers hold their guns by my side. I will never face this scene again."

"Paid the grandson thief, wait until his injury heals and see how I teach him."

All the male soldiers have no face to see others, the hatred in their hearts!

The hatred here is naturally aimed at paying millions.

In Villa No. 4.

"Aye...someone misses me?" Fu Wanwan looked confused.

"Brother Million, what's the matter with you? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Hearing her daughter-in-law's voice in her ears, Pay Million stopped thinking about it, and stretched out her hand to hold the jade man in her arms: "Where can I be uncomfortable? With my Zimei by my side, I will not be harmful."

"How can I be as good as you said?"

"Hey...my Zimei has better."

"Ah...Don't million brothers, it's still daytime..."

"My wife, haven't you heard an idiom called the daytime? Now it happens to meet the occasion, hoo...hungry wolves are rushing to eat."

If Yi Jianfeng and the others were to know the current life of Pay Million, would they risk being shot by Wei Xiao and rush back to cut this bitch?

Stay away from the base of the villa.

"Boss, there is a survivor stronghold in the restaurant in front, but they have defenses."

"Do you see how many of them are there?"

"I don't know, they closed the door. I only saw two or three people patrolling in the hall outside."

"Okay, let's try it out first, and start to figure out the situation of this stronghold immediately."

"Or the old rules?"

The boss smiled evilly: "Nature."

In the moving building, a group of people stared at the survivors in a hotel.

If Wei Xiao and the others were here, they would definitely find that the hotel they were staring at was the place where they hid before the end of the world.

One month in the last days, there are still not many zombies here. Even though some have regrouped because of this period, the number does not exceed three digits.

Outside the hotel's mesh iron door.

"Brother, can you take us in for a while? We are survivors."

"Damn, zombies can actually speak human words?"

Four people suddenly appeared outside the hotel. The survivors who were alerting inside gave them a glance, and almost didn't stare at them.

"No, brothers, we are alive. We just put the broken meat and internal organs of the zombies on our bodies as a disguise." A person outside said, hurriedly throwing away some of the internal organs.

The survivors in the hall were relieved to make sure that the things outside were really people.

They were really frightened just now.

If the zombies are really able to speak, and they know that they pretend to be living people to deceive other survivors, then in these last days, the living people should stop struggling, and take the initiative to find the zombies to bite and join them, and also save when they will be paid back a second. Call you brothers and sisters, and eat your zombies in the next second.

"Where did you come from?"

It was confirmed that the people outside were people, and the survivors in the hall did not open the mesh iron door to let them in, but asked at the door.

"Big brother, can you let us in first? The zombies outside will find us soon. We brought a lot of food, including chocolate, ham, wrapped chicken legs, etc.!"

Several people in the hall looked at each other, then nodded.

The mesh iron door quickly opened a gap.

"come on in!"

"Thank you, big brother, thank you big brother!"

The four people gratefully poured into the iron gate.

However, before the people inside closed the iron door, the four people who came in directly lifted their camouflage and pointed their guns at the three people in the hall.

"do not move!"

"Brother, what are you doing?" The three of them were frightened.

The people who came in ignored the three people who raised their hands and blew a whistle to the outside. Then, from a building not far away, dozens of people rushed towards the hotel.

They ignored the zombies chasing them outside, quickly entered the hotel and closed the iron gate.


A man with long hair and a resolute face walked out: "Have you asked about the situation inside?"

"I haven't asked."

The long-haired man had a meal, and his sight immediately stopped on a man in his fifties.

"Tell me how many men and women are here? Do you have weapons or firearms?"

"Our boss asks you something, just say it."

The man did not dare to hesitate and told the situation in the hotel: "Boss, don't kill me. We have more than one hundred people here, among which there are more than 40 women. The rest are men, no guns, only some controlled knives. ."

"Boss, this time I sent it, more than forty women." Hearing the man's answer, the men who rushed in were all excited.

The long-haired man also looked very happy.

"Old rules."

"Yes, boss!"

The younger brother responded, and under the frightened eyes of the three survivors in the hall, the three younger brothers who came behind them simultaneously covered their mouths and cut their throats.

"The others followed me upstairs and gathered everyone who was alive."

"Yes, boss!"

Dozens of people flocked to the stairs.

Ten minutes later, the whole hotel was noisy.


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