Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 138: Moved thoughts that shouldn't be moved


It can be said that those young and middle-aged who have been greatly satisfied physically and mentally have completely forgotten their previous experience, and are pleased with the long-haired man one by one. Some people even vowed to go through fire and water for the long-haired man in the future.

Disgusting, let alone the faces of these people, even beasts are disgusting when they see it.

"Boss, it's a pity. Really, it's a pity." A young man sighed at this time when he thought of something.

"What a pity? Come and listen." The long-haired man became a little interested.

The young man looked around, and then said regretfully: "Boss, don't you know, just a month ago, we had two beauties who are comparable to gods, especially the Bai Youwei, who is like a fairy. It's a pity that these two breathtakingly beautiful women were taken away by a man a month ago, otherwise, they are now your boss."

"Bai Youwei? Are you talking about an anchor?" a little brother asked quickly.

"Huh! Big brother, do you also know?"

The little brother became excited: "How could you not know? Before the end of the world, I was a fan of her, and I was still a fan of the brain. Boss, this time you have to believe me, and I will tell you that Bai Youwei is definitely the best among women. That beautiful. Fa, tusk...Don't say let me sleep with her, even if I just let me kiss her on her little mouth, I am willing to die immediately."

The little brother's expression is very exaggerated, as if he suddenly became rich overnight before the end of the world, he was going crazy.

"She is so pretty?"

"Yes, boss, she is simply a goddess. Boss, you must find her, you must. Then you will know if what I said is wrong."

This young man with long hair knows that if it is not really beautiful, with the woman they possess now, there is no need for him to be so crazy about a woman.

Now that he looked like he fell into a madness, he sent a long letter to the man.

"What's your name?" the long-haired man asked the man who broke the news.

The man was flattered.

"Boss, my name is Cheng Zeyu, you just call me Xiaoyu."

"Xiaoyu, right?"


"Do you know where the man who walked with Bai Youwei is now?"

"Boss, a month ago, there was a group of people who left with that man. I don't know where they are now, but they are leaving in the Haitian District. Maybe they are in the Haitian District now."

"Haitian District?"

"Boss, Haitian District, I know. It is said that it was the area where the rich of Minghai City was located before the end of the world. It is also known as the rich area where'one slap can make a billionaire'. There are many mansions and villas over there. , The most important thing is that there are countless beauties in that area." A younger brother said positively.

"Boss, I think they are very likely to be there. In the last days, except for food, as long as a man is a woman, no one can do without a woman. If I were that man, I would not let go of that place."

What the boys said makes sense.

The long-haired man pondered for a while, and also felt that this possibility was very high.

"Haitian District? Very good, even if you can't find that person, just because there are more women, it's worth a visit. Crazy..."


"Let my brothers rest and keep up their spirits. Tomorrow we will go to Haitian District to take a look!"

"Hey... good boss! Brothers, if you want to continue playing, bring people back to the room. This is a hotel, some of which are beds, don't wrong yourself." The lunatic said with a smirk.

"Boss is mighty, madman is mighty."

After all the younger brothers had finished reconciling, they pulled one or two exhausted women from the ground and left the suite.

"Um, boss, can I also take someone down?" Cheng Zeyu watched as everyone else could leave with a woman, his heart moved.

The long-haired man glanced at him.

"Who do you want to take?"

Cheng Zeyu smiled flatteringly, and pointed to Fang Yu who was crawling on the ground.

"It looks pretty good, don't break it."

"Thank you boss, thank you boss!"

Cheng Zeyu was overjoyed and thanked the long-haired man.

Fang Yu was already exhausted and unable to struggle. At this time, she hung under Cheng Zeyu's head on the side of her right arm, and two lines of tears fell from her closed eyes.

It was past nine o'clock the next morning.

The long-haired man walked out of the hotel with his little brother and the new people who joined them yesterday.

The zombies outside are not their opponents.

Without using a gun, these little brothers of the long-haired man directly wiped out all the nearly 100 zombies that rushed up.

"Go find a car, and then go to Haitian District from the outer ring."

"Good boss!"

The little brothers scattered away, driving usable cars from various streets.

After a few hours of rest last night, although Fang Yu and the others were still a little uncomfortable, they were able to cheer up a bit.

In the hands of a group of long-haired men, they did not have the courage to resist.

But Fang Yu and the others are not fools.

Obviously there are women belonging to them in the long-haired men's team, and the situation of these women is similar to them. It's just that when they stayed together today, the women who had joined the team before were obviously alienating them, and even looked at them with vigilant eyes.

What are they wary of? Blame yourself for robbing their men?

Fang Yu and the others don't understand, and they don't think too much.

Not long after, more than a dozen cars gathered outside the hotel.

These cars appeared. What is strange is that the long-haired man only left two vans with doors, and the doors of the other cars were removed.


Don't allow Fang Yu to think too much about them. The long-haired man gave an order. It was not the men who acted first, but the women who had stayed with the team before Fang Yu and them.

They all ran to the side sports car with doors.

The driver is the woman among them, and they are the only ones who get on the bus.

One car was full, and the others rushed to another car, even if it was crowded, they didn't choose another car.

They didn't blame the women for the long-haired men, and they didn't even fight with them.

A group of men unhurriedly got into other empty cars, and finally arrived at Fang Yu and others. They had no choice but to squeeze a car with those men.

Fang Yu left an eye on it.

She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't find the problem in a short time.

She didn't want to take the risk and walked to the cars that were all women.

"Can I be with you?"

The woman in charge of driving gave her a cold look.

"Isn't it safer to follow a man? And we have limited space here, are you afraid of crowding?" the female driver asked lukewarmly.

"I'm not afraid, can you let me go up?" Fang Yu felt more and more problematic.

The female driver didn't ask any more, but actually opened the door for Fang Yu.

It was already full of people, and there was almost no room for Fang Yu.

Fang Yu didn't hesitate, squeezed with others, and took a lot of effort to close the car door.

At this time, all of them got on the car.

"The man drove at both ends, the woman drove in the middle, and set off."

Someone yelled, and the car with the long-haired man started and followed the two cars in the front to set off first.

Two vans driven by the woman followed closely behind. As for them, it is naturally the remaining vehicles.

A convoy of more than a dozen vehicles drove towards the outer ring road.


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