Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 142: Ming Yulan debut

The long-haired man was not idle either, and opened a corner of the curtain to look outside.

Going from the city wall to this area, the long-haired man did not find anyone, but on the wall in the distance, he saw the female soldiers defending there.

His eyesight was very good, and it was quickly determined that there were seven female soldiers defending the wall at this moment.

He didn't notice Jasmine and Effie.

"Boss, the house is safe."

The long-haired man withdrew his gaze.

"Go outside and ask how many people are chasing us?"

The madman didn't dare to neglect, walked out of the room and went to the corridor to shout.

"How many people do you see chasing us?"

"Brother Madman, just one, she has entered the house, and now I don't know where...ah..." someone responded.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he finished with a scream.

The first reaction of a madman was that something went wrong.

His hunch was correct, because the little brother who screamed before, there was a continuous burst of gunfire where he was.

There are people of their own and enemies, but the screams come from people on their side.


"I already know." The long-haired man could not hear the movement outside.

With an unusually stern expression on his face, he held the gun in his hand and said coldly: "Very personal, I dare to chase us alone. Tell my brothers, all around the place where the gunshots sounded, I want to keep this woman here."

With that said, the long-haired man found an excellent shooting location, set up the only sniper rifle in his hand, and aimed the muzzle at the building where the gunshots continued.

The madman around him did not neglect, and immediately greeted the other boys to surround the house where the battle started.

Ming Yulan is now in a heavy siege.

She is not nervous at all.

After fighting against the boy with long hair, Ming Yulan probably has a certain understanding of their strength.

Can shoot, but marksmanship is completely arbitrary.

As long as it is not close contact and pay attention to concealing yourself, the long-haired man's little brother will take her in no way.

The enemy basically fired indiscriminately.

After clarifying the situation of these people, Ming Yulan, who was hiding in the corner on the side of the door, took a stool and smashed it towards the window on the left side of her body.

"Shoot, shoot!"

There was a loud roar outside, and all the dense bullets flew to the window.

Seizing the opportunity, Ming Yulan slid out of the room with a bent body, only her upper body stood upright, and two pistols in her hand were aimed at one end of the aisle and fired continuously.

The gunshots were accompanied by screams at the same time.

In the house Ming Yulan was in, the only three enemies were instantly knocked down by her.

Getting up quickly, Ming Yulan, who did not relax her vigilance, walked towards the place where the enemy ambushed her.

"Ah...help me...help me, I don't want to die yet!"

There are serious injuries but not dead.

Ming Yulan passed by him, seeing the miserable look of the enemy, a hint of hesitation flashed in her eyes.

However, it was only a blink of an eye, and her expression quickly turned cold, and Ming Yulan pointed her gun at the enemy begging for mercy.

"Remember to stop being a man in your next life."


Without being soft-hearted and not planning to let him go, Ming Yulan shot and ended his pain.

It can be said that it is the first time that Ming Yulan has done this kind of thing, and she feels uncomfortable.

But she knew that this was the end of the world, and if she continued to be kind, she would kill more people.

Taking a deep breath, Ming Yulan's eyes became firmer.


Just when she was about to leave this house to go to the next enemy hiding place, she just walked to the exit, Ming Yulan suddenly took a step back, her face showing doubts.


"Depend on!"

On the upper floor of the room directly opposite the exit, the long-haired man never expected Ming Yulan to take a step back at the most critical moment.

Ming Yulan hid his long-awaited shot, and the bullet hit the floor tiles inside the exit.

The long-haired man just missed, but Ming Yulan, at this moment, there was a little cold sweat on her forehead.

"Is there an enemy in secret?"

Ming Yulan couldn't imagine that in such a chaotic field, someone was actually blocking her from a high place. If she hadn't taken a step back just now, the bullet hitting the floor tiles should have fallen on her head.

Ming Yulan, who was obviously frightened, quickly determined where the enemy was ambushing her.

Put away the pistol in his hand and replace it with a submachine gun.

"Da da da……"

The bullets swept across the window where the long-haired man was hiding like a torrent.

The long-haired man quickly gave up his sniper rifle and turned to hide behind the wall.

A large number of glass shards fell, flying bullets with streamers into the windows, smashing many objects in the house.


Being able to confirm his position with one shot from him and make a counterattack, Ming Yulan became a master directly in the heart of the long-haired man.

Now the long-haired man also understands why Ming Yulan dared to chase them alone. Yigao people are bold, who would be so stupid without two brushes?

Can't stay here anymore.

The long-haired man took a look at the sniper rifle by the window. He didn't think about taking it back, and replaced it with the automatic rifle that he had captured before. Without hesitation, he quickly left the room and moved to another place.

Ming Yulan is always paying attention to the situation by the window of the opposite building.

She saw the sniper rifle there, but she saw no one again.

She didn't know if the other party was still in place, and she chose to leave the house from another place without intending to consume it with the enemy.

"Boom boom..."

"Kill her, she is in front."

Ming Yulan hadn't found a place to leave the house just after she moved her position. Outside, the enemies approaching her surrounded her and opened fire on her for the first time.

Ming Yulan bent quickly to avoid the bullet.

"Walk around, she is out of bullets.

I don't know how the lunatic judged that Ming Yulan had no bullets.

The younger brother who followed him to deal with Ming Yulan heard what he said, believing it was true, and immediately six or seven younger brothers with knives rushed to the house.

"Boom boom..."

The gunshots inside the house suddenly sounded.

The seven younger brothers who had become live targets were all headshot by Ming Yulan.

They are afraid that they don’t understand until they die. Didn’t they say that there are no bullets? Where did the bullet that killed me come from?

The madman who was commanding blindly was frightened to see this scene.

Not because Ming Yulan still had bullets in his gun, but because Ming Yulan's marksmanship.

Gun headshot, can this be done by ordinary people?

The madman who was too scared to speak out by Ming Yulan's marksmanship hid his body and stopped appearing.

"Damn! Why don't those stupid women drive over?" The madman pushed his weakness on the women.

But he was right. According to the women's distance from here, the people sent to inform them should have been there long ago, but now they don't even hear the sound of the car.

There are men with long hair who have the same idea.

"Did they rebel?"

The long-haired man's face was indescribably gloomy.


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