Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 145: King's return

Didn't make them wait long.

Ten minutes later, Ming Yulan and the others escorted a group of people towards the entrance of the base wall.

The long-haired man and others were all tied up.

They couldn't imagine what the fate of waiting for them would be next, but when they saw Jiang Xue and others coming out of the fence, the men and women who were heavily armed and holding shields gave them an extraordinary shock.

They originally thought that the force Ming Yulan belonged to was also available to their female soldiers.

But now, seeing that the armed forces left in the base even exceeded their total number, the long-haired men didn't understand how terrifying the target they had chosen this time.

These armed forces in front of them, even if they have a gun, they may not be able to fight them.

They are bold! More than a dozen guns want to capture such a powerful base. The long-haired man now doubts, how could he make such a stupid decision to directly attack the opponent's base without finding out the strength of the opponent?

Is it because it was too smooth before and the heart was dirty?


Just as the long-haired man was waiting for the soul to fly into the sky, an exclamation in the team caught everyone's attention.

Jiang Xue was a little surprised, anyone in this group knew herself?

She looked towards the sound source, and suddenly, a familiar figure came into her eyes.

"Fang Yu?"

It really does.

Jiang Xue didn't expect to meet Fang Yu in this situation, and her eyes were full of incredible.

Fang Yu cried with joy, struggling to rush to Jiang Xue's side.

"Be honest!"

Before she left the team, Effie kicked her, making her fall hard.

"Xiaoxue, help me, help me..." Fang Yu didn't seem to know the pain, and didn't forget to call Jiang Xue when he lay on the ground.

Ming Yulan came to Jiang Xue.

"you recognize?"

Seeing Fang Yu calling for help, Jiang Xue's eyes flashed unbearable, but she quickly became firm.

"Yes, but instructor Ming rest assured, I will not show mercy to the enemies of the base, even if she is my relative."

Upon hearing this, Ming Yulan thought that the relatives in Jiang Xue's mouth were Fang Yu, and reminded her: "This time we have lost more than a dozen people because of them, so don't be stupid. Their future fate depends on what happens after the Lord comes back. handle."

Jiang Xue understood what Ming Yulan meant.

"Instructor Ming, don't worry, I can tell."

"That's good!"

Ming Yulan breathed a sigh of relief, and then greeted Jin Miaofeng and the others to **** the long-haired man into the base.

During the period Fang Yu wanted to ask Jiang Xue for help, but Jiang Xue chose to ignore it completely.

Can't blame Jiang Xue for being ruthless, she has disappointed Wei Xiao once, and if we disappoint Wei Xiao again, she really has no future in this base.

In the evening, outside the base.

A convoy drove toward the base vigorously.

The armored vehicle that Wei Xiao was riding in first appeared in front of everyone.

The emergence of the team, at this moment, brought not only excitement to the people in the base, but also an unparalleled sense of security.

"Master, they are back."

The long-haired men and the group were gathered by Jiang Xue on one side of the entrance of the fence.

Following Wei Xiao and the others parked the cart outside, everyone walked into the fence.

Seeing a more elite fighter appear in front of them again, the long-haired man and others have no idea how to describe their feelings at the moment.

After fighting for a long time, it turned out that they were not the main force of the base at all.

They can't even win the opponent's "unknown soldiers", so why don't they want to provoke such a behemoth?

"People are not tired today, my heart is exhausted."

"Being called to and fro by a group of chicks, and being ridiculed, aggrieved, not ordinary aggrieved."

After entering the base, the male soldiers complained one by one.

It is not easy to come to them this day.


Seeing Wei Xiao and the others appeared, Jiang Xue and others greeted them.

The people who were talking only realized at this time that there seemed to be a lot of people gathered at the entrance.

Wei Xiao also found some strange figures.

"what happened?"

Jiang Xue didn't dare to neglect, and told Wei Xiao what had happened before.

After listening to Jiang Xue's narration, Wei Xiao didn't react much, but Miao Rourou, Yi Jianfeng and others were shocked.

"Master, this is how things are. These people are the enemies of the Phantom Master and their captives, and the Phantom Master said to deal with it after you come back." Jiang Xue stood aside and quietly waited for Wei Xiao's decision.

"Assholes, these **** scumbags. Lord, why waste any time, just pull out and shoot them all." Fu Wanwan said angrily.

When he heard the news that four female soldiers had died, it could be said that his heart was bleeding.

He had seen the first batch of female soldiers. Except for a handful of people who looked out of reach of beautiful women, the others were all charming little beauties. Such people sacrificed four in one day, and paid millions for those who had no resistance to beauties. Now they just want to tear off the long-haired men and others.

"Have we brought back our bodies?"

Jiang Xue nodded.

"Take me over and see!"

Wei Xiao's tone was as calm as ever.

Jiang Xue didn't dare to neglect, and took Wei Xiao and the others to the place where the deceased was.

They were all sacrificed for the base, so they deserved someone to collect their bodies.

A group of people came to the place where the dead body was placed.

Jiang Xue and the others covered their bodies with white cloth.

"Pick up the white cloth on your head."

Jiang Xue greeted several people and followed Wei Xiao's words.

As the white cloth on the head of the deceased was lifted, Wei Xiao's eyes fell on the pale faces one after another.

"Damn it!"

Hearing that it was the same thing, and seeing it with their own eyes, they were even more emotional when paying a million.

Some of the female soldiers even jumped on the bodies of the female soldiers.

For many days to eat, sleep, train, and receive punishment from the instructor, it is a lie to say that they have no feelings for each other.

They talked and laughed with each other early this morning, who could have thought, but in one day, they would never open their eyes when they saw the people they were familiar with again.

"Master!" Yu Wei and the others looked at Wei Xiao, and some of the female soldiers had tears in their eyes.

Wei Xiao's attention was on the faces of the dead, especially the four female soldiers.

They were all sacrificed by being shot in the head, and their once handsome faces left unhealable gun holes.

"The marksmanship is good. I know that the female soldiers wear bullet-proof helmets so they choose to shoot in the face. They are a master."

Wei Xiao's words sounded cold-blooded.

People are dead. He is not concerned about avenging the dead, but praises the marksmanship of the enemies who killed them.

People who have never been in contact with Wei Xiao would think that Wei Xiao is too clean, but anyone who has been in contact with Wei Xiao knows. Whenever something bad happened around Wei Xiao, the calmer Wei Xiao was, the more terrifying he was at this moment.

Signaling Jiang Xue and the others to cover the deceased's head cloth, Wei Xiao turned around and glanced at the place where the long-haired man kneeled and leaned against each other.

Wei Xiao said, "These are these people?"

"Yes, Lord. You don't know that when they attacked the base, the hostesses almost joined the battle. If it weren't for the instructors and the Ming instructors, they would all be in danger." Jin Miaofeng answered first. Wei Xiao.

She was afraid that Wei Xiao didn't know the horror of the previous battles, and used the comfort of their safety as an embellishment, trying to exaggerate the previous battles as much as possible.


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