Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1464: How strong is Wei Xiao

Wei Xiao immediately changed the conversation.

"Well, this is just my personal guess. You don't need to think too much about it. Right now, we are still dealing with the corpse clan. The purpose of the holy judge going to the southern continent is already obvious. We can't stop it, and we can't stop it, unless we start it now. The war of genocide. But neither of us is ready yet, so this matter is destined to be irresistible."

"But we can't do nothing. Since Youwei and the others have sent envoys, let them go back with the news of the sacred decree. To remind the forces on the southern continent, and save them from being in the original situation. Down, it’s in vain to die."

"In addition, the development of the base must also be accelerated. Whenever we are strong is the last word. As long as we are always in the leading position, no matter how the world changes, the immortal city will stand tall."

"The Lord said yes."

Everyone nodded.

Strikes iron to be hard by itself.

As long as you have enough strength, no matter what situation you face in the future, you will have enough confidence to deal with it.

"That's it."

After that, Wei Xiao looked at the envoys sent by Bai Youwei and the others, "When you go back, reply to your leader as we say now. In addition, I will ask someone to prepare a batch of relevant information about the sacred censorship for you, and do it in the Southern Continent. Propaganda. As long as you don't provoke the holy judge, he won't do anything to you easily."

"As for other zombies, do what you usually do, and do what you do after you go back, don't worry."

Wei Xiao’s agreement with the sacred judge not long ago was not to deal with the creatures below the corpse emperor (superior). Having said that, both sides knew that in the future, as long as the opponent’s fighters took the initiative to provoke them, the two big brothers would even provoke them. (The ability person) won't do it again. Unless a large-scale war breaks out.

After all, if the two sides really want to attack the corpse emperor (superior), with their strength, how much can they resist?

Once so, what use is the agreement they reached?

The high-levels of the two races were killed clean by the big men on both sides, leaving some weak ones to support the future of a race?

"Yes, Lord!"

"Well, let's all go down!"

At the end of the meeting, Chen Haojie and the others got up and bid farewell to Wei Xiao.


On the balcony on the third floor of the villa.

After Chen Haojie and the others left, Wei Xiao came here with Shu Wang and Phantom.

Shu Wang: "Husband, really let the sage judge cultivate a large number of corpse kings in the southern continent. The situation we will face in the future will not be easy. You really don't plan to care?"

"I can't control it. A person's strength is always limited, and the sage can hold me at least four combat powers. Unless we can gather the top group of humans today, otherwise, the Southern Continent can only matter. Treat it like this."

"Tell them clearly about the stakes and they should know how to do it."

"But that will take time. I am still not strong enough, if my strength can reach the point of suppressing the contemporary, why should I be so troublesome?"

Hearing Wei Xiao's words, Shu Wang's eyes suddenly lit up.

When it comes to Wei Xiao's strength, they are really curious.

From the end of the world to the present, Wei Xiao, who has never taken genetic medicine, why is his strength always so strong?

This Phantom has a deep understanding.

Not to mention catching up with Wei Xiao, just wanting not to be too far away from the Phantom of Wei Xiao. Whenever she feels that the gap between herself and Wei Xiao is not that big, she is always slapped in the face by reality.

Even now, Wei Xiao's strength is still a mystery to them.

There are also people in the base who often make fun of Wei Xiao's strength.

Let's not guess the strength of the Lord, how simple is it?

Just add "Wei Xiao" at the top of today's realm.

In short, it is to add another Wei Xiao level above the emperor level behind the emperor level.

Shu Wang asked with interest: "I haven't asked you before, can you tell us how strong you are?"

Wei Xiao looked at Shu Wang.

"Just want to know?"

"Not really, just curious."

"Actually, I don't know. I'm not like you. I can improve my strength through genetic medicine. At any rate, there is a reference point. My strength is completely barbaric growth. I only know how strong I am when I encounter the corresponding opponent. At present, it should be. It is equivalent to the body of the sacred judge."

"Then how did the master improve his strength?"

"Injured, and death...death threats."

He almost missed his mouth, but fortunately Wei Xiao reacted fast enough.

Wei Xiao went on to say: "After each battle, as long as you leave me with a sigh of relief, my strength will increase when the injury recovers. Well, eating can also improve, but the effect is not very obvious. Apart from these, it is to use external force to fight. The body is stimulated. However, I recently discovered that these ways of improving my strength have not had much effect on me."

"Has it reached the upper limit?" Phantom speculated.

Wei Xiao shook his head.

"This is not the case. I can feel it. My potential is more than that. I can only say that the methods I can think of have already developed all the potential I can develop. If I want to go further, I can only look for more powerful external stimulation. "

Shu Wang: "Are death threats useless?"

"Experienced too much, already immune."

The phantom who didn't know what he was thinking, after Wei Xiao's words fell, he said abruptly: "Has the master ever thought of using the sky thunder to boost his strength?"


Shu Wang broke the defense directly and laughed out loud.

"Xiaoying, are you trying to murder your husband? Sky thunder fills your body? How did you come up with this method?"

Wei Xiao also looked at the Phantom with interest.

"Why would you want me to try this way?"

Phantom didn't feel that he had said anything wrong, and said solemnly: "Think of it from film and television novels. Don't those who are strong in film and television novels seek breakthroughs through the sky thunder when their cultivation encounters a bottleneck? I feel that the master’s current situation is similar to those of great powers."

"Since the existing methods can no longer bring the owner to upgrade, then through the power of nature's thunder."

Hearing the explanation of Phantom, Wei Xiao's eyes lit up.

Yes! Since the existing methods cannot bring improvement to yourself, why not try the more terrifying forces of nature? .

Anyway, I can't die, and I won't lose anything if I try.

Shu Wang noticed the change in Wei Xiao's expression, and found that Wei Xiao was actually moved by Phantom's proposal, and his heart was shocked.

"Husband, Xiaoying is just talking casually, don't take it seriously. Tianlei is not a joke, usually if you let Xiaoying stimulate you, it is all within the controllable range, and it is replaced by Tianlei. The energy contained in it is No one knows how terrible it is. You are a man with a wife and a daughter, so you can't be so confused."

After speaking, Shu Wang glared at Phantom.

This sister, really dare to say anything.

Doesn't she know that their husband is a famous "masochist"?

Think about it in the villa. Every time Wei Xiao improves his strength, either Mu Wuqing is asked to burn him with flames, or Phantom is to stimulate him with purple electricity. Shu Wang is really worried that Wei Xiao can't think about it and will be struck by lightning.

She didn't want to be a widow.

Phantom also realized that he had said something wrong, and in order to save his mistake, he hurriedly explained: "Sister, you have misunderstood what I mean. I don't mean to ask the master to really find the thunder in nature, but to help the master through me. Complete the breakthrough."


Wei Xiao and Shu Wang were slightly stunned by the words of the Phantom.

What does she mean by this?

First mentioned the thunder in nature, and now it is transferred to oneself, is there any connection between the two?

Shu Wang: "Can you help your husband break through?"

Phantom said uncertainly: "I can try."

Wei Xiao was shocked: "Xiaoying, you can already activate the power of thunder from the natural world without using your own supernatural energy?"

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