Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1467: Thousands of corpse kings

It is impossible for more than two thousand five hundred to have a first-level corpse emperor.


Because the flesh and blood that the corpse race can provide for the evolution and growth of giant zombies cannot meet this requirement.

Nearly 100 million new types of zombies, only the first batch of giant zombies and first-level zombies evolution are almost exhausted, and the rest, let alone satisfy the remaining giant zombies, even one-tenth of them are difficult.

To make these giant zombies become the complete body of the mother, the flesh and blood needed is simply an astronomical number.

Even if the supreme looted the corpse clan now, it would not be completed in a short time.

In desperation, in order to let the corpse clan have more corpse emperors and more mid-to-high-end combat power as soon as possible, the supreme could only be heartbroken in the end.

Directly let one thousand four hundred and seventy-seven giant zombies fight freely.

Every ten giant zombies are a unit, and one victor has the qualification to evolve, and the rest will become its nourishment.

Under such cruel competition, after three days of killing and devouring and evolving, of the thousand 477 giant zombies, in the end, only 143 succeeded in becoming the complete female corpse.

In this way, plus the 1,117 in the beginning, the Southern Continent now has 1,260 complete female corpses.

These mother corpses, if humans no longer contribute to them, they should be the only number of super zombies in the future.

Of course, Human Race currently does not count in captivity.

Looking at the area occupied by the mother's corpse, the supreme who finally reached this step did not drag.

There are more than 1,000 female corpses, and the Supreme will leave two hundred and sixty.

This is a decision made by Supreme after careful consideration.

The corpse family cannot live without the mother corpse.

Too much will affect the quality of the corpse clan, and too little will cause the corpse clan to grow abnormally, which is definitely not what the supreme wants to see.

Think about it, if in the future all zombies are royals and nobles, but there is no ordinary zombies under their command, then who are they in the upper ranks?

It started as "princes and grandchildren", but there were no servants under his command or there were not as many servants as the princes and grandchildren. What is it like?

Therefore, in order to preserve the integrity of the corpse clan, it is only natural for the Supreme to leave more than two hundred mother corpses.

As for the remaining thousand mother corpses, their fate depends on their good fortune.

Only half a day after the last batch of mother corpses were formed, the remaining 1,000 mother corpses were divided into one hundred small groups under the guidance of the Supreme.

Taking ten as a unit, under the control and witness of the Supreme, the fierce fighting and devouring directly started.

The reason why the Supreme Master wants to hold the battle between the mother's corpse is to ensure that every competing group will have the final winner.

If an accident happens and the mother corpses of a competing group are all gone, then the gain is not worth the loss.

It took another day.

In the end, a hundred corpse king larvae were born smoothly.

In this way, the supreme has not stopped his final plan.

The corpse emperor, this is just the beginning in the supreme plan.

Having seen the power of humans with supernatural powers, the supreme is very clear. The low-level corpse king is an experienced baby who can send food and equipment to the abilities. category.

For this reason, the 100 corpse emperors just born are not the final number of corpses in the Antarctic continent. There is still a fierce battle between them.

However, the corpse emperor larvae have not fully grown up yet, and trouble will follow.

The outermost part of the evolution zone of the corpse emperor.


"Gosh, what did we see?"

"Damn, the ground is full of corpse emperor larvae. If this allows them to grow up, there will be tomorrow in the Southern Continent?"

"I knew that there must be some conspiracy for the corpse clan to gather here, but I didn’t expect that they were actually planning to mass produce the corpse king? Captain, what should we do now? Once these corpse kings grow up, they will inevitably become a nightmare for us humans. ."

"It turns out that this is the secret of this corpse clan migration. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?"

"What a great spirit. Nearly 100 million zombies chose to sacrifice for the birth of the corpse king. With such a handwriting, in the entire biological chain, I am afraid that only this race can do it."

"Don't give up the ego, and make you better. Really, after witnessing all of this with my own eyes, I suddenly discovered what is meant by sacrificing selflessness and becoming a benevolent person."

"Now that the corpse group has decreased drastically, and the corpse emperor is still in the juvenile stage, don't you think this is an opportunity?"


"Chance? You have no chance."

As the spies from various forces witnessed the birth of the corpse emperor's larvae and each had their own thoughts, the soldiers hiding in the dark, they heard a cold sound at the same time.

Hundreds of spies were shocked.

"No, we were found."


There was almost no hesitation, the spies from all sides who realized something, after the sound in their ears fell, the first choice was to escape.

Under the sky, the supreme stands in the sky.

The human spies running below seemed indifferent.

"Let you watch for so long, now is the time to collect some interest. Escape? Can you escape?"

The Supreme is condescending, looking at everything coldly.

When his voice fell, starting with the headspace where his figure was, the supernatural power rolled, and the water network energy covered all directions.

In just a few minutes, a huge energy barrier covered a radius of tens of kilometers.

"Boom boom boom..."

"What? A barrier?"

"Damn it, leave from somewhere else."

The invisible barrier trapped all the spies in it, and some people who ran fast but couldn't see the situation ahead directly collided with the energy barrier and were bounced back.

Many people were shocked and shocked.

Can't tolerate them thinking about other things.

There is no way to go in one direction, and everyone quickly changed direction and fled from other places.

In the sky, the supreme has stepped into the air in the direction where the number of humans has escaped the most.

The body is ethereal and shaped like an immortal.

Regardless of his identity as a zombie, just this way of appearance is a proper way to get the image of a master.

"Although the deity promised that Wei Xiao would not take action on humans below the supernatural beings, he did not say that he could not borrow the hands of others. It just happens that the people of the deity lack food, so stay here forever!"


Below, roaring from above the earth.

Afterwards, a large number of second- and third-level evolutionary zombies swarmed.

The number of them is less than the new type of zombies, but there are also millions.

With the supreme corpse tycoon guiding them, the human spies who are fleeing have nowhere to hide.

"Zombie, zombie is here, run away."

"Ah...Save me, save me..."

Most are the spies of second and third level fighters, facing hundreds of thousands and millions of zombies chasing and besieging them, even if they are fully equipped, they cannot escape death.

The human spies who could not break the barrier and escaped to heaven were wiped out in a noisy roar and screams.


In the area where the humans live in the southern mainland.

An information storm is sweeping all human forces.

"Is this the Supreme Commander of the Zombie? He looks pretty handsome."

"No? The corpse emperors are all giants. How can this corpse clan's strongest existence be the same size as ours?"

"I'm going, is this person so stubborn? Can he actually sign an agreement with the strongest corpse clan?"

"Who is Wei Xiao?"

"Wei Xiao, don't you know?"

"never heard of that."

"The world's number one power boss, the number one powerhouse in the world, the first human being to kill the corpse emperor, the world..."

"Damn, the best in the world? Has he ever asked me Mr. Tony?"

"I Tebkopp is not convinced!"

"The same for me!"

"The world's number one power boss? I'm not convinced by Jiu Tiancheng."

"I hate the League of dissatisfaction."

"The same for me!"


A leaflet and a piece of information are now spreading in the area where humans live in the southern continent.

The flyer is just a piece of 4A paper, nothing to care about, and the content is very simple. There are four images and a related introduction on it.

But it was this leaflet and the content on it that now caused an uproar among the human forces in the southern continent.

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