Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1470: Do you misunderstand me

With such an imperative tone, ordinary creatures are afraid that even if they don't attack on the spot, they will never show Chu Tianhe a good face.

But the sacred judge is different, he doesn't look angry at all.

As if he didn't think there was anything wrong with Chu Tianhe's tone, the holy judge nodded easily.

"Okay! You ask."


Chu Tianhe suddenly wondered if the zombie in front of him was the consciousness carrier of the corpse emperor?

If you don't get angry like this, is your temper too good?

Or is it that the corpse emperor is not as scary as people think?

People's cognition of him is all about others, and has been exaggerated in the process?

Suppressing the doubt in his heart, Chu Tianhe asked coldly: "I want to know, do you know Wei Xiao?"

The decree did not hesitate.

"Know, and even played against him. Among your human races, he should be the strongest."

Chu Tianhe's face went dark when he heard the answer from Shengzheng.

It was another licking dog that put gold on Wei Xiao's face. The key was that the other party was a zombie?

What charm does Wei Xiao have that makes you all admire him like this?

Forcibly resisting the anger and jealousy in his heart, Chu Tianhe sullenly said: "I heard that he has reached an agreement with you. As long as you don't take action against the human race below the supernatural power, he will not move the people below the corpse king of your corpse race. , Is there such a thing?"

"Yes. His strength is worthy of the deity's concessions."

Hearing that the holy referee admitted to the agreement with Wei Xiao, Chu Tianhe admitted that he was sour again.

Why is Wei Xiao always one step ahead of him?

Chu Tianhe was extremely unwilling.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Chu Tianhe gritted his teeth.

"Did you make a concession because you were defeated by Wei Xiao?"

The sage judge heard that, the originally gentle face calmed down.

"Are you questioning the strength of the deity?"

Chu Tian Han snorted inwardly.

"It's not a question, but I just can't figure it out, how can the dignified corpse emperor speak so easily? In you, I can't see the temperament that a corpse emperor should have."

"Then what kind of temper do you think the deity should have?"

Chu Tianhe said: "Hold and fearless, don't put any living body in your eyes. But now it seems that you are far from the corpse emperor in my heart. That's right, if you are not such a weak character, he How can Wei Xiao force you to bow your head? Although that scumbag has no merit, it is overbearing, and I am ashamed of it."

"Ha ha……"

"why are you laughing?"

The judge: "Nothing. I just think you are very interesting. You have an enemy with Wei Xiao?"

"Blood hatred."

"Oh? That really surprised the deity."

Chu Tianhe snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter whether you are surprised or not."

"Indeed." The judge nodded, and then turned around, "Any other questions?"


"What else do you want me to ask?"

The saint waved his hand: "Since you have no questions to ask, let's stop chatting! You said you have something to do with the deity, now you can talk."

Seeing that the saint was still calm and calm, Chu Tianhe was completely disappointed.

With such a character, return the corpse emperor?

I am afraid that the first-level zombies have more personalities than him.

No longer feels that the avatar of the corpse emperor poses any threat to him, Chu Tianhe coldly said: "I am truly disappointed with you. However, I will never be merciless about what I should do."

"Well, I don't see that you have this strength."

"That's the end of the nonsense. Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. Because of your arrival, the people in the southern mainland are panicking and sleepless. As the master of the southern mainland, it is my duty to stabilize people's minds. And all this is because of you. So, now I give you two choices."

"What choice?"

"First, self-decision, I can let go of other zombies in the South American polar regions."

The saint heard that, with a faint smile on his face, he squinted slightly.

"The second one?"

"Second, that is that I will solve you first, and then level the zombie clothes in the South American polar regions. Two choices, which one would you choose?"

The referee was silent.

After a while, he looked at Chu Tianhe calmly.

"That's why you came to find the deity?"

"if not?."

Chu Tianhe's face was solemn.

At this moment, the aura of self-respect and self-respect is vividly displayed.


The saint smiled, scornfully.

"Is it funny?"

As soon as the sanctuary's emotions receded, he showed a cold face.

"Do you have any misunderstandings about this deity? Does this deity look like a bully zombie?"

Chu Tianhe: "You don't have to play with me here. You know, Wei Xiao can let you lower your head and reach an agreement without making a deal. I can do the same. Compared with Wei Xiao, disobeying my wishes will only be more painful for you. ."

The saint shook his head, as if he had nothing to say about the narcissistic human in front of him.

When I looked at Chu Tianhe again, the coldness on his face was particularly obvious.

"Take it to communicate with you capable humans, but you have wiped away the last bit of tolerance the deity has for you. It should be noted that when letting others make a choice, you have to show the matching strength."

"Master, be careful—"

The voice of the sacred judge fell, and a terrifying pressure immediately acted on Chu Tianhe and Dawei Tianlong.

Chu Tianhe didn't prepare for a while, and the bodies of both fell high into the air at the same time, smashing into the ground.

Fortunately, there is a reminder from Dawei Tianlong.

Before touching the ground, Chu Tianhe reacted to mobilize the supernatural powers in his body.

A large amount of scarlet energy wrapped him and the figure of Dawei Tianlong, stabilized his figure less than four meters from the ground, and resisted the gravity field suddenly released by the sacred judge.

"You made the stupidest decision."

Chu Tianhe made a deep voice, and the opened mask closed immediately.


With the demon sword in his hand waving, Chu Tianhe's figure instantly disappeared from Dawei Tianlong's back.

When he reappeared, he had already come to Sheng Cai's side.


A volley swept out.

The scarlet sword pierced the figure of the saint straight from the side.

The saint turned his head slightly, raised his hand, and his left hand, like an eagle's claw, implied a power that directly grabbed the blade from Chu Tianhe.

"Da Luo Fa curse!"

Under the protection of Chutianhe's ability, the Great Mighty Tianlong, who was not affected by the gravity field of the sacred judge, raised his head with a blow.

The cyan rays containing terrifying power flew out directly from below, taking the body of the holy judge.

The eagle eye condensed.

Suddenly, the space in front of him was distorted.

The ray of power that originally hit the figure of the saint changed its direction, and the target turned into Chu Tianhe on one side.

Chu Tianhe was shocked when he saw this.

What ability will this be?

Without thinking too much, Chu Tianhe's figure instantly turned into a blood mist and disappeared in place.

As the power ray passed over the place where he was before, in the air 100 meters away from the holy referee, the figure of Chu Tianhe holding the sword reunited.

"Elemental? Very useful ability, but using the power of a zombie to deal with the deity, this level of you is still far away."


Sheng Cai stretched out his hand and claws towards the direction of Chu Tianhe's figure. .

Before Chu Tianhe could do anything, six huge **** vortexes appeared around him.

The huge pressure that appeared in six directions temporarily restricted Chu Tianhe's ability to move. At the same time, from the **** vortex, **** chains stretched out, seeming to bind Chu Tianhe's figure.


Seeing the big Wei Tianlong below, Zhenyu soared up.

The huge wings of the pilgrimage fan fanned, stirring the space, the ability to cause a storm, and forcibly tearing the location of the pilgrimage.

The saint frowned slightly.

The body was immediately covered with a layer of protection to resist the erosion of supernatural powers.

At the same time, the figure disappeared in a flash.

"Take care of you first, then clean up your master..."


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