Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1488: I owe Liu Xian'er a little golden man in the last days

Seeing Xiaoyue Sirius stunned on the spot, Liu Xian'er, who seemed to have no fear, said slowly, "Everything I do is for you. You may not believe it, but what I said is true."

Under Xiaoyue Sirius' confused eyes, Liu Xian'er continued.

"Since the end of the world, my parents have died, and my brother and brother have died. Only my sister and I are dependent on each other in these last days, struggling hard, and finally have a place of our own. As a result, because of the power struggle, we are offended. My sister was killed, and I was abused by others."

"I endured humiliation and endured thousands of hardships, and finally found someone who is willing to love me, protect me, and love me. I originally thought that my life would be a painful life, but I was wrong. This person who loves me, every time I see him I can’t lift my head in front of others, and I’m so angry that I still have to face my enemy with a smile. I feel distressed!"

"But what can I do? Even if the other person is also my enemy, because we are weak and we don't have enough strength, so even if others are standing on our heads and peeing, we have to endure, and we have to humbly please each other. Husband, my heart aches, it really hurts."

"I don’t know if I’m doing this right, but I know that to change all of this, we must have strong strength. At this time, a woman wearing a mask came to me, and she told me, as long as she cooperates with her, she It can satisfy my wish. I didn't believe it, but she gave me a No. 5 potion when she met."

"Until that moment, I knew that our chance was here. The other party didn't lie to me. I did something for her. She gave me seven No. 5 potions back and forth. I wanted to leave all the seven potions for you. But in that place, if I had no strength, I would be eliminated. In order to keep my position and to help you accumulate more power potions, I took two..."

"I don’t care about all the consequences for transporting the experimental body for them. Fortunately, it’s worth it. I don’t know if these five potions will allow you to deal with that person, but with these five potions, that person will never despise it anymore. You. Because you already have the ability to resist..."

Speaking of this, Liu Xian'er's eyes were already blurred by tears.

The teardrops that kept rolling down wet Liu Xian'er's clothes like spring water.

The beautiful star pupil stared at Xiaoyue Sirius’s face that went from anger to accident, to touch, and finally to distress. Liu Xian’er smiled poignantly: “My husband, I don’t regret all this because of me. I can finally help you once. Xian'er swears that during this period, she absolutely did not do anything to sorry you howling Sirius."

"Xian'er..." Xiaoyue Sirius was moved.

Thinking of the slap on Liu Xian'er's face just now, Xiaoyue Sirius' hand trembled involuntarily.

He didn't think Liu Xian'er was lying to him.

Not to mention Xiaoyue Sirius has always believed that he and Liu Xian'er are true love, no doubt, the five No. 5 potions in the brocade box on the table are the best proof.

If Liu Xian'er is really lying to him, there is no need to take out the five No. 5 potions.

That is the No. 5 potion, and there are five in full.

If Liu Xian'er stayed to take it by herself, with her strength in the future, where could she not go?

But now she didn't hesitate to show it to Xiaoyue Sirius, what else could be more trustworthy than this sincerity?

Seeing the change of Xiaoyue Sirius' expression in his eyes, Liu Xian'er smiled softly.

"Originally I planned to keep the secret from you, and I was going to secretly hand over the potions to you one by one, but now it's too late." Liu Xian'er paused, her teeth biting her red lips, feeling unhappy, "Dark Night The mouse fell into the hands of Wei Xiao and the others. He knows who I am and will not let go of smiling. I don't want to drag you down."

"How much I want to accompany you out of the last days, how much I want to accompany you to old age, but, but..."

As if unable to speak, Liu Xian'er gritted his teeth: "Husband, there is only this thing I can do for you. To stay alive, you must stay alive."

As he said, Liu Xian'er approached Xiaoyue Sirius and kissed him for a moment when he was stunned.

"Xianer will always love you."

Before Xiaoyue Sirius could react, Liu Xianer turned and walked outside the hall.


Xiaoyue Sirius, who had recovered his senses, saw Liu Xian'er had walked to the front of the store.

Not thinking about him at all, a flashing body hugged Liu Xian'er from behind.

"Xian'er, what are you going to do?"

Liu Xian'er said painfully: "I must leave. Once Wei Xiao knows my identity from the Mouth of the Night, he will not let me go. I don't want to embarrass you or hurt you. After I leave, You will mobilize the forces of Wolf City to pursue and kill us, and if necessary, kill me in front of Wei Xiao, so that Wolf City will not be implicated by me."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could I kill you with my own hands?"

"This is the only way to survive in Wolf City, let me leave! I go, Wolf City will be safe, Xian'er please, okay?"

"I do not."


"You are my woman, the woman I love the most. If you and I can't protect you, what kind of man am I? I don't care what you do or what Wei Xiao wants to do to you? If he wants your life , Unless you step on my corpse, I won’t let you go."

"Don't be stupid, husband. What I do is destined to have no good end. You shelter a man in the dark, and your congregation betrayed your relatives. I don't want you to be like this."

"I do not care--"

Some angry Xiaoyue Sirius turned Liu Xian'er around.

No matter what the other party wants to say, kiss her directly.

The unscrupulous Xiaoyue Sirius can be called madly releasing his emotions on Liu Xian'er.

In grief and pain, the two gradually moved towards a negative distance.

The people outside the hall were stunned for only a moment when they saw this scene, and then left one after another, and protected Xiaoyue Sirius at the outermost periphery, isolating all those who wanted to see Xiaoyue Sirius.


Longwei City.

Since a few days ago, the Phantom and they brought Qinglong, Xuanwu and their families from the Four Holy Cities to the Immortal City. Wei Xiao, who sits in the Immortal City, has interrogated the two of them, and directly regarded them as the Immortal City. The face of the Citizens was too late to be put to death.

Their families were not spared either.

Except for the unknown baby, all the other personnel were executed without a trace of pain.

After solving the Qinglong and the others, Wei Xiao left Shu Wang and Phantom to sit in the Immortal City, and he rushed to Longwei City with the Shadow Guard controlled by Lin Qin.

Well, at this time Xiaoyue Sirius and Liu Xian'er were still flying in the Wolf City Palace, giving and outputting with all their strength.

In Longwei City, after Lin Xiao died, Lin Yang took over his father's position with the support of Lin Xiao's confidants.

He gathered a lot of women from the city.

At its peak, the number of bases reached more than seven million.

In order to consolidate his position as soon as possible, Lin Yang led an army of millions of times to attack the periphery of the African Emirates.

Every time he only brought his confidant to participate in the battle, claiming to the outside world that he was training soldiers, and the elders in the city knew nothing about the real situation.

At first, Jiang Wei, Mo Zang and others were still worried and wanted to follow the troops, but Lin Yang had a lot of gains when he went out several times. Even when he brought back a power potion from outside for the second time, Jiang Wei and the others No longer doubt Lin Yang's ability.

It's just that every time Lin Yang used foreign troops, he would suffer heavy losses. In the worst case, a million troops were dispatched, and even less than half of the people who returned.

But this does not affect Lin Yang's position in Longwei City.

Because in the current Longwei City, except for Lin Yang, the four heavenly kings under his command are all supernatural beings who have taken supernatural potions.

The strength is strong enough to overwhelm everything.

And with Lin Yang's rise to power, the veterans such as Mozang and Jiang Wei were repeatedly suppressed by him. By now, Longwei City has become Lin Yang's word for words.

The veterans like Jiang Wei and Mozang, the most miserable "home waiting for work", and the best Jiang Wei, also became the generals defending the city. Lin Yang had already emptied the power in his hands and left others alone.

However, in recent times, Lin Yang has begun to reduce his external activities, even staying at home.

Gathering with his confidants every day, as for what they gather to discuss everything, no one knows except themselves.

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