Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 149: Search for survivors

A new day has arrived.

Last night, Wei Xiao stayed in Yan Chuan Huizi's room.

Yan Chuan Huizi also benefited from Xiao Wei Ling's contribution.

Looking at the mother and daughter hugging each other, Wei Xiao smiled softly.

He leaned over and kissed the face of beautiful women and girls.

Wei Xiao got up and walked to the bathroom.

After half an hour, Wei Xiao washed up and walked out.

Change to a good outfit and never forget to look at the beautiful picture on the bed when you go out.

"It would be nice to have a cheap daughter," Wei Xiao thought.

Think about him as a person of twenty-seven and eighth. Before the end of the world, there should be many people with children at his age. Maybe it's getting older and gradually losing immunity to children.

Get out of the room and close the door for the mother and daughter.


Outside, the maids have gotten up.

Chu Feifei arranged for them to work at six o'clock in the morning, and there was no limit to the length of a day's work. It is not necessary for each of them to get up on time, but at six o'clock every morning, there must be six maids in Villa One.

Nodding at these maids, Wei Xiao came downstairs.

In today’s villa kitchen, lunch and dinner are all prepared for the moon. As for breakfast, a new chef will take over, a total of four people.

Needless to say, the key is that the food is delicious. According to Piaoyue's evaluation, these new chefs are at least competent for the position of senior chef.

After a simple breakfast, Wei Xiao left Villa One.

"Don't be lazy, everyone, do you still remember the battle book that the male soldiers gave me? We only have one month. After a month, if you don't want those male soldiers to look down on you, give me severe training. "

"Yes, instructor!"

On Training Ground No. 3, the female soldiers started training at around five o'clock in the morning.

Nowadays, the male and female fighters are basically independent of other management. Only the mistresses such as Wei Xiao and Shu Wang can command and mobilize them, and they have to be distinguished.

Wei Xiao can give orders to anyone, and Shu Wang and their women have the authority to only be female soldiers.

As for Jiang Xue and the others, they are similar to the existence of militia, attached to Shu Wang's name.

When it is not particularly important, Wei Xiao will not interfere in their management.

This is a bit like the model of separate management of the military (political).

Wei Xiao's car passed here without stopping.

For the female soldiers, to be honest, Wei Xiaobi was more at ease with the male soldiers.

This time he went to find Yi Jianfeng, so he drove directly to Villa No. 4.

"Give me all hurry up, hurry up. Didn't you eat one by one? The female soldiers know to challenge their limits. You guys are embarrassed to say tired? Think about the treatment we received two days ago, and then think about it. A month later, do you want to lose to a group of ladies?"

"In no mood--"

"If you don't want to, then give me the practice. Double the sit-ups for everyone, add five more sets of obstacle training, and double the weight-bearing cross-country."

"Captain, please torture us to your heart's content!"

The soldiers participating in the various trainings screamed loudly even if they were tired.

With the experience of paying a million squad, now this group of male soldiers, when training, all show up with the attitude of a man.

As long as they don't go out for tasks, and don't exhaust themselves, their training can hardly stop.

It's just that Li Yuyao and Shen Xiaocai are suffering.

As the only two medical staff in the base, they need to heal soldiers who have problems in training every day.


Wei Xiao drove here and blew his horn twice to remind Yi Jianfeng of them.

"Old Yi is the master."

Yi Jianfeng nodded.

"You continue to supervise them, everyone is not allowed to stop if you are not tired." Yi Jianfeng said to Lan Qiang, then turned and ran towards Wei Xiao.

Came in front of Wei Xiao's car.




"Let you get in the car, you don't need to do coolies today, go out with me." Wei Xiao said.

Yi Jianfeng reacted, did not ask much, opened the car door and sat in it.

Without saying anything to others, Wei Xiao took Yi Jianfeng directly to the place where the helicopter stopped.

"Master, is this another new action?"

The two got out of the car and walked towards the helicopter. On the way, Yi Jianfeng asked curiously.

"Not for the time being. Let you take me out this time to search for survivors. We don't have enough manpower. We need more survivors to join us."

"Understand! Has the specific location been decided?"

"Film School, Normal University, Minghai University, and Medical School, do you know all these four places?"

"I know the first three, but I don't know about the medical school."

"Board first, I'll tell you by radio in a moment."


The two sat on the two pilot seats from both sides, Yi Jianfeng turned on the aircraft engine and quickly started the helicopter to take off.


Film Academy.

It has been more than a month since Wei Xiao and the others arrived last time.

Before, when Shu Wang and the others were still here, there were a total of three survivors' strongholds. After Shu Wang and them left, now there are only teachers and students in the school's largest supermarket.

The number of them was the largest in the three bases at the time, with more than 80 people.

But after a month, there are only 51 teachers and students still alive.

Not caused by the food crisis, but zombies, mutant zombies.

The teachers and students hiding in this supermarket were attacked by climbing zombies ten days ago.

In the battle with the zombies, 19 people died directly, and the rest were scratched and bitten by the zombies, and finally the corpses were killed by their own people.

"Mr. Wang, there is not much food available in the supermarket. If this continues, we will have no choice but to rush out to find a new base."

In the supermarket, there are 11 faculty members and 40 students, both male and female.

Compared to the survivors outside, their condition is undoubtedly much better.

At least there is no skinny, innocuous existence, but there is also a bad place, and that is in them.

Every man is filled with a strange smell. Among the girls, a few are better, but they only look cleaner on the outside.

"Now there is no difference between going out and looking for death. You have seen what happened a few days ago. There are mutants of zombies. Although we only encountered one type, who can guarantee that there are no other mutant zombies outside?" Teacher Wang, one of them wears glasses. Said the middle-aged man.

"It's not to blame you. The helicopter came to us a month ago and you suggested not to accept their rescue. Now it's fine, everyone is really trapped here. Is this what you want?"

"Teacher Wen, you can't say that. When I proposed it, didn't you agree to it? Now if something goes wrong, I'll blame it. Don't you think it's an afterthought?"


"Enough, can the noisy one by one solve the problem?"

A strong man gave a cold cry, and the two old men who were arguing suddenly calmed down.

The man who interrupted their quarrel was called Mu Feng, and he was also the boss here.


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