Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1491: Tell a joke, Wei Xiao never lied

Lin Yang roared furiously about to attack Wei Xiao.

"Get me down!"

Wei Xiao raised his hand and pressed it, and immediately, a blood-colored palm was condensed from above Lin Yang.

The huge palm fell.

Just hearing a "boom", Lin Yang's figure sank several meters underground on the spot.

What Jiang Wei saw before their eyes was a huge hollow handprint appearing in the hall of the General's Mansion.

Jiang Wei and Mo Zang were very angry at this time.

Even if Wei Xiao is a person they respect, but their positions are different, and their identities are also different. Seeing Wei Xiao an outsider bullying their city lord in this way, they can't tolerate it.


Almost at the moment when Lin Yang and the others were suppressed, Jiang Wei and the others didn't want to take action against Wei Xiao.

"Put down the gun!"

Lin Qin and the others were not to be outdone, and raised their weapons to confront Jiang Wei and the others.

Even some members of the Shadow Guard disappeared, preparing to harvest Jiang Wei and the others in secret.

Wei Xiao frowned.

"You want to do it to me?"

Jiang Wei looked embarrassed.

"Mr. Wei, we don't want to be your enemy, but what Lin Yang said is also our city lord, you can take the initiative to our city without knowing it. As subordinates, how can we stand by?"

"Do you know what it means to me to raise a gun?"

"The responsibility is, it can only be offended."

"Haha... what a duty. Get out—"


Wei Xiao's figure vibrated, and suddenly, a circular blood-colored light wave spread out.

Jiang Wei and the others, who were too late to react, were all lifted up by this force, and they fell out of the door one after another.

Lin Qin and the others are not slow either, they rushed out immediately to control Jiang Wei and the others.

"Mr. Wei, we know that you are very strong, but this is not the reason for your bullying. If you don't give us an explanation today, even if you hit the stone with a pebble, I will never give up."

Wei Xiao sneered looking at Jiang Wei and others who were controlled by Lin Qin and others outside the door.

"If I change to my previous character, Wei Xiao does things, why should I give you a reason? But today, I will satisfy you. This process may be a bit bloody, but I promise to give you the answers you want."

A cruel smile appeared on Wei Xiao's face and looked at Ouyang Chong and others.

I saw a **** wave in Wei Xiao's hand.

Between stretching and shrinking, a strong suction force acted on Ouyang Chong and the others, and in the blink of an eye the other four people except Lin Yang were sucked under his feet.

"Give you a chance to tell what you have done, and I will not kill you."

Liu Fei, Yan Xiao and others were full of fear for Wei Xiao.

They also knew what Wei Xiao wanted them to say.

But compared with the fear of Wei Xiao, what they did was a secret that could not be said.

Once admitted, they will be forever.

Liu Fei: "I, we don't know what you are talking about. As soon as you come here, you will do something to us. Where did we offend you?"

Ouyang Chong: "Wei Xiao, you relied on your strength to act recklessly. Really, no one in this world can cure you?"

Wei Xiao sneered.

"You don't want to say that I can understand. After all, say it, even if I don't kill you, the citizens of Longwei City will not let you go, but there is one thing you may have forgotten..."


The four of them couldn't help but trembled when they heard the words.

Yan Xiao: "Forgot what?"



"Wei Xiao——"

As soon as Yan Xiao finished speaking, at the moment his voice fell, his figure directly turned into blood mist in front of everyone present.

The killing without warning stunned Liu Fei and the others.

And Jiang Wei and the others, who were under control, were even more angry with Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao: "You forgot, maybe you can live longer if you say it. If you don't say it, you have to die now."

Jiang Wei has a grim face: "Wei Xiao, you are too much."

This is an ability person! The superpowers belonging to their Longwei City, but now they are gone.

How could Wei Xiao be so cruel?

Can he not see others, okay?

Compared with the anger of Jiang Wei and others, Liu Fei and the others were pale.

At this moment, the eyes of the few people looking at Wei Xiao seemed even more terrifying.

"Say or not?" Wei Xiao ignored Jiang Wei and others who were powerless to roar outside, staring directly at Liu Fei and them without any emotion.

Ouyang Chong and their hearts trembled fiercely.

Yan Xiao's death without warning has had an impact on them.

But they also know that once they have said everything they have done, then there will be no place for them in the entire eastern and western continents.

If you say it's dead, it's dead if you don't say it. How to choose?


While they were still considering the stakes, another companion turned into a blood mist.

This time it was Ouyang Chong.

The remaining Liu Fei and Duan Yuchun were completely stupid.

What Wei Xiao said is true.

What the devil said is true.

If they don't tell the truth anymore, they will die.

"I said, I said, I said everything--"

Feeling death up close, Duan Yuchun collapsed first.

Just as Wei Xiao said, they now say that at least they don't have to die right away, and there is even a chance to survive, but not to mention, they absolutely have no way to survive.

No one wants to die, even if there is only a glimmer of life, they will hold on to it.

Duan Yuchun didn't hesitate, and in front of everyone, he explained all the things they had done since they caught up with the dark night, including the number of experimental subjects they sent to the dark night.

If you don't know, Jiang Wei and the others are stunned.

Until this moment, Jiang Wei and the others did not understand why Lin Yang and the others brought back a large amount of genetic medicine every time they went out hunting.

It turned out that the so-called "hunting" was just taking the base man to send the experimental body to the dark night. Soldiers who were completely unaware of it were sold by Lin Yang and the others.

This can also explain why Lin Yang and the others have suffered a lot of casualties every time they go out.

"You, you..."

Jiang Wei and others were speechless, looking at Duan Yuchun and Liu Fei with pain and anger.

"You said that as long as we say what we do, we won't kill us. Now that I said, you can't break your promise."

Duan Yuchun didn't care how Jiang Wei and the others felt at the moment. He just wanted to survive. After he explained the matter clearly, he didn't forget to remind Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao smiled coldly.

Turned to look at Jiang Wei and others.

"General Jiang Wei, how do you feel now?"

Jiang Wei gave Liu Fei a sad look at them.

It is not an exaggeration to describe his heart at the moment like a knife.

Million warriors! That's a million fighters.

They used to think that those people were following Lin Yang and they went out to deal with the zombies and sacrificed bravely, and they felt that they died well, but now they know that they were betrayed by Lin Yang and were taken away by the dark night people without knowing it. Jiang Wei's heart was bleeding.

"Mr. Wei, I'm sorry, you are right, these beasts are to blame for all their deaths."

Wei Xiao smiled.

Focus on Duan Yuchun and Liu Fei again.

"Wei, Mr. Wei, what you said, don't kill us."

Duan Yuchun's tone seemed to be pleading.

There was crying in his voice.

In the final analysis, they are just a group of the last two generations who were "spoiled, arrogant and domineering" in the last days. In the last days, the tempering of their xinxing is even worse than that of ordinary people.

Usually it seems to be aloof and domineering, but when it really makes them face life and death crisis, people like them are the least spine.

Wei Xiao: "Don't worry, who doesn't know that I, Wei Xiao, have always said a lot, saying that if I don't kill you, I won't kill you."

Duan Yuchun and Liu Fei were happy when they heard the words.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr. Wei."


Just when the two were grateful to Wei Xiao and a lot of thanks, the two people suddenly screamed.

Only the sound of bone cracking sounded in the hall, and the two men whose eyes were bloodshot instantly looked at Wei Xiao in disbelief.

Liu Fei: "Wei, Mr. Wei, didn't you, you said that you wouldn't kill us?"

Seeing their painful expressions, Wei Xiao nodded solemnly.

"Yes, I said, but did I kill you now? I just abolished you and let my people kill you. I didn't say anything, did I?"

"Devil, Wei Xiao, you are a devil, you must die." Duan Yuchun roared hysterically.

"Bang bang—"

But as soon as his words were spoken, the Shadow Guard next to Wei Xiao directly gave them an armor-piercing bullet and killed them on the spot.

The heads instantly turned into two squishy people. Even though the resilience of the fifth-level fighters could be said to be against the sky, but their heads were gone, it was impossible for them not to die.


"Wei Xiao, I want your life--"

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