The outer wall of the immortal city.

The rain was pouring, and the thunder broke out.

All the soldiers who entered the fighting state stared straight at the side outside the city wall.

Between the thunderstorm and the white light, a figure was walking in the air at this time.

She looked cold and frightened.

Every point close to the northern city wall can bring a very threatening pressure to the soldiers above.

The aura is so strong that it breaks through the sky.

Guessing that the opponent is most likely the enemy, the generals and soldiers defending the city are standing by.

"That's her?"

Shu Wang stared at the people in the sky and spoke.

Phantom frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that the Phantom did not respond, Shu Wang asked again.

The Phantom said: "She is very strong, taking advantage of the air, surrounded by the power of nature everywhere. If this person is not a publicist, it means that her use of the power of heaven and earth has reached the realm of whatever she wants. Otherwise, even if it is me. It is impossible to mobilize the force of nature at all times."

Hearing Phantom's answer, Shu Wang's face became a little serious.

"Better than you?"

Phantom hesitated for a moment and nodded.


This is not good news.

The Phantom, as the Immortal Celestial City, can hold the strongest combat power. If even she can't deal with the people, how can the Immortal Celestial City resist?

Don't force it on the number of people.

The strength reaches the level of the Phantom and theirs, and the number is imaginary in their eyes. If there is no other means to counter the strong like them, once one party's combat power is lower than the other, then those who wait for the weaker party are most likely to perish.

Shu Wang worried: "Can you deal with it?"

The Phantom has undoubtedly become the greatest hope of the Immortal City.

The phantom with a calm and terrifying face did not immediately respond to Shu Wang.

She looked at the sky, looked at the thunder that was constantly rushing through the clouds, freely vertical and horizontal, and she quickly had a judgment on her beautiful face.

"There is a battle."

"That's enough."

With the answer from the Phantom, Shu Wang had some confidence.

At this time, the visitor was less than 500 meters away from the northern wall of the Immortal City.

She did not move on, but stayed in the air.

The long sleeves are waving, sassy.

Looking directly at the high wall in front of him with cold eyes.

"Wei Xiao, aren't you looking for this emperor all over the world? Now that the emperor comes to the door in person, should you also show up?" the visitor said, and the clear and powerful voice spread, even in this thunderstorm. , And it is very clear to other people's ears.

Many of the defenders on the wall were confused when they heard the words.

Who is the Lord looking for?

What is the Lord looking for her for?

The faces of Shu Wang and Phantom changed soon after.

The visitor claimed to be the emperor, and was the person Wei Xiao was looking for. When they contacted the most likely thing to happen at the moment, the pupils of the two girls were wide open.

"The Empress of the Dark Night?" Phantom murmured.

Shu Wang: "I should have guessed it a long time ago. Among women with supernatural powers, besides the Dark Night Empress, who else can make Xiaoying feel threatened?"

"This is troublesome, I hope I can stop her."

"Do my best. I have let Fei Ge pass a book to bring the news to my husband, and my husband can be back in a day at most."


Returning to Shu Wang, Phantom's gaze was once again set on the thunder that flickered in the sky.

The sky outside the city.

Liu Xian'er looked at the city wall in front of her, and saw that Wei Xiao hadn't appeared, her face under the mask couldn't help but sink.

"Why, there are subordinates who are able to deal with the emperor. Now that the emperor comes personally, do you want to be a turtle?" Liu Xian'er said again.


As soon as her voice fell, at this moment, a figure flew into the air from the tower.

At the same time, the falling raindrops turned into ice lings and became her foothold in the sky the next second after the opponent's figure appeared.

The Phantom faced Liu Xian'er: "You are quite brave. The master didn't look for you. Instead, you took the initiative to send it to the door. Isn't it okay to live longer?"

"The Phantom?"

Seeing the Phantom's figure clearly, an unexpected color flashed in Liu Xian'er's eyes.

The name of the Phantom is naturally like a legend.

Once the first person with supernatural powers, his powerful strength has made countless survivors envy and yearn for, including her Liu Xian'er.

However, those were all things in the past, and now, facing this existence that once needed to look up to him, Liu Xian'er has not paid attention to it.

Liu Xian'er: "Where is Wei Xiao? He will let you out?"

"It doesn't take the master to deal with you."

" are confident."

"I'm not confident you will know if you try."

The voice of the Phantom fell, and the energy armor instantly covered the surface of the body.

The corner of Liu Xian'er's mouth slanted slightly.

"Do you want to do it? Maybe this emperor didn't come here to be an enemy of Wei Xiao?"

"Do you think that's possible?"

Phantom no longer talks nonsense.

The hands covered with energy armor spread out, and the innumerable purple electricity formed countless electric currents all over the sky.


There is no hesitation at all.

As the Phantom's unfolded hands folded in the middle, suddenly, purple electricity spread across both sides, like rushing water, bombarding Liu Xian'er from both sides.

Liu Xian'er did not neglect, waving her sleeves, and in the invisible air, a wall of air protected her in it.

The purple electricity from the bombardment collided with the air wall, but instead of breaking through, it splashed around, causing the entire sky outside the Immortal City to be flooded with raging purple electricity.

"The strength is good, but against this emperor, there is still a lack of heat."

"You will pay for your arrogance."

The shadow of the phantom disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had already come to Liu Xian'er.

The Thunder Realm was launched.

The two of them were enveloped in an instant.

In the thunder domain, a terrifying purple electricity surged.

For a while, all the purple electricity that swallowed everything rushed towards Liu Xian'er.

Feeling a hint of crisis, Liu Xian'er no longer looked calm and calm.

She quickly covered her body with a layer of energy protection, and facing the purple electricity that was covering her body, a powerful power spread out from around her body. Suddenly, the space was turbulent, the storm came out, and the wind raged.

The support of the powerful Thunder Realm broke under the impact of Liu Xian'er's powerful supernatural power for a while, and the endless storm swept across all directions, forcing the Phantom to retreat.

Shu Wang on the city wall saw this scene and turned to look at the guard on the side.

"Look for opportunities to support Xiaoying."

"Yes, Master Shu Wang."

The defender retreated.

Shu Wang was not idle.

Seeing that the first encounter between Phantom and Liu Xian'er actually fell in the wind, she didn't think much about it, and between her hands, a superpower didn't enter the sky.


Liu Xian'er, who was pushing back the Phantom, seemed to perceive something.

As the eyes turned, the rain falling around her turned into ice beads.

What's more terrifying is that the sky was pouring rain a second before, but at this time, snow was floating.

Liu Xian'er frowned and looked above the city wall.

Shu Wang's figure naturally fell into her eyes.


Liu Xian'er smiled contemptuously.


Shu Wang didn't know Liu Xian'er's thoughts at the moment, and stretched out his hands to pinch Liu Xian'er's jade. Suddenly, countless ice rain turned into ice cones, sweeping over Liu Xian'er's body.

"I can't help myself!"

A phantom appeared behind Liu Xian'er to protect her, ignoring Shu Wang's attack, and letting the swept ice sword attack her defense.

He squinted at Shu and looked at where the figure was, and between his hands raised, in the air, a terrifying force gathered into a palm that covered the sky and the sun.


A soft drink was enough to crush the terrifying giant palm that had destroyed the northern wall of the Immortal Sky City towards Shu Wang's figure.

When Shu Wang saw this, his heart was shaken.

Is Liu Xian'er so strong?

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