Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1495: Terrifying

"Boom boom boom..."

The strongest combat power of the immortal city is dispatched at the moment.

During the movement, the purple electricity on the Phantom erupted like a blowout.

The purple electricity that continuously gathered around the body wrapped the body of the Phantom at a speed visible to the naked eye to condense the body of a giant.

The giant body is still evolving.

The thunder armor formed by purple electricity quickly covered the whole body.

Hundreds of meters of electricity spewed out, and a huge sword was condensed in her hands.

In just ten seconds, a giant warrior with a sassy, ​​valiant appearance and awe-inspiring appearance appeared in Liu Xian'er's sight.

Shu Wang is not slow here.

The strength of her has already reached the extreme emperor's realm, and the whole body of law is also condensed.

Holding a giant chain sword, when she and the Phantom approached Liu Xian'er's figure, a sword was thrown out, and the chain sword in her hand spread towards Liu Xian'er's figure in the form of a spirit snake.

Seeing this, Liu Xian'er didn't take it lightly anymore.

The surrounding supernatural abilities burst out with all strength.

In an instant, the real world of Dharma envelops her figure and stands between the sky and the earth.


After an earth-shattering roar, Liu Xian'er, who had two giant blades, condensed one after another, watching the attacks of Phantom and Shu Wang, each swung a knife, and flew the attacks of Phantom and Shu Wang one after another.


The strong wind rushed quickly between Phantom Shadow and Shu Wang's body.

In the blink of an eye, the two approaching Liu Xian'er, one from left to right, waved the giant blade in their hands while attacking them.

Changhong pierced the sun and the moon, and the sword energy rushed into the sky.

The sword light, which opened up the world, swept towards Liu Xian'er with the force of dividing the earth.

Liu Xian'er showed no weakness.

Contend head-on with the power of the two women.

The sword aura collided with the sword aura, and a powerful shock wave was born, and immediately swept everything around with a force of destruction.

"Oh oh—"

This side of the north wall.

The rattan army summoned by Liu Xian'er was already close to the city wall.

The dense tree people roared and started the siege.

Seeing this scene, Yan Chuan Huizi, who presided over the work in the city, frowned.

Without any hesitation, her jade hand waved.

Suddenly, the mud giants that had been used to resist the giant palms rushed towards the vine army.

"Boom boom boom..."

Compared with Liu Xian'er and the others, whose sword energy flew wildly and the sky collapsed, the collision between the army of vines and the clay giant seemed simpler and more violent.

The mud giant slammed into the treant who rushed up with absolute body, and with brute force, tore a giant treant apart.

On the side of the vine army, as if the vines with consciousness, after some treants fell apart by the impact of the mud giant, countless vines entangled on the mud giant.

Either piercing the opponent's body through a thousand holes, or swallowing it directly with absolute advantage.

Throughout the battlefield, I saw a clay giant constantly disappearing into the vine tide.


Seeing that the earth giants continue to decline sharply, they can no longer support Shuwang's defenders, and one after another pours firepower toward the vine tide outside.

The rain-like streamer swept across the vine tide, and the strong impact was a large number of stumps and broken arms scattered among the vine tide.

But even so, the offensive of the vine army is still unabated.

The endless vines continued to extend up. Once they touch the city wall and spread to the defenders above, the defenders don't know what losses they will encounter.


At the moment of the crisis, Keiko Yan Chuan made another move.

With the mobilization of the power of the earth, the mountains outside the city collapsed and the earth was rolling.

The constantly rising and falling ground constantly bury the army of vines that stretched over.

Another mud giant regenerates, and is involved in the vine army with the terrifying mudslide, and the terrifying number of treants is killed.

With the assistance of Yan Chuan Keiko, the city defense army quickly controlled the spread of the vine army that was not controlled by Liu Xian'er.

But even so, they dare not relax their vigilance.

A large amount of firepower in the city is constantly shifting to the north wall.

Various powerful artillery fires are frantically bombarding the army of vines covering the earth.

"Boom boom boom..."

The main battlefield is here.

The three women who fought with each other from heaven and earth, the battle has reached the level of shocking and weeping spirits.

The powerful physical attack is accompanied by the erosion of different energy, so that each of their collisions can change the surrounding terrain.

Mountains and rivers broke, dense forests disappeared, and the collision of long swords and giant swords, the light that bloomed, even the light of thunder in the sky was covered.

Under the pouring rain, the attack between the two sides became more intense.

"Frozen World!"

It is the sound of Shu Wang.

In the confrontation, Shu Wang, who was slashed by Liu Xian'er, stabilised his figure for an instant, poured the cold light into the chain sword in his hand, and pierced the ground with a sword.

In an instant, on the rain-soaked earth, the ice that swept the earth spread like a tide toward Liu Xian'er who was confronting the Phantom.

The phantom seemed to be connected with Shu Wang, and the ice spread, and her figure dodged in the air at the last moment.

Faced with the power of the ice, Liu Xian'er, who was too late to dodge, stamped her big feet on the ground. Suddenly, a circle of purple powers spread out and collided with the spreading cold light.


Two terrifying forces touched each other.

It is like two huge waves converging in the sea.


"Boom boom boom—"

As soon as Shu Wang's attack was blocked, heaven, the Phantom's attack followed.

Dark clouds flickered in the sky, and thunders with a thickness of more than ten meters fell crazily.

The moment Liu Xian'er raised her head, a huge energy shield protected her in it.

In response to the thunder's impact, Liu Xian'er, who was full of killing intent in his eyes, burst out with abilities throughout his body.

The protective cover that withstood the thunderbolt was impacted by the internal force, and it instantly expanded and quickly expanded outward.

When the huge protective cover expanded to a certain extent, only a bang was heard.

The protective cover that burst in an instant, like a blooming flower, poured out the abilities contained in it with all its strength.

Under the devastating shock wave.

The showers retreated, the thunder fell, and Shu Wang and the Phantom at the far end felt the terrible power of this power. The former pierced the chain sword into the ground to meet the impact of the shock wave, and the latter caused the thunder in the body to weave it into a giant net. In front of myself.


However, this force is clearly far beyond the upper limit of the two women's tolerance.

The Phantom without a foothold was the first to destroy the defenses it had set up. The manic abilities invaded her body, and the huge body of the Phantom flew out in the blink of an eye.

Although Shu Wang on the ground hadn't been overturned, the chain sword clasped in both hands caused her figure to slide backwards under the impact of the shock wave.

The chain sword that went deep underground cut directly through the ground, leaving a bottomless ditch along the way.


Without waiting for Shu Wang to stabilize their figures, Liu Xian'er's attack arrived.

The huge body gave birth to a pair of wings from behind, and with a movement of her figure, she instantly swung both swords at Shu Wang who had struck her at the same time.

The sword qi that stretched for a thousand meters slashed towards Shu Wang.

When Shu Wang looked up at the front, Liu Xian'er's attack had already arrived.

Before he could use the chain sword to resist, Shu Wang hurriedly loosened his hands holding the sword hilt and intertwined in front of him.


A violent tremor appeared.

Only relying on Shu Wang's hands to resist Liu Xian'er's blow, the figure turned into a streamer and flew out on the spot.

After retreating hundreds of meters, the figure just fell to the ground, and saw countless raindrops in the sky turning into sharp blades to sweep across the place where Shu Wang's figure fell.

"Eldest Sister—"

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